The Cumberland Throw

The Tip Sheet – 2024 Ep 55: The King’s Birthday Bash Preview

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It is the King’s Birthday Long Weekend and Clinton Gutherson is hosting a huge bash on Monday to celebrate his 200th NRL game. With the Eels and Bulldogs both looking to build on big wins in Round 13, who prevails on Monday?

Sixties and Forty20 run through the Flegg, Cup and NRL matches as the Eels take on the Dragons in the lower grades. The Flegg are looking to kindle midseason form into a blazing fire while the Cup need to bounce back from a loss to the Jets.

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16 thoughts on “The Tip Sheet – 2024 Ep 55: The King’s Birthday Bash Preview

  1. Muz

    60’s you are probably spot on – they’ll flex in attack.

    I think Likely they’ll offload and attack in a way that destroys bulldogs defences and confidence a little.

    Like every kings birthday the real king (gutho) will have his hands all over everything.

    Moses will take the dogs to the pound and put them down metaphorically speaking (with his kicking game)

    Eels by 30+ 💛 💙

    Let’s not forget it’s the kings 200th game.

    Gutho and the boys will be turning up to put those smelly bulldogs back in their place.


    1. sixties

      Love the confidence Muz. After they put a big score on us at Accor a couple of years ago, we owe them a 30 point score there.

  2. Joseph

    Awesome gents, thanks for the podcast.
    The fleabags have a lighter, faster pack with good line speed. A lighter pack also moves backwards at a faster rate when a bigger, stronger pack turns up to the dance.
    I’m confident our pack will allow our halves to torch the Dogs, RGC will steam roll Mahoney, he’s made it his mission to target Reid and he’ll go after Reid again.
    I’m tipping the Eels will make a mockery of their defensive record and bust their bubble for the season.
    I’m also tipping the Dogs will struggle to score points.

    1. sixties

      Cheers Joseph. I really want the forwards to pick up where they left off last week, or in fact lift it further – really take the contest to the Dogs. Don’t let them dictate a thing.

    2. Muz

      Tend to agree and hope the same mate.

      And if the bulldogs defend well but let’s see how they do with our unpredictable offloads and unpredictable play with moses steering the ship.

      Gutho will have his hands all over it too – for his 200th.

    3. Muz

      The dogs only hope is that ifs really wet and even raining so that the eels don’t off load as much.

      The offloading will make their defensive systems become significantly less effective if our forwards etc are offloading.

  3. BDon

    The way the game is being played errors, penalties and 6 Agains seem to spell big problems for teams that don’t have sound defensive system and attitude. Even the best defensive teams open the door to be nailed. In the women’s SOO, 2 ruck penalties (when the whistle had been silent all night) switched the momentum to Qld, and tonight 1 penalty and 2 6 Agains handed momentum to St George then Wests had a sin bin which put them right away. If these things go each way, they are not as damaging but when one side cops the brunt, it’s trouble. So, good discipline will win us this game.
    In the women’s SOO, Qld also regained possession from a really smart kick off, a low bullet like soccer style kick aimed 2 mtrs past the 40 mtr line. NSW just looked at it going over the sideline.I don’t know why we don’t see more smart, varied, skilful kicks.

  4. Ed dawson

    Anyone watch ko cup v stg , matt arthur this kids our future , why cant he get a go , another great junior were oribably going to lose .

  5. John Eel

    I believe the Dogs game sets us for the subsequent games coming up. Notwithstanding the likelihood of MM playing in the next two SOO games.

    So important to win tomorrow and I believe we can triumph.

  6. John Eel

    Madge has pulled out of the Eels list of contenders for NRL coach. Seven out of the eight clubs in the top half of the NRL ladder are experienced NRL coaches.

    Of the remaining five interested in the position only Barrett has NRL experience. Next is the Englishman with a lot of Super League experience and success. Then there is Cheika with Union experience and one World Cup series with Lebanon.

    It will be disappointing if we end up at the end of this debacle with a coach with no NRL experience. Even Fitzy at the Sharks has had a very long apprenticeship and lived in a house where his father was a first grade coach.

    Why did we sack BA mid season for that. On the other hand there is plenty of inexperienced coaches below the top eight..

    1. Muz

      It may be too early yet to consider ba going a bad decision just yet

      We will need to see how hands being a starting hooker and lane out of second row weekly lowers our error count and improves our scoring ability

      Ba as much as most of us like him was very determined on lussick and lane – bas may be able to continue improving our team if he just simply makes a few different team choices

      Sometimes a new trainer has less emotional loyalty, ba was loyal

      Not saying baz is a better coach – but let’s see how he goes with a team with decent players like the eels

      He didn’t have the luxury at the bulldogs or even manly of having a team with players like we have and a strong forward pack

      Let’s see after another 5 or so games how he does

      Baz might not be a bad coach if he can keep them turning up

      But it’s honeymoon period right? … let’s see how he pulls them out of a slump

      If baz gets us into the finals this year and tidies our edge defences better than ba?

      Then there’s no reason why the eels won’t at least consider him seriously as having head coach spot next year

      Time will tell and the eels have a shocking defence

      If that doesn’t improve – then you would expect the club will move on from baz and seek a different head coach

      Word is that they are holding off on the decision to give baz at least a fair crack at proving himself

      Not a bad idea considering it provides added incentive for baz to do his best possible for us this year

      I just hope Baz doesn’t let our forwards go soft

      Most of baz’s teams didn’t have the hard edge (that BA would tend to get) from forwards

      1. Joseph

        Baz won’t get all season to prove himself Muz. My guess is the club will make a decision soon after Origin.
        Who knows, Baz may be considered if the team can remain undefeated until then.
        Today is a big game for the club and Baz, the media will start pumping his tyres if we win well.

    2. Joseph

      I’m glad Madge is out, that leaves four or five others I’m not excited about. we’ll see what happens.

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