The Cumberland Throw

Post Game Grades – Round 22 at Canterbury

Parramatta_Eels_logo.svg  Parramatta Eels 20

 Canterbury Bulldogs 4

The Good:
Well, it’s pretty much set in stone. After the longest break in the land, we’re off to see the wizard the NRL finals.

That’s now 6 straight wins for your Parramatta Eels, and we really are starting to look like we’re going to be a team capable of a lot more than just making up the numbers.

We forced 9 line dropouts, spent 26 minutes of the game in the Dogs 20 (just pause for a moment to take that in), and completed at a ridiculous 90% (37/41) across the 80 minutes. That’s in the wet, too.

In particular, our first 20 minutes was borderline perfect as we relentlessly heaped the pressure on the Dogs, forcing 4 of our drop outs in that opening quarter. We were patient and controlled, confident that the Dogs would eventually burst, and like the heavens above ANZ Stadium, that they did.

We did all our damage in the first half, and our lack of attacking flair in a wet second half didn’t particularly affect our defensive resolve. In short, the Dogs were never in it. It’s a cliche, but I think BA will be more pleased with the 4, than the 20.

We now have a clean sweep of the Tigers (2-0), Panthers (1-0) and now the Dogs (2-0); so break out your favourite trackies as we’re the 2017 Champions of the West.

The Bad:
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Marge, Marge – the rains are ‘ere. Sure, the weather was ridiculously bad, but it probably makes up for the fact that this is, as far as I can recall, only the Eels’ second game in the rain this season. For comparison it was the Dogs’ 6th this season, and they’re now 1-5 in the wet.

In regards to the game, the conditions limited the early, wide ball given to the entire backline, and constantly attacking and probing an opposition’s 20 also tends to limit the running numbers your side can rack up. Still, this game isn’t decided by stats, and the Eels just ground the Dogs down. On the other side of the ball, our defence was stellar.

Oh remember that ANZ Hoodoo? It’s dead and buried, baby. We are now a ridiculous 12 win from our last 15 starts at Homebush, which happens to be the place they play the Grand Final.

The MVP:


‘Future Ken Thornett Medalist Nathan Brown’ once again got through a mountain of work, whilst Corey’s shift to fullback also limited his second half contributions (although he had a terrific first 40).

Still, for the second week in a row, I’m giving it to the bloke with 1 line break, 1 try assist, 1 tackle break and zero missed tackles.

That’s right kids, zero missed tackles. He’s evidently become a pretty rubbish turnstile, now holds an 8-2 record in the Blue and Gold. Mitch Moses, once again, you the MVP.

The Starters

1- Bevan French

Fullback, Parramatta Eels

As one of the few positions I think we’d struggle to cover (a second time), Bevan’s hamstring injury is particularly concerning. With that said, all signs are suggesting it was merely precautionary, a decision no doubt made easier by the dreadfully wet conditions. It was still a very impressive first half from the Frenchman, with his support play for our second try in particular showing the quality of his contributions. A tidy 4 runs for 47 metres and no missed tackles rounds out a solid 40 minute service.

Oh, and you’ve probably heard that’s Bevan’s sixth try in his last six games. What a French freak.

2- Semi Radradra

Left Wing, Parramatta Eels

A reasonably quiet game in the by Bula’s lofty standards with only 73 running metres (from 9), and a measly 2 tackle breaks (which is actually pretty good). Nonetheless, he did take a catch late in the first half that would make a slip cordon collectively weep.

3- Michael Jennings

Right Centre, Parramatta Eels

Offensively it was a tough night at the office for our back 5 (although Jenko still managed 95 metres), but it was the Jet’s defensive plays on multiple occasions were particularly pleasing. Off the top of my head I can recall kick regathers, the diving on of loose passes, and at least 2 line drop outs forced from the hand of Jenko.

Michael Jennings – a name you can trust.

4- Brad Takairangi

Left Centre, Parramatta Eels

A combination of the big wet and a shift to the halves in the second half limited his opportunity to be that “Tuck it and run Taka” that children around the world have grown to know and love. Still, the last pass for Semi’s try, a tackle break and a couple of very important tackles still showed his class through almost aquatic conditions.

5- Kirisome Auva’a

Right Wing, Parramatta Eels

The only member of our back 5 to pass the 100 metre mark, gobbling up 117 metres in his 15 emphatic hit ups. Triple A continues to impress, and like me I suspect you’ll be glad to know he signed a 2 year deal with Parra, rather than the rumoured 1 year deal that was doing the rounds in some publications.

Gimme some of that Kirisome.

6- Corey Norman

Five-Eighth, Parramatta Eels

A really classy kicking game,  and a very solid 80 running metres (admittedly 53 of those were on kick returns) highlighted a controlled game from Yeah, Nah Norman. You could see he was blowing at fullback from how quickly he wanted us to take the two midway through the second half, but then again it could have just be astute game management – who knows? There was also once again a terrific halves passing balance, seeing Corey pass on 23 occasions, to Mitchell’s 21. I know I say this every week, but a central reason we’ve won 6 on the trot (and 11 from 14 mind you) is the growing combination between Corey and Mitch in the halves.

7- Mitchell Moses

Halfback, Parramatta Eels

An absolutely sublime performance from young Mitchell Moses.

As an aside, this game was also the 3rd time Mitchell has defeated the Dogs this season; twice as an Eel, once a Tiger (credit to someone on Twitter whose name I’ve forgotten for that point).

Ok, deal.

8- Siosaia Vave

Prop, Parramatta Eels

Remember that time he palmed James Graham to the ground like he was Jamie Soward? Good times.

A massive 117 metres (from 13) in the wet for Seniōre Vave, with a tackle break and 10 tackles in the middle. He’s really risen to the occasion in recent weeks. Viva la Vave!

9- Cameron King

Hooker, Parramatta Eels

Cameron played the game with the Dolmio Grin after copping a whack during his early try attempt. Nonetheless, with each nostril stuffed like a Christmas turkey, Kingy kicked on with a game high 46 tackles, 123 passes and zero errors, completing his second 80 minute performance in 6 days.

Cameron King is now 5-0 as an Eel, beating the Bulldogs twice in this time. He’s evidently forgotten how to lose.

10- Tim Mannah (c)

Prop, Parramatta Eels

Another 100m+ game for Stop, Mannah Time, 17 tackles and a good ole’ fashion tackle break. Good to see from the “recently retired” Captain.

Theory – A wiley Tim Mannah took advantage of the wet conditions by shaving his head completely bald.

11- Manu Ma’u

Back Row, Parramatta Eels

I once heard Manu is only happy when it rains.

Nope, he was still just as angry and ferocious as usual.

A quality 111 metre performance in the wet, with 21 tackles and 2 tackle breaks matched Manu’s performance with any forward on the park.

I know we all laugh at how scary he is, but I think there could be more to it. All I’m saying is that last week Manu winked at me and now my wife has the flu. You do the math.

15- Kenny Edwards

Back Row, Parramatta Eels

Although I had and still have no issue with last week’s events, it was good to see Kenny respond to the media circus by playing a straight up, straight forward, no nonsense, run hard, tackle hard game of Rugby League against the Dogs; 124 metres (from 15), a tackle break and 34 tackles. You’re starting to remember why you fell in love with him, aren’t you?


13- Nathan Brown

Lock, Parramatta Eels

When Browny went off for a HIA in the first half, I always knew he’d be just fine as I discovered weeks ago that Nathan Brown is actually a footballing cyborg. Despite missing time for that software update, Browny still ran for a team high 157 metres (from 18) and made a very solid 33 tackles.

Dear football department, I know you’re reading this – please just extend the cyborg until the end of time.


14- Daniel Alvaro

Interchange, Parramatta Eels

Just a team high 5 (!) tackle breaks for The Polar Express tonight, and a ridiculous try which was either the result of incredibly impressive leg drive, or some incredibly soft Dogs’ defence (I’m happy to just call it a tie). Nonetheless, Danny was rightfully stoked to get himself off the nudie run list with that fine first half four pointer, filling the stat sheet alongside his 115 running metres and standard weekly helping of 28 tackles (without a miss).

Keep doing what you do, Daniel.

16- Suaia Matagi

Interchange, Parramatta Eels

Is it just me, or is Suaia much angrier than he used to be? Whoever took his seat or ate the last Tim Tam, please keep poking the bear because he is playing like a man possessed. A very, very handy 125 metres (from only 12 hit ups), 17 tackles and a tackle break is a terrific result from your bench.

Poke. The. Bear.

17- Peni Terepo

Interchange, Parramatta Eels

The Butcher is back. Just the 7 runs tonight (for a very respectable 68 running metres), but more importantly our forward stocks are finally looking healthy again. Apparently this is a good time of year to get your troops back on the park, too.

20- Frank Pritchard

Interchange, Parramatta Eels

Tough conditions to return after a long lay off, but Fritchard barely skipped a beat. He’ll be better for the run, as will the rest of the team knowing he’s now there.

We’re going to need a bigger boat bandwagon.

Bring on the Knights.


Eels moving into the Top 4 like …


Go you Eels,



Photos courtesy of the Parramatta Eels. Stats courtesy of Champion Data.

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21 thoughts on “Post Game Grades – Round 22 at Canterbury

  1. Parrastew

    Another great review of our team. All handled the SCUBA conditions like premiership contenders. Unfortunately even as a 20+year veteran of a beard I have to pull Manu’s grade back to a B+ because the new beard has softened his look to almost be approachable in the street ( previously was rated as a walk around the block to avoid look).
    Finally luv the new catchphrase for Matagi ‘POKE THE BEAR’.

      1. Parrastew

        Steady on I am only up to the stage of almost approaching him on the street, Add a Santa suit and marshmallow man head and I would tell him he looks stupid to his face…. from my car.

  2. conway

    Thanks again Mitch for your review. I just want to endorse what a good footballer Kenny Edwards is when he directs his energies positively. He is a gifted individual and when he is more thoughtful regarding his team’s outcomes he becomes a major asset. His third minute rag doll tackle on Hopoate where he dragged him back in to the in goal thus giving Parra a repeat set is match defining in being able to exert pressure and is so valuable.
    An electrical black out stopped me seeing most of the second half but from what I read above, he must have maintained his focus…..I wouldn’t even mind you regrading him to A- if you felt generous based on what I saw.

  3. Chris

    You summed up Jennings with the last sentence. I know he is on a motza but is earning it. Going very very well.

    1. mitch Post author

      Agreed. I think in many ways he’s becoming the forgotten man in our backline, but he is a huge part of why we’re so successful, particularly since he’s moved over to the right.

  4. The Captain

    Great review Mitch and spot on all round. I can’t believe the 180 Moses has done since joining the Eels. He took control of the team and toyed with the Dogs. If his form stays consistently this good alongside Norman and French and Gutbo we could be a top 4 side for many years to come.

    Exciting times!

    2009 was amazing but it was all on the back of Haynes one-in-a-million brilliance. This year? It’s truly been a team effort. For the first time in over a decade we look like a team to be feared. Clinical and skillful.

    How good is it being an Eels fan?!

    1. mitch Post author

      we lost the closest thing we had to Jarryd Hayne a couple of weeks ago and responded by going up a gear. how fantastic.

      looking forward to the 2017 Finals Series, but think about adding Gutho, Kane Evans, Kaysa, Beau Scott and hopefully a fit Willis Meehan to this side, then we’ll see where it goes.

  5. Pou

    My dad loved “Tuck it and run Taka” when he was a little boy and I’m so happy I can now watch Taka with my own kids.

  6. Sam

    Not sure what Kenny will have to do to get an A – He was pretty flawless on Friday. Forcing drop outs, smashing people legitimately, running hard etc. Not once did His brain explode, snap or liquefy. There were no Kenny Cuddles, Kramps, or Kisses.

    Poor bloke may as well have Wayne Bennett marking his performance if last night didn’t get Him at least as good a grade as Manu!

    Plus these grades are later than usual…overall a b- for your efforts this week Mitch. 😂

  7. Shelley

    Pleasing game. Watching it reminded me a little of Melbourne. Have a game plan, stick to it but allow those with skill to take a chance when it is on, but don’t force it hoping for a miracle or doing more than what you are capable of. We are starting to know and have the execution as a team when to play quick and when to hit it up and kick long.

    In the dry we would have destroyed the dogs out wide but in the wet we played them in the middle and behind the ruck. Superb game plan and management. Moses was brilliant but I thought Norman was equally superb. They compliment each other so well. Norman is really developing a calm edge to his game, who would of thought 2 years ago we could say that. He is obviously working hard at improving his game and getting some good coaching. Like Taka and of course Gutho when fit, I think these 3 are our real leaders on the field.The week before we needed Norman to run and he did, on Thursday he needed to control the game and let Moses run, he did. He seems to want the team to win more then be the star getting all the attention and setting up everything. Good on him for stepping up and becoming a leader, it is pleasing to see.

    I also thought Vave and Kenny were exceptional, very strong and direct runs. To me we have looked better since Vave has come back from injury. He is important for us as he always get us going forward early in the set.

    I was worried before the game, a legacy of being let down over the years by loosing ‘easy’ games ( how sad and dare I say unbulldogs like but the dogs really are not very good- something rotten there at the moment) but I am slowly starting to feel comfortable with this team being really good and having the smarts to manage games. We may not do it this year, who knows I will be very pleased to be wrong, but our future is so bright.

    We done boys, proud supporter right here.

    1. mitch Post author

      Me too Shelley, I was all ready to be let down by the Eels after feeling good about their recent form, and the Dogs in the wet seemed the perfect combination. But surely now I’ll be ready to have faith in our ability … Surely.

      We do have a touch of Melbourne about us, although we still lack a bit of that killer edge. With that said, I’ll take wins however I can get them at the moment.

    1. mitch Post author

      as I hinted at above anon, I thought this was a perfect trap game for the Eels. we’d been talked up all week in the media, all we had to do was win to guarantee a long awaited finals berth. in addition, it was a wounded Dogs with their back against the walls in the wet.

      if we were truly the Eels of old, we were primed for disappointment.

      but that wasn’t the case. we completed at 90% in the wet. we were patient and controlled. simple plays, beating the Dogs are what they are often heralded for – forward dominance.

      it was a supreme preparation and the players executed it perfectly.

      sure it was a Dogs team coming 14th or whatever, but the job got done in a potentially tricky spot. you can’t ask for much more – A+ for the coaching staff for mine mate.

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