The Cumberland Throw

The Tip Sheet – 2024 Ep 29: Canberra Beat Eels Bloody, Salt The Earth In Crushing Victory

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The Canberra Raiders humiliated a shockingly underwhelming Parramatta Eels outfit in Round 5 of the NRL as they posted a 41-8 rout of the Blue & Gold in Canberra.

Sixties and Forty20 sift through the debris of the catastrophic loss to see if there is anything worth salvaging (spoilers – there isn’t) and look at how the club can pick themselves back up in time to take on the North Queensland Cowboys next week.

A reminder as always following a particularly tough loss, don’t be an asshole to your fellow fans, players or coaches/staff. Players, coaches, recruitment – all of them are completely valid targets for frank and honest critique after a loss like tonight but don’t make it personal or your comment(s) will be moderated.

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106 thoughts on “The Tip Sheet – 2024 Ep 29: Canberra Beat Eels Bloody, Salt The Earth In Crushing Victory

  1. Avenger

    They were awful. Sivo and Shaun Lane are a shadow of what they used to be and Talagi is not ready. Surely if we miss the 8, BA, his assistants and O’Neill need to be shown the door. The club appears to be in a mini crisis and whatever the plan was in the off season has failed at every level.

    1. sixties

      Avenger, 27 player roster. Four players out with injuries so effectively 23 to select. Players can’t be held accountable as there are no options. Why do we have a short roster when there was already no depth?

      1. Joseph

        Recruitment has been poor for years, well before O’Neil arrived.
        Our best signings have been opportunist signings.
        We signed both RGC and Moses mid season after they fell out with their former clubs. Neither of these players would be Eels if they were free agents in an open market.
        Now we are chasing another disgruntled player but he is in open market. It will interesting to how that pans out.
        Our recruitment strategy is handicapped by the salary cap. You can’t throw punches if your hands are tied.
        We must be the only powerhouse club without a power broker pulling the strings.
        How do we compete with clubs owned by Newscorp, publicly listed or have power brokers behind the scenes? The answer is obvious. Our recruitment will always be poor because we play by the rules.
        Unless you are Penrith where even the grandmothers in the area want to play NRL, our fortunes will not change anytime soon.

        1. Brett Allen

          In what capacity are we a powerhouse club ?
          It’s high time we Eels fans come to terms with who we really are as a club.
          We are the Everton of the NRL. Wannabes, pretenders, but don’t have the stones to actually make it a reality.
          The worst thing that ever happened to this club was the 80’s.

          1. Joseph Maiurana

            40/20 was talking about the unpredictability of results during the first 8 rounds in one of the podcasts. He said the bad teams don’t know they’re bad and the good teams are warming into the season, something to that effect.
            I remember just automatically thinking we are one of the good teams, it never dawned on me that we are one of those teams who don’t know how bad we are.
            I tried to ignore the Tigers result, reality hit me yesterday, I woke up this morning still haunted by yesterday and I’m still in a little shock knowing we are in for a long, long season.

      2. Avenger

        We have no depth in backline because our coach has a one dimensional strategy of stacking the forwards and using his power game. We need Lomax now. I’d be offering them any forward except RCG and Hopgood.

          1. Avenger

            If that’s the case how does a 11 year coach and our longest serving to this date put up with it? You reckon Wayne Bennett, Bellamy or Robinson would?

          2. Ron

            Robinson is not as good as people think. With all the advantages he has had over the years he hasn’t even been been competitive with the top sides and roosters recent loss to Penrith was another reflection of that

      3. Anthony Denman

        As a long time Eels fan from 1963 Ken Thornett, Brian Hambly and co I can only lament at the lack of moral fortitude with both head office,coaching staff and the usual weasel words towards anyone who dares question the status quo. We vote out pollies who under perform but excuse coaches and players because of some illusion to getting close but no chocolates. Call a spade a spade. Brad Arthur is NOT the coach for this team despite your opinion of who I see as a nice guy. His selection blunders are inescapablely confusing at best and terrible if the rubber meets the road.

  2. Joker Eel

    Time for a change in management…

    O’Neil and Rogers have not signed anyone of note since Moses.

    We have needed a backup half since JA left we need a strike centre and winger.

    Our Juniors have been rushed into NSW CUP and it looks to have been felt in Flegg as they are 0-5 as well as CUP being 0-5.

    Why is Sivo playing first grade when he looks to be on 1 leg?

    1. LB

      O’Neill didn’t even sign Moses. O’Neill didn’t come to the club until 2019. Moses was signed 2017.

    2. sixties

      Two back rowers played centre in Flegg. Three backline spots in NSW Cup are filled by players outside the top 30 and outside dev deals. There is no pace and no depth in the backline.

      1. JokerEel

        Why did we have back rowers in centres?

        Is there no one available or do we not look at our depth in any grade?

        When does Mark O’Neil and Ben Rogers get called out?

        Is Rogers even around anymore…

  3. BP

    There are 2 issues I’d outline – tonight’s performance and overall roster management.

    It was an unacceptable performance tonight.
    There was no commitment in defence and zero line speed. We were routinely rolled in behind the markers and then shredded on the edges.

    Equally frustrating was the dumb mistakes made by the team. Countless penalties given away when we needed to build pressure and a lack of awareness of what was required to manage the game.

    Compounding this, NSW Cup and Flegg remain winless – it is not good enough.

    I’ve had enough of Mark O’Neill, the issues in our squad have been clear for many years and remain unaddressed. We have committed contracts to players not up to standard and are at huge risk of wasting the best years of the few elite players in our side (namely Moses, Gutho, Paulo and RCG).

    1. MickB

      A team that plays off a simple middle dominant game should be one thing – consistent. I don’t expect it to be the best every week, but a simple win the middle game plan should deliver small gaps between best and worst performances. We’ve seen now with what is surely one of the most consistent rosters in the comp, that the way this team plays is anything but that. This includes 2022 when we found ourselves in the GF, which was itself a roller coaster year.

      Im on the verge of putting a line through this squad – not only this year, but for good. How are they going to get it done? I honestly thought we had turned a corner with a long offseason without disruption and plenty of time to get everyone healthy. I thought this had turned into the ability to be consistent week in, week out. But between last week and this week, it’s the same old garbage inconsistency. We might make up numbers at the bottom of the 8, or even jag a win or 2 in the finals. But we are going to get steam rolled at some point if we find ourselves in the mix. And to be honest, a team that puts in that sort of performance doesn’t deserve to play finals footy, even if it is only round 5.

      The only time this is going to change is when we have a meaningful roster overhaul, which is years away..

      1. sixties

        Mick B. I won’t entertain the prospect of finals based on the last two weeks and the roster. Yesterday the Titans would have rolled us. And you know how glass half full I am.

        1. MickB

          I know mate, kudos to you and 40s for being resilient enough to get through this each week, which unfortunately is more than can be said about our team!

  4. Kenny the immortal

    It all starts in the front office. BA and Gurr had got the roster to a strong place 2021/22. Gurr left and MON took over and since then the roster has been decimated. If the board don’t act soon and replace MON and the retention committee then we will go back to being a spoon contending side. For whatever reason BA doesn’t seem to be able to influence the board, this is where a Bennett type coach would be useful – someone who has the experience, charisma and personality to guide the board and rebuild the club. I feel sorry for BA he almost got us there but it seems he has not been backed and now here we are… lost.

      1. TolEelts

        And who’s or responsibility or fault is that? Who should have the brains to think of that situation and prevented it from happening?

    1. Rocky

      Yep BA and gurr put it together then mcelduff got gurr out of the front door and snuck sarantinos in the back door so he had complete control over recruitment , the rot stated the day mcellduff decided he knew more than coaching staff !

    2. Matthew Sweeney

      I know wat you mean re Wayne Bennett , he does certainly have cachet , experience, but charisma, that made me laugh after yet another scintillating post match interview on the weekend, somebody dropping down from Mars would say this bloke as had a charisma bypass.

  5. Gianni

    Oh well nothing changes we will be challenging for the spoon again.What a waste of money that preseason camp was.We made an under strength Canberra look like world beaters.😭😭😭

    1. sixties

      That’s the difficult thing to register – the opposition. With respect to the Raiders, as you suggested we made them look like genuine title contenders.

      1. Matthew Sweeney

        Sixties I think the raiders are the real deal this year and will be formidable opponents for any team. They have a Terrific spine and this young strange guy is seriously talented, chuck in timoko and savage who have both now hit top gear and top 8 is a likely outcome.

  6. B&G 4 Eva

    Trying to limit comments to 3 items

    1. Recruitment is a shambles, since the current people have been in charge it’s been seriously lacking. Actually can’t think of 1 better than average player signed. Hopgood was the best, and he was playing reserve grade.
    2. Speed – the under siege coach has asked for at least 2 years for an X factor player and some speedy backs, all he got Harper who was on his way to the UK.
    3. Coaching structure . They haven’t been updated it seems, still fragile on the edges and clunky in the red zone. Whatever they practice isn’t working and who’s accountable.

    In essence the recruitment team needs to be replaced first and foremost, appoint a strong CEO and he/she could drive change . Not going to happen you say, well expect more of the same as our back ups are sub standard. Something the Eels prided themselves on, Which has withered under the current recruitment gurus.

    A final thought, the presser provides a chance for the fans to see how much the club means to the coach and captain, just seeing what was said tonight is screamingly disappointing and a whitewash of the issues.

    1. Ron

      I agree with a lot of this but the presser thing is not something to be read into too much in my opinion. Last week brad was honest and called his team soft. This week he saw the players didn’t respond to that and now hes decided to play a straight bat and not call them soft or worse again. I’m sure he will have choice words for them in the sheds away from media.

    2. sixties

      I’ve just noticed the reply from Ron. The press conference is a tough barometer to use. For example, the response to match officials has never been a feature but we know that the club has addressed concerns through the proper communication channels.
      I’m not sure how the coach can address the issues here. We have 23 players available for selection out of a first grade squad of only 27 – Moses, Carty, Doorey and Dunster being on the injury list. Judging from Sivo’s hobble and form, he’s not only out of form, he’s also banged up. So who can he replace players with? I don’t see answers. There is a need to add to the roster immediately but where do they come from? Not only are there few players to select from, the players in the lower grades are in teams with 0 from 5 records.

      1. Avenger

        Addressing underlying systemic issues seems crucial, especially if the team is consistently underperforming. Bringing in new players might help, but it’s unlikely to solve deeper problems within the team’s systems and strategies.

        Considering a change in coaching staff, like bringing in someone like Wayne Bennett, could potentially shake things up and bring new perspectives. However, it’s essential to assess whether the issues lie solely with the coaching staff or if there are broader organisational problems at play.

        It seems like you’re suggesting that there’s a need for more candid discussions about the team’s performance and leadership. A podcast addressing these issues could indeed generate a lot of interest and perhaps spark necessary conversations within the fan base and the organisation itself. Transparency and accountability are vital for any team’s success, so addressing the “elephant in the room” could be a significant step forward.

      2. B&G 4Eva

        Of course there is a need to add to the roster, that’s not just the last month or so, it’s been neglected for what 2/3 years and somehow despite the clubs profile, couldn’t get a player. The depth is horrendous which has been a feature since the current regime started, if we are honest they are not doing the job expected, constantly losing elite juniors hasn’t helped.

        We would want to be more positive, but truth is what we are seeing . It’s inexplicable how a club with our resources lacks so much depth.

      3. Longfin Eel

        The thing is, us fans knew this was a massive gamble before a ball was picked up this season. Our best 17 are definite premiership threats if they play to their strengths. As we know however, it takes more than 17 players to win a premiership, or to even be remotely successful. Our quality backups are non-existent, especially in the role of halfback – a crucial position in today’s game!

        The club needs to be held accountable for this, and the fans deserve better. I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for a response from the club however.

        1. Eelsmann

          Some of the “fans” bullied out a perfectly serviceable replacement halfback, so don’t go blaming that on the front office – especially if you’re talking about accountability.

          The development pathway was there for Sanders as the future NRL half. I think his decision to leave was a little premature, but with Moses and Brown established for the long-term I can’t really hold it against him.

    3. Matthew Sweeney

      I was pretty non – plussed about Brad’s post game presser as well. I have no doubt he’s up with the hardest working coaches in the NRL, but he was completely bereft of any explanation about the teams attitude.

  7. Mannah Brow

    What a shambles. Makes you wonder how people can be paid to practice and play footy full time and yet be so poor at fundamentals like passing and tackling. Our defensive structures are still a joke and have been for years and still no change. BA has to go. If he has no say in recruitment and can’t influence the board about it then even more reason for him to go that is not an excuse for the losses it is a reflection of his lack of influence.
    Lucky they had an uninterrupted pre season and built on their connections otherwise who knows what the score would be.
    Flanagan has gotten more improvement out of the dragons than brad has in the Notre rime he has been her. Please get rid of him.

    1. O'Neil has to go!

      Club sacks BA and employees Cayless as head coach. I mean that’s what would happen.

      1. PiesJosh

        Surely Barrett would be the interim. I’m not advocating him to stay the head coach. But he’d have to be the bridge to the next full time coach.

        1. Matthew Sweeney

          Yes and no. I don’t think he was the real catalyst for getting the penriff backs to fire , probably did more good than bad but cleary , luai are just very instinctive players. Since our backs don’t seem to have any real flair or structure then that comes back to barret because that’s primarily what he’s there for. Good bloke and maybe an nrl coach down the track. I think let Brad see out the season.

    2. sixties

      If I was BA I’d be tempted to walk. He cops so much flak from supporters and has worked wonders over the years. We should be thankful for his presence. Stuart showed how a high profile coach would to the pressure of being at the Eels. He quit. Before him Kearney quit. We had dumped Anderson before that and before Ando Hagan quit. That’s the history. That’s fact.

      1. pete

        Sixties we obviously have big problems across the club; Flegg, Cup, W and NRL all underperfoming. BA cannot be responsible for all that. It sounds like we have systemic issues. Nathan Brown did a review- not sure what has improved from that. Has it been shelved?

        Why can’t we sign players?

        Other clubs line up their talent in each position ready in case of injury.

        Our recruitment is hope for the best and fail to prepare.

      2. Longfin Eel

        It makes you wonder what the real issues are. I don’t believe the pressure is all from the fans wanting a premiership as is generally bandied about by the media – every club wants that! From what we can see now, the pressure comes from trying to sort out the puzzle of pulling together a team where we don’t have all the pieces.

        1. pete

          Longfin, we have ex juniors and players leave the club and then run rings around us on the field. Galvin, Utoikamanu, Ipap…Fogerty orchestrating our thrashing yesterday.
          Olam, not signed as “not good enough ”
          Api not signed wanted too much?
          Our Cup side has gone backwards. Wenty did a better job.

          1. Longfin Eel

            We can’t seem to identify up and coming talent in our junior ranks, and this has been going on for decades. Other clubs certainly can, and are taking their pick while we are left the remains. This has to be the number one priority in the club right now, but I have zero faith that the club has the expertise to handle this.

          2. TolEelts

            I think the club is spend thrift. The hire unwanted players for low salaries and hoping that BA can do. Bellamy of turning them rocks into diamonds.This is the system that I can see. Look at our Cup players, Lumelume, Zini, Asi, Loizou, Harper, Dunster, and before that Rankin.
            These players are rejects from other clubs and we picked them up.
            The Board & Management main goal is financial gains and not Premiership rings. As long as the club performs OK, fans will be thrilled to support and buy memberships and merchandise, inviting more sponsors. Kaching!

            They might be forced to act now and initiate changes since they are seeing the tides are changing and fans are getting seriously disgruntled. Hopefully it will be a change for the good.

      3. Brett Allen

        You think Bennett or Bellamy would quit ?
        No, they command respect. I like BA, and supported a lot longer than most, but it’s clear we’re going backwards now. If he is not the issue, then he is complicit in not calling out who is the problem. We as members have virtually no control over the direction of the club now, some have voting rights, but even then we get fed the choices to vote for. We mostly agree that those constitutional changes were absolutely necessary, but that means it’s incumbent on the club to be far more transparent to its fans than they are. If I could I’d vote the entire board off right now, but I can’t, we can’t, so the board has to be far more open and honest than it is now.
        I just read the clubs Facebook post from last night, “A disappointing night” was all it said, I’d have thought much stronger language was called for. I want to know that the board and CEO are bleeding like we fans are. I want to know they are throwing bricks at their TV’s watching that shit. I want to know they aren’t talking to their wife and kids for the next two days because they are pissed off. I want to know that McElduff was so furious that he typed in a text message to BA that he was fired but used every ounce of restraint to not hit send.
        I want to know this matters to them, because right now I don’t know that.

        1. sixties

          Your response here Brett is both complete conjecture and emotion. It’s conjecture to say that Bennett wouldn’t quit when he’s left clubs, and in the case of the Knights, they were in a mess when he did. And as for Bellamy, he’s only ever been at one club. I’m not sure why he’s even in the conversation.
          Back to the emotional response. I get it. I’m pissed off and I’m at a level that I’ve rarely been at for a range of reasons. But what you describe that you want from the CEO and the Board is the complete opposite of what they should be doing. There should be zero knee jerk. They need to assess what’s going on, and quickly, and expedite a solution.
          And the most glaring issue that should come to the fore is that there is an incomplete roster that is devoid of the pace that exists in other clubs, and that the same issue exists in both the Cup and the Flegg teams.
          Next, there are both spots available and cap space.
          Finally, let’s identify (and this should have already happened long ago) who we can add right now, to provide selection options where none currently exist and get it done.

          1. John Eel

            This is the same issue as 2023. Spots available and not filled.

            The only way to avoid being caught short in that situation is not having injuries or suspension. That does not happen in the NRL.

            Further there has not been a backup 7 since Jake left.

          2. Brett Allen

            Of course I’m emotional mate, this is an emotional investment above all else mate. I want to see that emotion at the club. I don’t care if it’s inappropriate, I want to see some sort of emotional reaction from BA & Gutho at the presser. I get the whole keep it level thing, but occasionally it is OK to express anger, it is OK and productive to be unprofessional on occasion. We’ve become so professional we’ve become devoid of passion as a club.
            They’re all just punching the clock now with the exception of Moses & Dylan.
            Is there any reason the R&R committee can’t meet in an emergency or more often than once a month ?
            Surely there has to be provision for MON to act unilaterally when needed ?
            The fans have seen the problems coming for two or three years, why hasn’t the board & CEO not seen it till it’s too late ?
            Have they taken a cursory look at the Tigers, Dragons & Bulldogs predicaments the last five years ?
            Once you sink in today’s NRL it is awfully difficult to rebuild.
            This is what I want the club to provide insight on 60’s, how did they let this happen ?
            Are we going to be replacing one of those teams at the lower end and for how long ?
            Let’s remember Mitch & Dylan both have options in their favours in a couple of years time, are they gonna want to stick around with no hope of September action for 3-5 years ?
            Without them we are nowhere.
            So yeah, I am bloody emotional and I have a right to be.

      4. Wally21

        Sorry Sixties, completely disagree. A lack of accountability in the org starts with the CEO, HOF and head coach. The fish rots from the head.
        It’s time for change

      5. Matthew Sweeney

        I love Brad and they should make him a life member, however iam starting to think his bACkline coaching is lacking.

      6. Matthew Sweeney

        Yes it’s been a thankless task for Brad, but he won’t walk out on gutho , Paulo Dylan Moses reg et-al

      7. Avenger

        He is made from tougher stuff than being affected by fan dribble. It’s the club that has let him down for not allowing him to make autonomous recruitment decisions.

      8. Martin

        60’s this is almost a 180 from you, have not seen this literature from you previously. A staunch defender of the establishment, all be it polite politics you play… have to play. Don’t get me wrong mate, you would know soo much more than the general Fan/Supporter and put the efforts in week in week out, respect to you for this. I feel you are finally beginning to sing the song we be chirping for years, which now gives me sweet fuck all faith in Parra who been my team since ‘81. It’s horrible that i can’t stop thinking about my team and possibly how easy the fixes could be BUT they just dont make it happen.
        Self fulfilment , nepotism, greed and down right selfishness from a number of Parra officials, Mngt, Coach, Board & CEO, they all gotta go along with underperforming roster.

        The Club is broken, a win this week won’t fix that.

        What is it going to take?
        A home game with empty stands possibly?
        A protest like Wests Tigers?

  8. Ken70

    No accountable held to senior players, for to long .
    Depth in players up to pushing other players for nrl game time
    Game day attired up one week then not the next ,how long since, won ,4 or5 games in row.
    Very painful team to watch at times ,,
    Big week ahead for all involved in club,

    1. Mark Camman

      Thoroughly gutted by the results of the last 2 weeks. Playing like a rudderless rabble and this is not just because Moses is out. It goes to the core of what Parramatta is as a club and that is SOFT. Much as BA might rabbit on about the collision and playing tough we are mentally weak. IMO the only players,who I see putting in week after week are RCG, Cartwright, Hopgood, Gutho with Penisini, Simmonson and Brown also having a go. Junior should be our forward leader but looks overweight, sluggish and wants to play 5/8th. Lane and Matterson are hopelessly out of form; Sean Russell is very average and doesn’t contribute much and Harper and Sivo are the slowest and laziest outside backs in the competition.
      Our game plan is boring, predictable and easy to defend against
      Our team selections and bench rotations are often a complete mystery
      Our recruitment and retention are pathetic.
      Why do we still have 3-4 roster positions open?
      We have had a fairly settled team for a couple of uninterrupted seasons.
      Why do our players
      look so unfit and poorly disciplined?
      I’ve been a big fan of BA in the past but I think that the juice has been well and truly squeezed out of the lemon. He needs either a mentor or CEO like Wayne Bennett, Craig Bellamy or Phil Gould or a better assistant coaching staff or he needs to give it away. At this stage I’m not thinking about aTop 8 finish but rather avoiding the wooden spoon.

  9. Jack Saunders

    Your instant reaction always help me get over a loss boys. I love parra and I love BA but I dunno maybe it’s time for a change. Our defence has been an issue for years and years. I look at Penrith and last great teams and think they built it all on the back of their d. Even when your attack isn’t on that day the d can always hold the line. Anyways great as always boys up parra

    1. Shaun

      Thanks Gents for turning up after such loss. No comment other than look after yourselves and don’t read the comments. 🙂

      1. sixties

        Thank Shaun. I’m trying to stay calm whilst reading the comments. I’ve had a tough couple of days as a supporter, I’ll say that much.

        1. Brett Allen

          Well don’t stay calm 60’s, but don’t blame the fans, blame those who have created this mess. If you don’t believe it’s BA, fine, but call out MON or McElduff or Sarantinos. Call them out loudly, to hell with the consequences. This is our bloody footy club and it’s being dragged into mediocrity one painful loss at a time.

  10. Charlo

    You said not the target try coach but he really is average. He cannot prep this side, Bellamy had no Munster and Hughes and his team still got it done.

    I’m afraid BA has to go, 10 years is enough time to get it done.

  11. 56 years an Eel

    You could’ve thrown a handkerchief over them most of the second half. An appalling defensive structure that seems designed to create overlaps.
    It’s been years of failure and the penny still won’t drop.
    It’s not that the players can’t tackle, it’s that they are getting in each other’s way.
    If Gutherson is going to play half back, he might as well start in the number 7. He certainly can’t do both, and he can’t keep this up much longer.
    With the Cowboys, Manly, Brisbane and Melbourne coming up, only the Titans might keep us away from the spoon.
    That’s a disaster for a team that was in a GF 18 months ago.

  12. Tony Marsh

    40 pulls out that sivo should not of been picked!
    He got a calf injury in the game and was running on one leg.
    Yes he let 2 try’s in but scores 2 and one of them someone else would not of scored.
    40 said replace him in the team with Harper!!
    How did he play in reserve grade mate??
    Pick the targets better like Lussick and Reg and Matto who did not try and were not injured.

    1. sixties

      Tony, Forty didn’t miss the forwards. We discussed how poor things were across the park. As for Maika, Forty has always been a supporter of his, as have I. In fact, I defended his selection in recent times because I believe that someone has to provide more than he does. But it’s impossible to be satisfied with his form. By the way, he didn’t get banged up during the game, he was injured last week. I assume he played because there were two players on Ron Massey deals that were on the wings in Reggies yesterday. So what Forty is suggesting is a way of having fit players on the park, and a winger who will have a crack in yardage.

  13. Tony Marsh

    40 pulls out that sivo should not of been picked!
    He got a calf injury in the game and was running on one leg.
    Yes he let 2 try’s in but scores 2 and one of them someone else would not of scored.
    40 said replace him in the team with Harper!!
    How did he play in reserve grade mate??
    Pick the targets better like Lussick and Reg and Matto who did not try and were not injured.

  14. Tony Marsh

    Maybe watch a reply before you give performance analysis.
    40 said Lussick at least did a heap of defence.
    14 of his tackles would be 3rd man in and he flops around the ankles then is the most lazy player in marker defence.
    There was a downfield kick early in the 2nd half from the raiders where he walked back and got to dummy half on the third tackle!
    He is clearly not 80 minutes fit.
    40 said Bailey deserves a shout out with Hopgood.
    Bailey is to blame for sivo being asked to mark 2 players.
    He is the worst defensive centre in the nrl, always jams in when the inside player has defenders on top of them.

    1. sixties

      Tony, it’s called an Instant Reaction for a reason. We own the emotions and errors in our comments because they are done without benefit of watching a replay. And whether our opinions are wrong is your opinion. Disagree all you want but there is nothing hidden about the podcast being raw takes recorded straight after games.

  15. pete

    I have always supported BA.
    But when the players don’t play for you two weeks in a row. You are No longer a coach you are support staff. There’s no respect for BA in that dressing room.

    We need a Peter Parr, Shane Richardson or Frank Panissi type at the club. Someone who can bust some heads and make the necessary changes towards a winning culture. We have applauded mediocrity for too long.

    Look at other teams improving and we have gone backwards under Mark O’Neil! (Peter, I have removed this part of your reply as it crosses the line. Please do not go down that path – Sixties)

    You don’t get to sink the ship and then brag about how many lifeboats you put out. Because that’s what he does!

    1. pete

      No criticism of you but generally speaking.

      We need to call a spade a spade! Something that is clearly not done or valued at the club.

      1986 is getting further away.

      I know you want to ensure access to interviews at the club. But silence just enables the mediocrity and poor performance to continue.

      Nobody is held to account! if TCT cannot do it who can?

      Trust me if TCT is fearless and direct in its questions. The club will benefit most.

      Why can’t we attract players?

      Why can’t we tackle?

      Why do we have to pay overs to keep the players we have?

      Why are so many juniors running around for other clubs? (And killing us)

      Why/How did go into the last few seasons undermanned?

      (Michael Jennings served a drug ban and is ready to return for Roosters and we still haven’t replaced him??)

      Unless we ask these questions its really pointless having him on.

      All the best during this difficult time

      1. Matthew Sweeney

        The tuff questions need to be asked but I’m not sure that it’s TCT,s mandate or charter to be the leader in that regard. We are a supporters forum first and foremost I believe.

  16. Joseph

    The writing was on the wall before a ball was kicked this season. We waited with bated breath late last year and the entire off season for the club to sign much needed outside backs. The best we could do is sign another playing who would not get a start in any other NRL team.
    We have by far the worst outside back combination in the competition. Gutherson and Penisini are the only outside backs who could find an NRL starting position.
    Besides Penisini, we don’t have any outside backs with power and speed from a standing start that can bust a tackle or get around their man. It’s cringe to see how easy our outside backs are beaten for pace. Sivo might be quick over 100 metres but looks like he’s standing in mud both in defence and off the mark. Russell tries hard but lacks power and the explosive speed of other wingers, Simonson has speed but is predictable with his running style which leaves Gutho, now I love Gutho and brings plenty to the table but he’s not a threat with his running game. And that’s fine if the team had other outside backs who could offer a threat but for now, he’s also part of the problem.
    The forwards weren’t great either but I can only imagine how demoralising it must be to bust a gut only to see an inept backline failing to score points and get run around like under 10’s at will.
    Our forwards can win “the collision” more often than not, we won every stat against the Tigers except the score.
    This team is in free fall and in a massive hole. Nothing builds and maintains intensity like scoring points, not to mention taken the wind out of our opponent.
    Due to our lack of strike, we will lose games we dominate and get touched up when we match up in the middle.
    I think we all know this season is done, we might make some noise throughout the season in stages but even water proof bandaids come off eventually.
    I don’t want to single out anyone in particular because I don’t understand the inner workings of the club, I would like to thank all involved who watched the Bulldogs sign every available outside back, and others clubs fill their roster while we were sitting at the Hard Rock Cafe wooing Morgan Harper.
    Great job all round guys.

  17. The Captain

    If we needed an impetus for change, that game was it.

    Mark O’Neill has to go. Our squad has not been maintained, we are unbalanced, lacking and haven’t been able to attract talent despite being regular finals contenders for a block of years.

    Mark needs to go as Step 1. And if Jim doesn’t have the sense to make that happen then maybe he has to go too.

  18. Trapped in the 1970’s

    The whole squad must have goldfish brains as it’s only 5 weeks in and it seems like an off season is needed to sort out some old on going issues. It’s said you can’t coach speed but you sure can recruit it. We’re willing to give a rookie a chance to learn his craft in first grade so why not a flyer. Other clubs have them in spades, why not us? Couldn’t possibly be any more downside in it than what we are currently seeing. Last night was atrocious. I’ve been following the eels for over 55 years and I’m sure I’ve seen worse but it will take me a while to think of when. The most disappointing thing is that was the reaction to the WT loss. The recruitment is not in keeping with the club’s aspirations. What is the coach to do when there are slim to no choices from the lower grades, but at the same time why do the same lame attacking options and poor defensive reads keep happening year on year. Changes are needed in recruitment, the roster and coaching staff.

  19. BDon

    So disappointing. Difficult podcast men, the thought that there’s still 20 or whatever games to go is daunting. Some simple lessons, Penrith attract a back up NRL No 7 like it’s a non-debatable, and bear in mind their No 7 is probably best in world but still a serviceable option agrees to terms. Manly seem to pull backline players out of their orifice, albeit when Turbo is out, it resembles our Moses dilemma(maybe not as bad).
    I thought the first 15 minutes last night our forwards rolled up field pretty well but then the predictable error when we readied for attack, and the Raiders signalled early that their backline extended to the sideline with a 2 man overlap, we just did not adjust, stuck to our system, yes our wonderful system, the definition of madness, doing the same thing over and over. It was clear Ricky had said ‘attack them from our own half’, and I reckon they couldn’t believe how simple it was. 4or 5 tries, and a couple via the middle where switched off defenders were caught watching flat footed. Who’s driving this team?

    1. pete

      Bulldogs, Manly and Tigers all improving.

      We hit our high watermark the GF and the tide is going out fast.

      Unacceptable and unaccountable football department. Cup, Flegg, W and NRL are in free fall. Something has to change.

      We had the best preseason ever! But it’s round 5 and they surrendered and the team put up the white flag!

      I’m contemplating cancellation of all memberships.

      1. Poppa

        The usual comments after a loss but I find it hard to say “unacceptable and unaccountable football department”

        My guess is they are finding it very accountable with the shit there collecting on this site and the other one many of us also habitat. These guys have their careers at stake and I suspect they are much more vulnerable than the dumbass fans like us that feel a different type of pain.

        I could list a number of issues that I have no answers for but the most significant one for me is “speed”……we cannot seem to manufacture or locate it!

        The other one is that we have completely overrated our juniors and the pathways.
        The forwards we are bring through are not dynamic, we seemed to be bringing the worker through. The backs are nondescript.
        Sanders I would have played at half in this game because he has organisational skills, something that is bereft seemingly of DB (who is an exceptional player). Big ask for a kid, but the alternatives are zero!

        BA makes the comment that DB went well yesterday. Lets agree he tried hard, but he has no organisational skills (he is flat out organising his own game). I’m not knocking DB but it is very obvious, and Sanders does have some clue. The kid with 6 on his back is totally overrated! His defense is terrible and he has no pace to go with what seems to be a style that is a highlight against other kids but not at this level. Take away the steam roll of Turbo and we would not be having this conversation.

        So we are left with very little “which has to reflect on R&R”. In a junior catchment area the size that Parra has, I find it inconceivable we cannot find backs with pace….Can anyone tell me why? The other thing along the same lines is “athletic ability”. Did anyone else notice we fell over ourselves trying to defend, it was like they lack basic coordination….. I don’t understand. It seems to be the way through the grades as well…..the reggies are even more “unco” than the firsts.

        There is a window open at present for Bennett, we should be going to him with a blank cheque….. this is not about sacking BA…..its about bringing in the right specialist because the patient is on the table and we badly need the best doctor money can buy.

    2. sixties

      BDon, very difficult to record. Just on the “system” and I’ve banged on about this multiple times, there is very little difference between defensive systems across all NRL teams. Watch how attack deconstructs most defences. It’s all about exploiting compressed, sliding defences. The difference is in the execution between teams. Our players aren’t competing in both decision making and in speed. The frustrating thing is that you can’t create pace in individuals. They either have it or they don’t. Ours don’t.

      1. BDon

        Tks sixties. I’ve watched our wide defence closely for years now, and I’ve watched teams that look like they’ve got 15 players on the park in covering the shifts and the formations opposite, and when they don’t quite get it right, the cover defenders, the scramblers swamp the final play near the corner. To me, that’s a good system, well executed PLUS attitude. At times we look like wet tissues. A forever memory for me was watching my favourite non-Eel Johnathan Thurston, the number of times he untangled from the bottom of a desperation scramble pile on, well it was just about every time you saw No 7 dusting himself off.Attitude in spades, Moses and Brown have the attitude, but the problem is they’re doing it too often, whereas Thurston did it as the exception, when it counted more, when a good system needed backing up.

  20. West Coast Eel

    It’s obvious how thin our depth was before a ball was kicked in anger this year. I can’t believe we couldn’t at least add some depth to our outside backs in the off season. Our forwards are suddenly looking old and tired. We have no speed in the back line. Lussick isn’t working at dummy half and we don’t have a halfback. Time to bring in sanders, hands to 9, Blaize to the centres with Bailey on the wing. If this doesn’t get us a few wins, our season will be toast before Moses even returns. If that’s the case, we’re looking at a rebuild. I think l BA has done a good job. He bleeds blue and gold, but if Wayne Bennett is available do you make the call? Don’t get me started on the retention and recruitment staff!

  21. Noel Beddoe

    It seems to me that some of our most experienced players believe, in their heart of hearts, that we can’t win NRL matches without Mitch and they’re having trouble coming up with full commitment. The ones who are trying their gearts out are maybe a bit below top class. Hard to know where we go from hete. Stopping the experiment of asking if Blaize more than he can give would be a start; for all 9f his defensive weakness Asi is still a more mature alternative.

  22. Offside

    On reflection it’s not a surprise Parramatta are a bottom 8 team capable of the odd run of form but never really a threat this has and will always be the way.

    Calls to sack BA or O’Neil are justified but misguided if you look at the team as a win loss product sure but that’s not what it is it’s a buissines the brand has had 3 sell out home games record membership numbers thats what matters Parramatta is not in the buissines of premierships it’s about money and the books are good the board and those affiliated with it are safe.

  23. Phil

    I’ve tried to stick with Arthur for a while, but I think it’s time for a change. There just seems to be so many strange questions about the lineup he runs out each week.

    – Lussick/Hands: Lussick offers no speed out of the ruck, he’s got a little bit of guile about him, but he’s not worrying the defence really. Hands last year seemed to have at least a little zip and got the ball to the halves out in front and on the front foot. He got a little gassed late in the year, but fair enough for a rookie playing big minutes. If you really want to use Lussick, have him play the opening 20 and then bring Hands on like Penrith did with Mitch Kenny and Api. I’ve never really understood why Lussick came back from the Super League having never really shown it in the NRL and just walked into the starting role.

    – Talagi/Sanders: Brown is a running five eighth, why not leave him at six and bring in Sanders who sounds like more of an organiser that Talagi? Also means Talagi can play in the centres and you don’t need to pick an injured Sivo.

    – The bench: Even without carrying a hooker, what other club is running a bench of three middles and a back rower? There’s no injury flexibility there or any creative spark outside of Paulo’s off loads. Surely Hands, Sanders or Asi could take a spot and bring something.

    When the Eels are on and Moses and Brown are running and the forwards are rolling down hill, there’s not much better to watch in the league, but these decisions by BA just seem to be way too conservative and just go against the type of footy they should play.

    1. BDon

      Lussick/Hands…ditto..had exactly this conversation with a mate before the game. The only thing we could come up with is that Lussick is about 5kgs heavier and maybe more robust in the ruck, opponents had moved on from Mahoney to Hands as a target. But we both thought Hands was worth more game time.Some of Lussick s passing (basic stuff for a No 9) was pretty ordinary, ask Tuilagi and Moretti.

    2. Brett Allen

      And let’s remember Lussick was coming off the bench for St Helens. He’s the perfect backup dummy half, but he’s not a starter, not by a long shot. The reality is that the best 9’s today are converted 7’s. The guy I would love to get would be Wade Egan. He would be the perfect fit for us.

  24. Ron

    I am even more annoyed after waking up today (to my surprise). How this administration has consistently made the wrong decision at almost every turn stretches credulity. The weak leadership at parra seems unwilling to arrest this slow walk return to a bottom four club. They are too many players and parra officials who reach for excuses and the soft option under pressure. We don’t need another review to diagnose the issues. The issues have festered for years and this is another case of ripping the Band-Aid we consistently have put on the issue

    1. Ron

      Thanks TCT for ventilating some of the frustrations of the fans. No blunt the club sees it but pretends everything is okay.

    2. Poppa

      Ron, I understand your rhetoric but everyone seems to be saying in hindsight that we should have seen this happening and the administration from Coach to Chairman should have known better……
      Well prior to the Tigers game and say Moses injury, everyone was pretty happy, we looked good and were unlucky not to be 3-0 going into Tiges.
      What happened, only those inside will know the real story. I would be surprised to think anyone of us fans would actually know and what hindsight does tell us is that fans never do know the real story. Could losing Moses be that dislocating, we lost him last year with not quite the ramifications…..yes it is a large factor notwithstanding.
      Well what is it?, I would not trust the media to know and they will only cause damage. The question is does Parra have someone within their structure to get to the bottom of anything. The board seems impotent and leadership zero…..I doubt that Bernie Gurr would be quiet at the moment.
      I am going to say that Jim Saratinos is completely out of his depth at being the CEO of a NRL Club. He is probably a brilliant mind in his own field as an accountant or receiver but he is one dimemsional when it comes to his current role.
      Unless someone within the board is seeing this and prepared to act on it, we are going no where.
      Decisions that need to be made on coaching, head of football and the R&R are sitting there going nowhere……Jim needs to make way…..just be a director on the board Jim but get someone capable of managing a football club……..maybe he is in front of you and you dont understand that you dont understand.
      TCT being what it is I hope he is reading this and the other comments, as the board is where we need to start….talk to us!

      1. Ron

        I don’t think this is hindsight bias on my part at all. Some people accused me and others of not being able to appreciate a win in the early rounds but, for my part, all I saw in early rounds was a small improvement in effort/connectivity (pre Moses injury) but a lot of the same bad habits I see year on year with this team in defence and detail around their game (lack of kick pressure, inside pressure, kick chase etc). Moses has been a big loss but a lot of supporters have pointed out over the years the precise problems with lack of outside backs, no real fullback backup and no real halves back up for years. It’s not rocket science but the para administration keep making the same mistakes year on year by having an incomplete roster and targeting the wrong profile of player (either because the player profile is wrong or it’s right but they have gone with scraps from other clubs). Last year should have been the impetus from important tweaks to coaching strategy and admin structures but instead they were paralysed by their own excuses.

  25. McFersie

    Just shows what a great player Moses is. When he is running the team average workhorse forwards look pretty good, his long kicking game continually gets his team out of trouble and his short kicking is always a threat to,the opposition.

    Canberra showed just how much the eels are lacking in speed.

    Pretty sad to be surrendering hope of making the 8 after R5.

    1. Poppa

      Actually Fogarty was their best player yesterday and his kicking game did what Moses normally does for us……

  26. Poppa

    Actually Fogarty was their best player yesterday and his kicking game did what Moses normally does for us……

  27. Rocky

    Its going to take a lot more than loma to fix this club a major cleanout is required , anyway the board and recruitment are long odds on to completely stuff it up and head back to the reject shop!!!

  28. pete

    Just glad Rabbits are taking all the heat now.
    Who will be next… Hopefully not us. But I’m not confident.

  29. Alan Green

    Start by dropping Talagi to jersey Flegg where he can learn to tackle. He refuses to commit to tackles instead sticking one arm out or running alongside the player. Has shown very little in attack either

  30. Namrebo

    Thanks for your thoughts fellas. A depressing night. I was in Canberra for a family function on Sunday and weighed up how much trouble I’d be in if I went to the game for those few hours. It would have been my first eels match since 2010. I’m glad I didn’t. The thought of all those Raiders supporters giving it to me is too much.

    My son watched the game and texted me throughout the night. Needless to say his texts were getting more and more vitriolic as the night went on.

    I’m not sure where to start in terms of analysing what actually happened out there. So I might just leave it at that for now.

    Thanks again and I appreciated you still producing for us through the pain.

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