The Cumberland Throw

Live Blog – Jersey Flegg Finals Week 2 vs Cronulla Sharks

Jersey Flegg Team List

1 Apa Twidle
2 Matthew Komolafe
3 Samuel Loizou
4 Blaize Talagi
5 Ethyn Martin
6 Joshua Lynn
7 Ethan Sanders
8 Brock Parker
9 Matthew Arthur
10 Jontay-Junior Betham-Misa
11 Jock Brazel
12 Max Tupou
13 Nicholas Lenaz
14 Charlie Guymer
15 Sam Tuivaiti
16 William Latu
17 Noah Reed
18 Saxon Pryke
19 Lachlan Blackburn
20 Araz Nanva
21 Lance Fualema
22 Richard Penisini


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First Half


Messy start to thi ssuddent death contest as both teams struggle to get through their opening sets. The Parramatta Eels get a premium opportunity to score first when the Sharks drop a swirling bomb. The Eels build solidly for a left edge movement. Sharp passes from Arthur to Sanders and then Twidle and only a finger tip deflection can stop the final pass finding Martin for points. A repeat set nonetheless.

A penalty comes in the next set as the Sharks spoil the ruck. Eels keep looking to change the point of the attack around the ruck before they use quick hands to attack down their left again and it is Sanders with a sharp cutout pass to Loizou for the try! Very well worked there from the Eels.

Try scored by Samuel Loizou. Conversion unsuccessful by Ethan Sanders.

Eels lead 4-0

7min gone

Betham-Misa gets the kickoff set underway. Nice build down the right edge now as Tupou screams into the line. Talagi nearly splits the line but is taken high as the penalty comes. Momentum surging here. The touchfinder is marked on the Cronulla 20m. Immediately the Eels swing from right to left as Loizou nearly gets an early double. Martin nearly goes over from dummy half but is held up by a desperate gaggle of defenders. Lynn then nearly goes over following a shift to the right. Cronulla defending like their lives depend upon it.

Sanders looks to roll into the ingoals on the last as it ping pongs around on the goal line. Brazel looks to put the ball down centimetres before the dead ball line after the Sharks lose it backwards but the referee has spotted a Parra knock on. 20m restart for the Sharks. They get to halfway in reply before turning it back over as the Eels get back on the attack.

Komolafe and the two bookends in Parker and Betham-Misa take the early carries in the next set. It is a gradual build for a left to right raid this time around but the Eels misread the space available. Twidle flicks an offload to Komolafe but leaves the winger with no room to move as he is quickly pushed into touch.

A penalty then comes for the Sharks to take them over halfway and give them a rare attacking set. Good contact from Tupou early on and the Sharks want to go to their right afterwards. Again their hands let them down as their halfback spills it in the face of a jamming defence. Ooohh the referee has ruled double knock on otherwise Ethyn Martin was gone! Think it was the right call but dam Martin was away after scooping up the loose pill.

Sanders with the expansive cutout pass to Martin in the next set. The defenders do well to contain him and Sanders completes the set with a hurried kick. Not our most effective possession but still good to complete it.

A confident take from Matthew Komolafe prevents the Sharks from gaining any advantage from a testing high kick. Time is off for an injured Shark but he looks to be ok after a cursory inspection from the trainer.

Much better set now as they apply a ton of pressure down their left and then trap the Cronulla fullback near his goal line. Simple and effective stuff.

Great defensive set to back it up as well! Cronulla are locked into their own half and have to punt it down main street as Martin cleans the clearing kick up with ease. Komolafe has a big settler before Arthur uses Will Latu down the right. Sanders sees space in behind the Sharks’ right edge and tries to chip in behind but they are able to defuse the danger. Parramatta go high on the clean up tackle to make things worse. Penalty to Cronulla.

Solid set from the Sharks in return. They get to halfway and look to test Martin with the midfield bomb. He is up to the challenge and tacks on a handy kick return. The Sharks concede territory care of a cheap penalty. Arthur has a surge down the left edge from dummy half in the new set as Twidle turns the screws with a grubber kick that has to be batted dead from the Sharks. Line dropout.

Sharks send it long as Parker steams into the defensive line. Brazel takes the second charge and earns a penalty as there are hands all over the ball. Arthur wants the quick tap but the referee says hold up. Brazel and Parker work in reverse order from the last carries now. Sanders takes it right but his pass is behind Talagi and the centre does exceptionally well to bring it in. Sanders involved again with a grubber kick to the posts. Twidle is flying through and he has the lead run to the bouncing ball but it takes a wicked kick at the last! Oh wow that is nasty. It bounces above his head and then goes dead. Crazy stuff.

The Sharks punch it downfield from the extended set and find Parramatta’s ingoals with a grubber kick of their own at the end of the run. Twidle gets to the ball but can’t get back into the field of play but he was taken high! Big let off. Or was it? The Eels fail to find touch from the penalty so it ends up essentially as a line drop out…big mental lapse there.

Thankfully the Sharks can’t convert! They did look sharp though as they find a rhythm that hasn’t been present earlier in this contest. It culminates in a looping cutout pass down their right dribbling into touch mind you so we will take that.

Quality exchanges between the two sides now. Some strong sets from the Eels and Sharks are broken up by a silly lifting tackle on Talagi. Easy penalty. Could have been another one immediately afterwards as Latu is tackled in much the same fashion. It doesn’t come but Parramatta are already focused on shifting to their left. Twidle uses the cutout pass to find Martin but the flying flanker has to kick ahead as the Sharks close in on him. He uses the grubber but Cronulla dive on it. Purely academic in the end as the touch judge rules it missed his first strike at the ball and knocked it on.

Sanders is on the spot to pull in a batted bomb from the Sharks at the end of the next set. Komolafe and Martin keep themselves busy with some ruck work before Sanders sends up a bomb. The Parra kickchase is eager but fractured and miss their mark opening up a channel for the Sharks. Their fullback finds the flying winger Stonestreet and suddenly the Sharks are dead certs to score from 5m off their goal line but the touch judge has raised his flag! Stonestreet stepped into touch. Wow what a huge swing!

Sanders uses a double under crash ball. Might have been Loizou as the option there. Arthur squirts a grubber kick into the ingoals from the next ruck and the Eels nearly score. Line dropout it is though. Cronulla go short with under a minute on the clock but Arthur is there first. Big Sam Tuivati has a cracker of a carry to set up the big plays. Arthur and Sanders both take runs themselves before Josh Lynn sums it up beautifully! He digs into the line and threads the pass to Will Latu who has knifed into the defence on an overs line. He is through and dives over for a critical try on the stroke of half time!

Try scored by Will Latu. Conversion unsuccessful by Ethan Sanders.

Eels lead 8-0


Half Time

Parramatta Eels 8 lead the Cronulla Sharks 0


Second Half

Tuivaiti gets us underway with a good charge. The Eels build from there with Charlie Guymer getting involved as the Eels go right. Lynn completes the set with a clearing kick but it has sailed heavy off the boot and it taken ingoals by the Sharks for some free metres and an extra tackle.

Aggressive play from the Sharks in return. They are chasing points and look for a chip kick here. Twidle does very well to come down with the bouncing ball after it kicks up. Sanders kicks early in Parramatta’s next set but an ordinary kick chase nearly sees the right winger Stonestreet makign a bust down Cronulla’s left. It breathes life into them though as they find themselves on Parra’s goal line. They stall for a tackle or two before picking up a fresh set when Martin makes contact with the ball on a jamming tackle down our left edge.

A penalty from the scrum with the Eels ruled offsides. Cronulla take the scrum option. Twidle looks for a one-on-one strip on the first tackle but just can’t pull it off and on the next play the Sharks are over as their halfback steps off his right foot and ducks under the sliding defender of Sanders to score. This game is very much on.

Try scored by the Cronulla Sharks. Conversion successful.

Sharks trail 6-8

42min gone

Energetic defensive set from Parramatta now. The Sharks are trapped 35m out but a cracking kick out of dummy half undoes the pressure. Twidle cleans it up but it was a threat of a 40/20 at one stage. Arthur is unlucky not to earn a penalty when he is held down by a second effort following a good dart. The Eels complete the set with a conventional bomb but it is dropped backwards by the Sharks. Martin is well positioned to put pressure on the loose ball and ends up forcing a drop out.

Short drop out from the Sharks. Eels knock it backwards before Brazel fields it. Twidle digs into the line after a shift from the halves and uses Latu very late and the big man didn’t have much chance to bring it in. Poor option from the fullback and the Sharks are let off.

A penalty is quickly called as Lenaz is held in the tackle by the tacklee and tries to extricate himself aggressively. Will Latu then comes up with a monster defensive play! He shoots out of the line and lays down a thunderous blow! It has jarred the ball loose!

Oh dear. The Eels turn it back over straight away. Error from Lenaz there I think.

Cronulla are ruled to have lost it in the contest for their attacking bomb at the end of their next set. Borderline call that falls Parra’s way there. Betham-Misa resets the Eels with a strong carry which opens up a channel to get the ball to Loizou. Sanders uses the boot on the last and Blaize Talagi stands tall! He tracks the kick perfectly and wins the jump for the ball. Better than that he comes down and immediately finds support in Komolafe despite the attention of a defender! What a jump, what an offload as Komolafe dives over for a huge try!

Try scored by Matthew Komolafe. Conversion successful by Ethan Sanders.

Eels lead 14-6

53min gone

Brock, Jontay and Nick get the boys rolling in the next set before Talagi gets early ball. He threatens to tear the left edge of the Sharks open and is barely contained as he surges over halfway. Arthur works the right edge short side on the last but his kick is fielded in the front line by Cronulla. Still a tremendous set after points.

Quality defensive set now. Really good stuf from the Eels as they find a higher gear. Cronulla are forced to punt it from deep in their half as Loizou fields it. Latu trucks it down the right edge as Lynn turns Parker back underneath. Sanders uses JJBM next tackle as both halves unite with both bookends. Lynn completes the set with a grubber that is parried backwards by the Sharks. Might have been knocked on in the regather attempt but the ref is happy and Cronulla survive.

What a confident take! Apa Twidle is all business as he calmly defuses a testing bomb. He is set to take some interest in the return as well but the referee has ruled the Cronulla kick chase offside. Penalty to the Eels.

Sanders dabs in an early kick next set as Will Latu chases and forces a line drop out. The short attempt ends up with the Eels but time is called off shortly after as Lenaz is left dusty after a carry. The tackle will go on report. Parker gets the fresh set underway. Arthur’s pass to the right is batted down. The defender was probably offside but the ref rules knock on sufficient.

Centrefield scrum is set from 10m out.

Arthur dummies and goes from the scrum win. Twidle uses Lenaz next tackle. Right with a double under to Betham-Misa but he is well tackled. Sanders has a run himself next play. Lenaz is hit hard on the next tackle and spills the ball. Cronulla hold on.

Deary me that was electric from Martin! He takes the clearing kick and beats half a dozen defenders with speed, steps and even a big fend to make it back to the 20m mark. Arthur looks to put Cronulla on their goal line with a kick out of dummy half but his angle is just wrong and it rolls dead for a 20m restart.

Oh my goodness Latu! Make that two bellringers this game! He has forced another error with a carboncopy ribcrusher!

OH MY GOODNESS MARTIN! Huge plays on both sides of the ball for the Eels as Apa Twidle plays the left edge shift beautifully. The dummies to hold up the defence and a threaded cutout pass to find Martin. The winger has plenty left to do as he uses his electric pace to stay infield and plant the ball down despite plenty of attention from the defence! What a try!

Try scored by Ethyn Martin. Conversion unsuccessful by Ethan Sanders.

Eels lead 18-6

65min gone

Twidle fields the shortish kickoff but has pulled up ginger here. Time off as he is treated. Might have been some grubby stuff in the tackle there. Loizou gets us back underway with Guymer to follow. Betham-Misa and Parker keep it rolling before Sanders completes the set with a good bomb. The kickchase make a high tackle though so the Sharks get a free ride out of their half.

Hot potato footy from the Sharks as the minutes wind down. They end up kicking it mid set but the Brock Lobster has his pinchers out as Parker swallows up the kick! Great awareness from the big man. Slow build to the right edge for the Eels but a scrappy play-the-ball from Reed undoes the potential to tack on to the scoreboard.

Sharks look to kick downfield from the scrum win but the chasers are offside! They will end this game with a whimper as the Eels opt to take a shot at goal and wind down the clock. Extremely optimistic shot at goal mind you from 30m out and on the left sideline but it will eat away at the clock. Forget the extreme optimism, Sanders has drilled it!

Penalty goal attempt succesful by Ethan Sanders.


Full Time

Parramatta Eels 20 defeat the Cronulla Sharks 6

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39 thoughts on “Live Blog – Jersey Flegg Finals Week 2 vs Cronulla Sharks

  1. Ron

    Parra forwards were immense (Lenaz, jjbm, Guymer, Brock, Latu, tauivati) with some good help from Ethyn Martin. Good on them to grind a win when attack seemed clunky and far too lateral at times.

    Would be keen to see them make better use of Brazel on left but hard to nitpick young fellas.

    1. sixties

      Yes, went a bit more lateral than they wanted and they are yet to produce their best footy. But they got the job done today and will play better going forward.

    1. sixties

      There is a great vibe, a tremendous camaraderie within the team. They really celebrate each other’s successes.

    1. sixties

      They have lost Sanders for 2025, and not sure about the contract status of all players. However, I’m confident that quite a large number across the Flegg squad will be seen next season, with an NRL preseason awaiting too.

      1. Mike P

        Is that 💯 confirmed Sixties (Sanders)? I thought he couldn’t negotiate and sign as it was too early in the season but might be wrong there

          1. Pou

            Although now I think about it, the Warriors were warned off when they approached Dylan Brown too early and he wasn’t top 30.

        1. sixties

          I think that will depend on who is available to play in NSW Cup. Rankin has retired. Given that Lyn has already played NSW Cup, I think he will get to play at that level. There’s always a chance of keeping the Flegg spine together, even in NSW Cup. However, if they recruit in the halves that would change the equation

  2. B&G 4Eva

    An excellent win, particularly given the normal stand outs were much quieter than usual. Sanders, Arthur and Twidle decent games compared to what we have seen previously which shows what a good overall team it is. Keeping them at the club and enabling them to grow into NRL level players is a task that needs to be completed. Probably may lose some but important we retain the majority.

  3. Iron Mike

    About 4 years or so ago Phil Gould went and re-signed every single good junior Penrith had on a long term contract. I hope Parra are doing the same here. There is not much good NRL talent off contract and the vultures have already started coming for our juniors. No.

  4. Mike P

    Frustrating at times to watch (silly errors etc.) but what a great job to shut the Sharks out of the match and a wins a win!
    Geez there is some talent in that side, all across the park too and I hope the R&R committee are working overtime to sign these lads up for as long as reasonably possible.
    I think E..Martin is my new favourite Red haha, (sorry Cini!) what a fantastic performance from him today, he’s got a great future ahead of him if he stays fit and continues to improve.

    1. sixties

      Imagine him with a preseason or two behind him. Apart from some time in Dolphins development he has mostly a Union background.

      1. Mike P

        Oh, so that’s his background.
        Excellent and 100% agree, a good pre-season and a couple more year ls of development and he’ll be dynamite in the higher grades. Look forward to watching his (and others in the squad) development over the coming seasons

  5. Anonymous

    Based on our squad rn with the players that have left and no one joining yet
    1. Gutho
    2. Sivo
    3. Simmo
    4 Penisini
    5 Russel
    6 DB
    7 Moses
    8 Greig
    9 lussick
    10 RCG
    11 lane
    12 Carty
    13 Hopgood
    14 hands
    15 matto
    16 paulo
    17 ofa

    Reserve grade
    1 ams
    2 dunster
    3 cini
    4 Loizou
    5 Martin
    6 Asi
    7 Sanders
    8 Ogden
    9 Yates
    10 Makatoa
    11 Doorey
    12 Brazel
    13 Moretti
    14 MA
    15 JBBM
    16 Rodwell
    17 Mataele

    Lynn, R Penisini, Talagi, reed, Parker, moimesia, Latu, tupou, lenaz, davis, Guymer, tuivita r the juniors that will be pushing for spots

    1. sixties

      Their best footy hasn’t been played yet. In fact, their best game actually happened when key players were elevated to NSW Cup and they beat the Roosters at Ringrose

  6. John Eel

    This is a great outcome for the club and supporters. This has come through hard work and talent by the players and coaching staff.

    It is now time for the club to learn from the past and show that they are a professional Development club. Identify the best of the Flegg squad and secure them to the club.

    They won’t get them all, for a number of reasons. They do however need to get the best in positions where we have obvious weaknesses in our squad.

    1. sixties

      Its my understanding that a large number are on a contract for next year and beyond. The other part of the equation is getting them on contracts that provide them with either an NRL preseason, a full time training arrangement or a development contract.

      1. B&G 4Eva

        That’s the key to a bright future, the R&R team need to show they understand the need to retain these players,however the failure to recruit any decent backs last year does pose questions on their foresight compared to some clubs.Hopefully this is a thing of the past and we can move forward with purpose .

      2. Bob

        Brad arthur doesn’t prioritize juniors as he’d rather purchase reject players like murchie, Davey and others who’ve had 1st grade experience because Brad believes relying on debuting juniors is a risky business and could cost him his job as it takes time to get these players 1st grade ready. We’ve seen it with many eels juniors now playing with other clubs, like Utokimanu, Keppie, Lelesiou, Twal, Saunders, Matterson who couldn’t get a sniff here and had to go elsewhere to get a chance.
        This will happen again with the current crop of Flegg players no doubt. All for probably one

        1. sixties

          Bob (Chief) this is so incredibly factually incorrect and you just can’t help making a fool of yourself in the name of attacking Brad Arthur. I’m going to leave your comment here because you have proved how little idea you have.

          BA is heavily invested in junior development and may just be the most invested NRL coach. He and his NRL staff are central to the JETS program. He and his staff have been involved in Matts, Ball and Flegg training sessions for years. I’ve never seen NRL coaches at lower grade and pathways matches as much as BA and that started long before his boys were playing junior reps.

          Utoikamanu was debuted by Brad despite him signing elsewhere (that was an issue with the club not locking him in sooner). Leleisiuao was a Gold Coast junior who was given two preseasons but struggled to meet the most basic standards. It took him a couple more years of being back home on the Gold Coast before he debuted and then he was in and out of first grade. Sanders moving has nothing to do with BA. Matto has returned to the Eels so not sure your point there. Twal has been solid for the Tigers and carved out a career there but I don’t think Eels fans are up in arms over his departure.

          Chief you said you were never coming to TCT again. Please honour that vow.

  7. adz4parra

    William Latu was immense off the bench. Seems like he’s come down from Cowboys feeder club the Blackhawks. Was a highly rated high school player. Could be a bolter next year.

      1. Achilles' Eel

        There are more Queenslanders plying their trade out Parramatta way than there’s ever been before. I suppose that Jordan Rankin’s appointment as Queensland City under 17s coach will further see their numbers grow.

          1. Achilles' Eel

            I think it’s long overdue. I’m warming to the current junior talent scouts. Things look very promising.

  8. HamSammich

    Finally finished the game after a busy weekend. What a stunning performance, there were areas that could be improved but to keep the sharks to only 6 points, when they had scored 22 the week before,
    shows an almighty game plan and execution. There’s still at least 1 more game to go but what the players and staff have achieved over these last 3 months has proved their talent, attitude, and planning. The biggest positive out of this season is we haven’t done this by stacking the squad full of 21 year olds, a vast amount of this 17 played SG Ball earlier in the season and there’s a couple that are eligible for another year of SG Ball.

    On the SG Ball talent what Talagi has produced after a year hampered by injuries is incredible. We’ve seen him cover a range of positions in the forwards, backs and spine but I believe his position going forward is definitely centre. And with an NRL pre-season and some time in reserve grade I don’t think he’ll be far away from playing first grade

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