This is a call to arms.
Tomorrow night, in what will be a final-esque atmosphere, our season starts again.
If the team has ever needed a packed Pirtek Stadium, tomorrow night is the time.
After the fortnight they’ve had, we know the team cannot wait to play.
After the fortnight they’ve had, packing Pirtek is the the least we could do.
Bring your passion, pack your pride.
Lose your voice cheering Blue and Gold.
BA and the boys deserve our support.
The world is amazed by the resilience of our team; let’s show them the resilience of our fans.
Their form tells us the boys will turn up tomorrow; surely the fans should too.
See you at Pirtek.
I’ll be in my season seats
I’ll be there miatch.. see you at the game
I have 2 season tickets but my wife does not go all that often. I have had about 6 calls from friends looking for a seat. I think there will be a good crowd.
I’ve had my game face on all day Miatch!