Every story has a beginning.
When you’re talking about a club with over seventy years of history, that might seem like an inappropriate cliche to use. But when the setting is a new training base that will eventually be one of the premier Centres of Excellence in Australian sport, the story is probably worthy of new volume status rather than simply “next chapter”.

A far cry from Old Saleyards!
Today marked day 1 at the Eels new training centre at Kellyville. Modular buildings now house both Eels administration and the football department. Though these buildings are only temporary, the step up from the Saleyards facilities is already significant. By the time the permanent structure and match field are completed, the centre will be the home of the Eels for men’s and women’s junior and senior football, as well as a superb community asset.
Though the turf is not quite ready on a couple of the fields, by late January three training fields will be available to train on.
With both Michael Jennings and Clint Gutherson officially back at training, it’s now all hands on deck as the Eels begin their final week prior to the Christmas break.
Probably more than half of today’s field session was dedicated to conditioning. This included both Gutherson and Jennings working on their own with what appeared to be individualised conditioning and assessment.
Running mechanics was an early feature. This was the first time that I’d been able to observe the mechanics work from a side-on perspective. The players build up to top speed and sprint for distances of around 50 metres.

Check out Polar’s form!
Two players to catch the eye were Kane Evans and Ray Stone. When Evans gets the high knee lift going he absolutely motors, and it’s quite a sight. Likewise, Stoney surprised with his pace, running past some players that I thought would have him covered.
The squad was then split into three groups – outside backs, edges/spine, and middles. Each group was set a distance (between around 120 to 180 metres) to sprint in a specific time. By the time the players returned to the starting point, they were immediately dispatched on their next sprint.
Credit must be awarded to the big units this morning. Anybody who suspected that the departing Stefano Utoikamanu wouldn’t be giving his best might need to think again. The young prop really strode out in his group, finishing either first or top 3 in every run.

Hughes, Utoikamanu and Kaufusi show the way.
Other forwards to put their hand up were Danny Alvaro, Oregon Kaufusi and Sam Hughes. As we witnessed last season, Polar struggled to play at his best after putting on some bulk for 2019. He has stripped that weight and his increased mobility is showing on the training paddock.
Oregon Kaufusi looks to be showing the benefit of the previous pre-season and last season’s NRL experience. He turned up on day one in tremendous shape and seems to be making a statement about being ready to take the next step.
I thought it was important to give Sam Hughes a mention today. Both he and Dave Hollis are imposing figures, even amongst NRL players, and they’ve only just graduated from SG Ball. They’re in their first full time preseason, and like last year’s group, have obviously done some preparation to get ready for the demands of NRL conditioning.
Hughes was one of today’s conditioning standouts. Like Stefano, he was among the leading players in every run, and looks to have surprising pace. I’d never seen him in open spaces in junior reps, so I wasn’t expecting him to stride out as he did today. I’m not sure what grade he and big Dave will start in – likely Flegg – but they are bound for something much higher.

Brown and Salmon battle this one out.
Credit must also be given to a few of the more fleet footed backs. Gutho, Dunster, Parry, Smith, Moses, Salmon and Dylan Brown all had their moments to shine. On reflection, underline the King and set his name in bold & italics. Gutherson has rapidly reminded everyone that he’s the benchmark when it comes to fitness. How good is it to have the captain set such standards, and others in the squad busting their arse to beat him!
With conditioning behind them, the squad was split into red and blue teams for relentless red zone defence. Today, the Blue team contained most of the predicted starters for 2020 and they were first to defend their line against extended possession. For good measure they were put through a set of Malcolms before the defence began.

Showing the love..
The attacking sets began from line drop outs, scrums or six again calls. From recollection, the Red team didn’t cross the line during their time in possession – something that should be a non-negotiable against players mostly expected to play Canterbury Cup in 2020.
Conversely, when the Blue team became the designated attacking team, the tries initially came with a rush. Matto, Taka and Fergo quickly crossed the line, but things became a little scrappy from that point. Undoubtedly the coaches would have walked away with a couple of additions to the “to do” list.
After more Malcolms and extras the first field session at Kellyville was done and dusted.
Let’s consider page 1, chapter 1 now read.
I’m tipping that what lies ahead will be a best seller.
Eels forever!
Credit to Eels media for these superb photos.
Hi Sixties
Thanks for the new chapter and we look forward to the chance to see some junior reps played there. I cannot wait to see the oval live. Have they got seats for you?
For me Kaufusi looks in v good shape and seems stronger and bigger. i am hoping to see more of him in the17 and think he will be there.
I know the oval is only on the other side of the Parra area but i think the players may feel the heat there even more….it is a warm part of the west.
Will they build a running track there too?
It was relatively cool and windy today. It will be better for the players when the other fields are ready as they are closer to the buildings. Not sure where our vantage point will be then.
Milo as a point of reference on Kaufusi, go to NRL.com and look back at the Bankwest game against St George. Not a perfect game by Kaufusi but he showed a lot of what makes him a future NRL player.
He is definitely NRL quality.
Hey mate. Looking to get your honest opinion on how RCG is travelling. Looks bang out of shape at this point
On the other hand – Dylan brown looks to have bulked up
Thought RCG looked at his best of the preseason today. He’s spoken about being a bit behind due to surgery but he’ll be up to speed come round 1 as he’s getting the work put in big time.
I agree – Dyl is looking bigger.
Thanks for the report at the new eels home sixties.
I had a couple of browses through the eels home page training pics, and looking at the players in one photo Sivo looks to have muscles on his knee caps, those sinewy legs are crazy with the muscle aspect of them.
Its actually going to be interesting when the new eels team photo’s go up to see their individual stats as to size and weight compared to this past season. Certainly they all look fitter and some look bigger, although Alvaro is not the big eel of this season but a bit of a shrimp, especially when one looks at the muscle and size of Matto which has surprised me.
Oregon looks to have muscled up a bit, as does Marata, Peni looks shrimp like compared to others, also RCG seems no bigger that the other main forwards, although probably deceiving really.
I also have a feeling that its going to be hard to leave Stone out of the top 17. While I am still sad to see Stefano leave end of next year, if he shows his worth for the eels, all the best for him but, I think we will have his departure pretty much covered anyway.
Maybe when he’s a bit older and out of the family influence and can make more of his own decisions we could see him in the B&G again.
Stefano is a good man Colin. He’ll do the right thing for certain.
Sixties, love the newness of life you’ve creatively designated to our 70 year old dog mate. With a wonderful history that’s promised so much yet delivered so little over the last 30 years? Maybe a refreshing of the story-line was appropriate, especially considering the new environment for training and administration are about as exciting this season as our new Bankwest Stadium was anticipated to be this time last year.
Training report was spot on again my friend. Come on Parra 2020!
Cheers Rowdy. Look at the images of the facilities, esp the sheds. Massive step up on Saleyards and must buoy the team.
Hi Sixties 👍 love the feed back with whats goin on with our boys. Its early pre season and loving the effort and its great to hear some names we dont often here. Thanks for the feed back champion and i will be following all the way. Put ya dow on Eels v Raiders Gf. Its our year. 👍
Good on ya Matty and thanks for the reply. I’m not allowed to put my coin anywhere near Parra. I’m allowed to tip them, but if my money goes on the team or an individual, the mock comes into full force.
Can someone tell me exactly where these new training facilities are as I’d love to go and watch the boys go through their routines.
Kellyville Recreation reserve
Sixties your discussion on Sam Hughes is interesting. I watched him play at Wyong last season and while I was impressed with both him and Dave Hollis, Sam to me stood out that day. I spoke to Bernie that day and I know he was an ardent admirer of the pair.
His speed in open territory was a standout that day and I believe that was one of the reasons that I was so impressed with him. I think Milo may have been present that day at the game and he may have some recollection of his performance. I did post on it in a TCT piece after the game.
Another with good leg speed in the open is Oregon Kaufusi. Which is probably why he has played a lot on the Edge.
Thanks for these observations John. And yes, I believe Milo would have been there.
HI John yes i was there and recall him too. He was quite strong imo and from memory we lost that game in Ball? Think we got run down? Memory may have faded me. Our size up front was noticeable and i think Hughes or Hollis had some solid hits too.
I also seem to recall the heat JOhn….it was quite a warm day. There was a centre too a young islander who had some pace…..
The coast surprised us with their intensity.
Kaufusi is my tip for a solid nrl yr too.
Hi Guys
I am recovering from some back surgery so I have some time up my sleeve. What time do they train usually ? With the heat I am expecting 7am ? any drama coming down for a look ?
They are in from early in the morning but the field sessions vary. They’re about to launch into their Christmas break. No training this Thursday then the open session on Friday from 8:30am. Get in touch with me if you’re off from January 6 onwards and I should be able to help with approximate times.
I’ve just emailed you.
Hi Sixties – Under 20’s trial tomorrow night (Wednesday) 7pm at Macquarie University Sports Complex.
Kyle Schneider and Sam Hughes in action.
The venue is on University grounds at Marsfield.
Cheers mate. Already had that locked in but appreciate the heads up just in case. Always happy for you to drop anything like trial times in case we hadn’t heard. I suspected those fellas might be playing as I didn’t spot them at Tuesday training. Dave Hollis?
Dave Hollis had minor surgical issue I understand but still able to train.