The Cumberland Throw

The Preview – Round 15, 2024: Eels vs Roosters

Seeing the Sydney Roosters coming up on the schedule rarely elicits much excitement from Parramatta fans. While I’m not going through the stats to prove it (under my “refuse to put more effort into the preview than the team puts in on the field” policy), no team can put a beating on the Eels like the Roosters. When we’re good, they find ways to win. When we’re bad, they belt seven shades of crap out of us. That doesn’t bode well for an Eels team not even their parents would call “good” right now.

At least a few years ago these matchups against the billionaires’ blessed weren’t deemed marquee enough to warrant repeat performances, but after cruising through the 20-teens only meeting the tri-colours once per season, now we get the pleasure of a home and away fixture every single year. We’ve won one of those eight contests.

Yep, it’s going to be one of those previews. Losing on a Monday and previewing on a short week hasn’t given me adequate recovery time to refill on hopeium, so much like the Eels for the rest of 2024, I’ll be going through the motions. On with the preview!


Game Info

Date: Saturday, June 15, 2024
Venue: CommBank Stadium, Parramatta
Kick-off: 7:35PM AEST
Referee: Chris Butler
Bunker: Kasey Badger
Weather: Cold, possibly wet
Broadcast: Fox League, Kayo


Sixties Speculates (Odds quoted are NSW TAB)

Parra are the outsiders in this contest but I still see minimal value in any market. The Roosters are loaded with talent, and the Eels have largely forgotten what it takes to win. The $2.70 head to head return on an Eels win is way too short.

The Eels are a much better team at CommBank Stadium but it still hasn’t been good enough in 2024. And after last week’s loss to the Bulldogs, I honestly don’t know what to expect.

I can never suggest backing an Eels opponent so my advice is to keep the powder dry for another week.

Happy, responsible punting.



Parramatta Eels

1. Clint Gutherson 2. Maika Sivo 3. Will Penisini 4. Sean Russell 5. Blaize Talagi 6. Dylan Brown 7. Mitchell Moses 8. Reagan Campbell-Gillard 9. Brendan Hands 10. Junior Paulo 11. Kelma Tuilagi 12. Bryce Cartwright 13. J’maine Hopgood. 14. Daejarn Asi 15. Shaun Lane 16. Joe Ofahengaue 17. Makahesi Makatoa.

18. Wiremu Greig 19. Morgan Harper 20. Joey Lussick 21. Ryan Matterson 22. Luca Moretti.

Joe O has consistently been one of our best

While I’m not doubting the recovery powers of Maika Sivo, it feels optimistic to name him less than a week following a hamstring injury that kept him out of last week’s game. At least an actual centre should be able to replace him this week if he can’t go. Blaize Talagi remains on the wing with Sean Russell at centre. I’m keen to see Talagi make a good go of wing, because it is the best place to blood him for a few seasons until he’s ready to take over at the back.

In the pack we still play “will he, won’t he” with Ryan Matterson as he recovers from concussion, seeing how Kelma Tuilagi keeps dropping the ball and Bryce Cartwright had a bit of a pumpkin game last week, I’m hoping it is “he will” this week. J’maine Hopgood is also surprisingly right to go, while Makahesi Makatoa pushes Wiremu Greig to the reserves in a classic Titanic deckchair shuffling. Daejarn Asi is the bench utility, a role I thought he’d be decently suited to before last week and his exposure as a three quarter. He’s basically just halves and perhaps fullback cover at this point.


Sydney Roosters

1.James Tedesco 2. Daniel Tupou 3. Junior Pauga 4. Joseph Manu 5. Dominic Young 6. Luke Keary 7. Sam Walker 8. Jared Waerea-Hargreaves 9. Connor Watson 10. Lindsay Collins 11. Angus Crichton 12. Victor Radley 13. Naufahu Whyte. 14. Sandon Smith 15. Spencer Leniu 16. Nat Butcher 17. Terrell May.

18. Michael Jennings 19. Sitili Tupouniua 20. Zach Dockar-Clay 21. Ethan King 22. Siua Wong.

Not quite full strength for the Roosters, who are missing Joseph Suaalii after he ruined my only shot of supporting a winning rugby league team in 2024 by sabotaging NSW in State of Origin. Junior Pauga takes his place in the centres. Connor Watson comes in at hooker for the stood-down Brandon Smith, while Naufahu Whyte has earned the starting lock role with Sitili Tupouniua and Siua Wong relegated to the reserves.

Just looking at those Roosters reserves, it is a sad state of affairs when I’d back three of them to walk straight into our side, and an even sadder state that one of them is Michael Jennings. On the bench, Spencer Leniu and Terrell May strike deep fear into the hearts of Eels fans with what they’ll do lined up against a tired Eels pack.


The Roosters have been fairly middle of the road in 2024 in terms of results, but their best football and the sheer quality and quantity of talent on their roster keeps them right in the conversation of premiership heavyweights, even when they’re on the edge of the eight. In recent years they’ve struggled against the best of the best and dropped a few too many against the rest, but that malaise has never seemed to surface when their opposition is Blue and Gold. Running downhill all day will give a team that kind of confidence.

Maka should be able to eat some minutes and rest the starters

Every Eels loss to the Roosters is punctuated by a pack battle that is pure one way traffic. That risk is only exacerbated this year by the inability of the Eels forwards to put an 80 minute performance together; making it hard on themselves with errors and falling apart in line speed, ruck defence and scramble, all classic signs of lacking drive and fitness. While you hope for the second, as that is a fixable problem with a tough off-season, the worry is that this has usually been a fairly fit team and the energy problems come from the engine rather than the gas tank.

Either way, that problem is not solved in a week, and the Roosters will hope to do what many teams before them have done; simply out-last the Eels then enjoy the good running late in the first half and for most of the second. There is only so much a good kicking game can do to help a team that just doesn’t want it that much, and I struggle to see all but the most unlikely scenarios (such as a 60/40 possession split or the Roosters making mid-double digit errors) resulting in the Eels coming home over the top of their opponents.

One bigger risk than usual is what broken play and second phase will do to the Eels, as the Roosters are second behind the Blue and Gold in offloads per game and are also second in the league in broken tackles. Tedesco, Walker, Manu and Watson will be sniffing around looking for chances to take a late offload and dart behind the ruck, where there is a good chance they catch a tired defender in the line.

There is also a bit of old school about the Roosters work out of yardage, with Sydney leading the NRL in dummy half runs. That might drop down a bit without the run-first Smith at hooker, but players like Dom Young and Joseph Manu will be happy to take a scoot, break a tackle and see what happens.


My hope here rests on that parenthetical in the previous section; errors and discipline. The Roosters are among the worst in the NRL for handling and concede the most penalties in the league, leading to the second worst possession rate in the NRL. You can certainly keep the ball from the Roosters, and if Parramatta can ice some early opportunities, build a lead and keep their legs fresh, the upset is a chance. Usually these matches see the Roosters rush out to an early lead as the Eels once again fail to defend their mistakes or a freak run of possession weighs on them, which I’m going to choose means we are due for some luck in that regard against them.

Our best footy is going to come off the back of Mitch

It’d be nice to see some improvement in key effort areas. Again, fatigue and desire are the limiting factors, but line speed and kick pressure need to improve and kick chase could use some work too. Trent Barrett needs to work his bench rotations and get RCG and Lane off the field earlier to maximise their effectiveness. In that sense, Makatoa pushing Greig from the bench makes sense, as he has a strong motor if nothing else. Joe Ofahengaue has been in good touch as well, and if Barrett keeps him as a bench impact player instead of a starter, he could go some way to nullifying the powerful Roosters bench.

The rest of the hope will be playing at 5PM or next Thursday night at Leichhardt in the under 19s Origin. Guymer and Doorey have to be close to NRL consideration given what is being delivered in front of them, while Matt Arthur has handled his step up to open age football better than even our most optimistic predictions. With 2024 a write-off at this point, surely the time to test some of the youngsters will be coming. Here’s hoping Barrett is told to look at the bigger picture in this regard, rather than being delivered false promises that immediate results might win him the full time coaching role.

The Game

Don’t get your hopes up for this one. While there are paths to victory, there are far more scenarios where yet another embarrassing capitulation is delivered by the men in Blue and Gold. They weren’t terrible last week, but always looked like a team that would get run down, and that was from a fringe contending Bulldogs side that has gotten by on playing hard. Against the sheer weight of talent in the Roosters roster this could get ugly.

It’ll take near perfection to get the biscuits here, and while it would be a very Parramatta thing to do to give fans hope again just a week after taking it away, I’m not even feeling that level of cheek from this side. It’s just not there for the Eels in 2024, and until a fresh breeze can sweep through the club in the form of a new coach, new ideas and some new players, this stale football is what we’ll be stuck with.

Go you Eels!

Prediction: Sydney 36 d Parramatta 10

Man of the Match: James Tedesco


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32 thoughts on “The Preview – Round 15, 2024: Eels vs Roosters

  1. Adam T

    You are right with the preview Gol, time will tell, but this weekend will be the final nail in the season which some will say was weeks ago, we have become a team that opposition coaches and teams can pick apart very easily in both attack and defence with minimal effort.

    Just waiting for Baz to try some new tactics/game plans as it seems they have not removed BA’s laptop from the office,

  2. mike

    A pretty good summary of a game that I feel like I have to go to rather than I want to go to but that has been the hallmark of the last couple of seasons and I’m concerned will be the same for the next couple of sesons.

    1. Prometheus

      How did we get to this situation where a Parra supporter is virtually ridiculing our team and giving us no hope. The coaching , management and R and R of this team in the last few seasons has been abysmal. We better hope we get a coach who kicks arse and severely cuts some deadwood. And we half heartedly went after Bennet. Strap yourselves in people.

      1. Muz

        Prometheus the scary part is the leaders of the club said this roster is good enough to win a comp

          1. Muz

            Anon, as much as it annoys most of us to say it.

            Take a look at the dophins or bulldogs.

            Two years ago people would have laughed at the thought those clubs would have been stronger than our club now.

            All they’ve done is get better rosters & better coaches than us.

            Let’s hope some of the execs at parra can look to those clubs for inspiration for future development & signings.

        1. Geoffrey

          This is why teams fall apart when the suits think they know better than the coaching staff , zero football knowledge or experience in a board spells disaster and oniell looks to be nothing more than a yes man puppet . Were a laughing stock now .

          1. Muz

            Hi Geoff, this I agree with and it’s close to what I have been saying.

            O’Neil might not even be a lot of the issue.

            He could be a puppet for the higher ups at the eels ALWAYS trying to score bargain deal players.

            MON, BA, Baz might all end up being scape goats – unless things change from above.

            It’s my bet that MON does exactly what the execs at parra wants in terms of recruiting & retention.

            They are more obsessed over the balance sheet over the club actually winning a competition and trying to buy + build the best roster in the comp.

            Teams simply do not win the title or consistently contend for it who have limited roster depth and zero actual speed.

            60’s did a in depth analysis of the team (I believe last year) ?

            He highlighted the limited roster, not 30 players, no outside back depth, no speed.

            It’s also our older forwards they are all on the decline & a few years past their prime.

            As much as it annoys most of us having to constantly talk negative about our club or roster.

            But it’s the reality we face –

            Our club Is unfortunately lead by a pack of execs etc that have no idea above football.

            If they did have a clue.

            Their decisions & roster would reflect that.

            Making it to a grand final would have been a golden opportunity to attract new & better talent.

            Because players would have seen the potential upside joining us.

            Instead we went and bought all other clubs rejects and ignored any star players who went to open market.

            It’s honestly a joke at this stage.

            It will also be harder for them to recruit now they are back stuck near the bottom of the table.

            Some players only want to join clubs who play in the finals.

            Or they want to be paid overs to join a bottom feeder club.

            Let’s hope the club does a 180 and proves us all wrong.

            Some new voices in there and some common sense could help them turn things around fast for them.

  3. Muz

    Good post Gol. Joe O has been a good player as you mentioned.

    60’s also mentioned last year Joe would be a good player for us after a pre-season at the eels, he was spot on too.

    Joe O is your more mobile / less large & heavy forward.

    This is the trend of players I’m seeing as being more effective players now for teams.

    Imagine if we had a few more players like Joe O & Hopgood?

    Both are pretty mobile, high energy, non lethargic, not slow or lazy.

    It’s interesting to see Joe o & Hopgood have arguably become our best forwards now?

    Imagine a year or so ago, if you had said Hopgood and Joe O’ would possibly be our best forwards in 2024.

    Interesting how the game and times change.

    Not discounting our other hard working forwards, but if we had 4 more hopgood & Joe O’ players.

    In my opinion we would be a much better defensive side with remarkably better line speed.

    Hopefully the boys show up on Saturday 💙💛

  4. BDon

    Tks Gol, now that the Roosters’ pretty ordinary discipline has been highlighted, it will likely disappear for an evening, which will spell problems for us unless we can hold on to the pill and make them work hard. Keary, Walker and Watson will test us in the nimble stakes even before any fatigue. Don’t mention the bunker.

  5. Zero58

    Some of our subscribers to this site really rat on about the front office and those on the board along with MON. Can you tell us something we don’t know. It’s like a broken record with the stlyus stuck in one place. We signed these tired forwards when they were at their peak to long term deals so we are sort of stuck with them. They have served us well. Off season rep football Is a killer and some of our tired footballers have played too much. Every post follows a rant about those who have the power.
    Am I correct in saying they are voted in by the members? If so there lies the answer which means those who voted are equally to blame. Now if they weren’t voted in then we have a real problem. In the meantime can we have something positive about out Team?
    The fact of the matter we support the Eels or we don’t! Regardless of the problems they are our team win or lose. Parra got stung some years with salary cap issues they have left a financial scare on the board and they obviously don’t want to be caught a second time. This may account for their reluctance to shell out for quality players.
    Not only that but there are a few players on big salary who are not returning their investment. You know who they are!
    As for today’s game against the Roosters – I as always am going for a win. Why? Because they are my team and nothing is certain in football.
    With a minor adjustment to that statement – Sam Walker is odds on to score a try.
    So – go the Eels.

    1. BDon

      Yes to that Zero. I don’t learn much when people go on about the non-player stuff, but I soak up any sensible, objective opinions on the games. The bloggers here are so on the ball, everyone sees different things, our game has so much more to it than many would have you believe. I ‘d much prefer a winning team and a competent front office.Not everyone sees it this way, but it’s only a sport.

    2. The Captain

      You are incorrect saying those in power (at the Football Club) are voted in by members.

      They are not.

      The Parra Leagues Club board have member votes, and the Parra Leagues Club entity owns the Parra National Rugby League Club entity and the board and administration of THAT entity are not chosen by Leagues Club members, but are appointed on a merit selection basis by the Parra Leagues Club board.

      So by your own admission above, we have a real problem. Because the only way we can hold the NRL Club to account, and the NRL Club administration, and the players performance… is by making noise on platforms such as this.

      And when we have actions like the sacking of BA and that’s all (ie Mark O’Neill seemingly getting a pass mark to continue) despite our atrocious retention and recruitment over his tenure, folks are right to be disillusioned and keen to vent.

      The Leagues Club is in a fantastic financial position. The NRL Club is in an enviable financial position. The NRL Club appears to be in freefall from a Football Department results perspective and yet the Head of Football appears to have the full support of the CEO and the Board.

      For any committed Eels fan, I’d say that should be pretty darn front of mind. Because a fish rots from the head. And all the pundits in the media have called it out – that solely a change of coach will not fix the Eels… but here we are.

      1. Muz

        The captain is spot on.

        The “noise” from a lot of educated & motivated fans who understand the situation is especially important in regards to how bad the NRL team is being ran.

        The so called noise will make its way into the clubs board rooms, media, and every comment section on every platform.

        It’s not normal for a NRL club to reach a grand final then refuse to recruit a full nrl top 30 squad and literally collapse inside 2 years.

        60’s I’m sure also didn’t want to write up like he did that time addressing our serious lack of depth especially in outside backs on the roster.

        But unfortunately he was right, and the lack of depth & not having 30 men on the roster is probably why we are on track to possibly be fighting for a wooden spoon this year.

        Only 2 years after making it to a grand final. this isn’t a matter to be ignored for most members & fans, even if we love our club & team.

  6. Geoff

    Well i thought the board voted who was thier head man and the board appointed the ceo and head of football and the coach etc ??

    1. The Captain

      Leagues Club Members (of 3+ years) vote on the Leagues Club Board at triennial elections.

      The Leagues Club owns the Football (NRL) Club.

      The Leagues Club appoints the Football Club directors. Those Football Club directors appoint the CEO. The CEO appoints the Football Director.

      Follow that chain to see how little influence you have as a Leagues Club member over the Football Club. Next to none. And whilst this isn’t a terrible thing because the board selection process is designed to try and get the best of the best, it does mean the only avenue fans and members have to express their displeasure with the Football Club is via forums like this.

    1. Muz

      We looked awesome for a bit there.

      Imagine if we could play that red hot for a full game we would win so many games.

      We just don’t seem to be able to defend for some reason, I don’t know if it’s the coaching or lack of fitness.

      1. Brett Allen

        The game has gotten too fast for us. Once the opposition gets us in the cycle we can hold on for only so long before we crack. We need set starts to remain effective. Once fatigue sets in the offloads become more risky and more errors which we then compound with more errors and we aren’t strategic enough in how we give away six agains. There are good times and bad times to give away six agains, and we always get it arse up. I don’t know or care who’s in charge of roster construction; but this summer it is in dire need of surgery. We need two or three quicker middle forwards who are hard working, and obviously we need two or three outside backs with speed and running power. And we can’t be blinded by what we think we have in the pathways, we have to be brutally honest with ourselves on that front. I also thought for the first time thought that Gutho might be bearing the end for us, certainly at fullback. He just wasn’t effective at all last night.

        1. Ron

          the difference in quality and athleticism between the two squads is embracing. Roosters had dom young and Sualli out and an old Jennings in centre + sua wong in reserve grad and still looked more threatening than us.

          Each week I watch us and I struggle to understand what the plan was after last year at when we know we had a big problem in backs and depth more generally. Instead it seems we learnt nothing and leant into excuses excuses and more excuses. it seems excuses are the mo of the team, the hof and those above him

          But sure… they tried hard … they will give themselves a pass mark for that

  7. pete

    The Last two weeks we have made it to 60min (instead of 49min). Good Improvement.

    There was a lot to like about the performance.
    Dylan’s and Mitch’s tries were great. Reg striding out. We tried hard.

    Our wingers left some tries and Will was stopped centimetres from the line.

    Last week it was Crichton and this week it was Crichton and Collins. Players that rise up bigger than the game and take control. They wanted it more.

    Why is everyone scare of Hargreaves? Give him his own medicine

    It goes back to fitness and squad depth.

    Coaching fixes

    Kick meters 402m

    3.57 sec play the ball to 3.22 Roosters

    35 missed tackles mostly in the backs

    14 Errors

    Roosters players spent ages signing autographs and taking pictures after the game.

    1. Ron

      Most teams engage with their fans better than parra (in my experience). We have a few player like dyl and matto who try to get around. Junior does at times. Other do aswell. But it’s nothing like some other teams.

      Our mob expect fans to turn up (which they do notwithstanding the less than stellar performances of the team). Whoever the next cos h is needs to give this group a hard reality check – and you could see brad was trying to do that at start of year when he was talking about earning the right to have packed out home grounds and repaying fans for their support

      1. pete

        Seeing Joey Manu signing autographs and taking selfies with all the young parra fans…We need to be better with that. Sure we lost but our fans pay the $$ that pay their wages. It’s a mistake not to do what Roosters players were doing.

      2. Muz

        Hey Ron, it’s interesting you mentioned this.

        I never stay long enough after games to notice it.

        But if our team is one of the least fan engaging teams in terms of after games and what not.

        This indicated it is a leadership problem we have at the eels.

        I don’t know if I’m right, it could be just a feeling.

        But I feel like we have dropped in our culture the last few years.

        I feel Ike after some of our main layers got bigger and some longer contracts.

        They all seemed to drop in a bit of passion & enthusiasm.

        The leadership issue also could be fixed with some brand new high standard coaches and possibly even a new captain.

        I’m not saying gutho isn’t great – I love him.

        But he looks to be nearing the end of his career.

        I’ve said it since his first game – I would love to see hopgood as our captain in the near future.

        He never plays lazy, he’s fast & agile in attack + defence.

        He plays hard & strong even when other players seemingly give up.

        Hopegood (I believe) captained the QLD maroons under 19’s once to a victory.

        He looks & plays like a leader to me.

        Our club is holding on to the old good players and let go of the younger good players.

        Paulo, RCG, gutho, matto, lane, Makatoa, sivo.

        All of these men are great players but look to be on the downside now of their playing careers.

        It can happen fast, especially with the game changing in real time into a faster pace.

        I believe the club literally needs to free up cap by reducing some of these players contracts, or moving them on.

        Because although many of them are still solid players.

        The eels now need to start looking to prepare to be a competitive club again in the next 2-4 years.

        If they try to rebuild by adding only a few new younger players in.

        They might win more matches in the short term – but will need all new forwards again to start from scratch within 2-4 years.

        Since they are clearly not going to be highly competitive now (seemingly) with this roster.

        They need to start placing focus & emphasis on developing Boods Arthur, Guymer, Blaize to be some of our main NRL team players to be competitive in the next 2-4 years.

        Because if they fail to give this young players sufficient game time (and contracts).

        We will be risking the possibility of losing our only young high quality players.

        Some of who may be of good enough quality to be 5-10 year NRL players for our team.

        These young gentlemen could be the future of our club, where’s paulo, gutho, lane, matto, sivo, RCG, some of these players…

        Are on all on good size contracts, and some of them may only have 1-3 years left of even being NRL quality players.

        Some of our young guns just mentioned could be competitive NRL players for our club for another 5-10 years if they stay healthy.

        Our club needs to look at a rebuild – because most of good players are seemingly coming towards the end of their careers.

        1. Tanky

          Muz I agree with nearly all you say but gutho for me is the life and soul of the team admittedly slowing down I put him up there with price and hindmarsh big call I know but that’s my thoughts for never give up attitude

          1. Muz

            Hey tanky, Thanks mate I love gutho he is the heart & soul of the team and a legend for all of us parra fans.

            But I want to see a co captain young & leadership handed to a younger player who will carry the torch.

            Paulo isn’t looking to be a starting player anymore, gutho is severely slowing down.

            I would love to at least see Hopgood get told he could be our upcoming co leader.

            He’s an origin forward, he lead QLD under 19’s to victory.

            He lead Penrith NSW cup side to victory too – all as captain.

            None of our leaders (in all respect to them) have done any of that even in the lower grades.

            As loyal as I am and obviously gutho is our heart & soul now.

            But Hopgood has had a stronger career in terms of achievements so far in his career.

            He looks like the kind of player who might even end up a QLD maroons leader in years to come if he keeps improving.

            Parra rarely gets a Hindmarsh, gutho, type player.

            He is showing the signs he could be one of ten for our club.

            What I’m suggesting is not to say we dislike gutho,

            But we need to bring hopgood into the talk of being a possible future team leader.

            If they want to retain him – tell him they also want to offer him team captain within 2 years.

            His the only eel who’s an origin player now appart from Mitch moses.

            And you could argue a hopgood is the most consistent player in our team besides Gutho.

            The risk the eels are taking of him leaving,

            Is paulo is old now and looks to be on the possible chopping block within 2 years especially if we get a new coach and they see the size of his contract.

            Hopgood is the only forward we have who’s a true leader, young, and a total work horse (just like gutho)

            I love paulo but I’m being real

            Hopgood is a legit leader who’s lead his teams to battle and victory

            We need a true winner & leader at parra post gutho

            I strongly believed from his first game he could be our captain one day

            I’ll stand by that – and I think the Eels need to capture his loyalty for long term, also tell him he is the future captain

            That’s a bloke who turns up every week and competed hard

            His young too and Billy slater rates him highly

            No other players we have even if they could play for QLD would make Billy’s team this year Or probably last

            Hopegood is of that caliber player – in his first year of NRL he was in talks to be in the maroons

            And second year he was selected and played in game 1

            Very few players can say they’ve achieved this feat

            I would love to see Gutho + hopgood our captains

            And hopgood taking the torch as gutho moves on and will be more consistently out with injury’s possibly as he gets older

      3. Brett Allen

        It’s funny, in the few games I can get to I see our guys talking to fans plenty. Now my seat is in the front row at the southern end, so maybe I just see it more easily.

  8. The Captain

    I honestly don’t see this as a fitness problem, it’s a team composition problem. Which is a recruitment and retention problem.

    We have missed the boat on the changing game and it’s been evident and unaddressed for years. We extended Sivo despite clearly needing to go after speed on the wings. We then stuck with our monster pack strategy despite teams clearly changing away from this after seeing the declining stoppage time.

    We have a lot of money locked up in Reg and Paulo and the game has moved away from players like them at the same time as they’re ageing and slowing.

    We lost our hooker and tried to find stop gap replacements.

    We are behind the 8 ball on retention and recruitment and squad composition and now get to watch teams like the Bulldogs and the Dolphins laugh as they start to see success with their mobile packs and edges.

    This isn’t a game where you can afford to be behind the 8 ball. Your retention and recruitment needs to be years ahead of the game, planning how you’ll succeed in 3 to 5 years from now. We still seem to be trying to figure out how we can succeed yesterday. Even the Lomax move was more luck than good management because we are searching to plug a gap, which is a yesterday problem.

    Until we get a football department together capable of building a proper R&R strategy that continually looks years ahead and then reacts to the trends in the game we will continually be late to the party. I’m not too sure how much a new coach can fix that.

    1. Ron

      I think you captured it well – we are too busy thinking about yesterday while other teams are busy planning 2-4 years in advance and are identifying trends they need to adapt to in order to be competitive. That is all on recruitment and retention

    2. Zero58

      Thank you for telling me something I didn’t know. However, certain members are called on to vote. Not sure what for but it obviously has a connection to the club and those in charge. If this is correct then what are they voting for and can those who vote – vote in protest to bring about change?
      I was appreciated you didn’t carry on about those who should have done better.
      We know the R&R team have got it badly wrong – subscriberes to this post tell us everyday. I am looking for something positive because I am tired of the negative comments about things we have no control over.
      I been a Parra fan for over sixty years. I seen the worst and the best. I believe the best will return. Sometimes our patience has a short window.
      Cheers Captain

  9. John Eel

    Congratulations to Mitch Moses on his selection in SOO II. I wish him all the best in the game.

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