The Cumberland Throw

The Tip Sheet – 2023 Ep 93: Special Edition, Discussing The PJRL With Adam Fairley

The Tip Sheet is also available on Spotify and iTunes!

A special edition of The Tip Sheet sees Sixties and Forty20 sitting down once more with Adam Fairley, the General Manager of the Parramatta Junior Rugby League.

The trio look back on a hugely successful year for the district. Starting with the memorable season launch at CommBank Stadium right through to the wonderful gala awards night to acknowledge all the phenomenal work done at every club.

Fairley has driven the PJRL fully into the digital and social media age with a number of excellent initiatives helping engage players, coaches, clubs and the community. The show discusses the positive impact of that push including a clip that went well and truly viral.

The Parramatta Leagues Club and Trivett Subaru are vital partners to the PJRL and The Tip Sheet, along with Adam, break down how their aid has benefitted the district in order to minimise costs for young boys and girls as well as support officials and volunteers for gamedays.

From there the conversation turns to the future of the PJRL as the show dives into the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. From the mission statement to participation rates, the boys chat about what lies ahead!

Parramatta Junior League 2023-2025 Strategic Plan.

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7 thoughts on “The Tip Sheet – 2023 Ep 93: Special Edition, Discussing The PJRL With Adam Fairley

  1. sixties

    I highly recommend hitting the link and reading the strategic plan. It gives a tremendous insight into what support is there for the juniors as well as the direction that they are moving in.

  2. John Eel

    Enjoyed the podcast very interesting. Adam Fairley sounds like a capable and energetic leader. Keep up the good work.

    Produce some more champions.

  3. Hamsammich

    A strong PJRL means strong elite pathways means a strong NRL team, great to hear the continued work putting the systems into place to make sure this happens.

    I just have 1 suggestion for further fund raising. Bring back the doubles. No club does them anymore, loved getting the doubles and waiting for both teams to score before opening them.

    As an aside I’d love to see the club start doing game day programs. Since Big League and Rugby League Week are no longer in circulation there’s no weekly rugby league magazine. On top of the benefits for fans, seeing as we only have 11 home games a year, some people can only make it to 1 and currently I don’t believe there is a way for that to be commemorated. A game day program is something that is quite small but could mean a lot to people.

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