The Cumberland Throw

Live Blog Jersey Flegg And NSW Cup Round 24: Eels vs Knights

It’s a double header at Eric Tweedale Stadium today, with the Eels taking on the Knights in both the NSW Cup and Jersey Flegg.

The Eels NSW Cup side are out of finals contention and are playing for pride, let alone contracts or opportunities for next season.

On the other hand, a remarkable run of form has seen the Eels Jersey Flegg team keep themselves in the hunt for a finals berth. Today represents yet another major challenge with the Knights sitting in third place and no doubt confident after recently disposing of the Eels in one of only three losses inflicted over the past four months.

Can Parra keep that roll on?

The action starts at 3pm with Flegg and 5pm for Cup.

Jersey Flegg

Team List

1 Zachary Hunter
2 Mohamed Alameddine
3 Michael Adbow
4 Araz Nanva
5 Ollie McCarthy
6 Matthew Hunter
7 Josh Lynn
8 Sam Tuivati
9 Ryley Smith
10 Teancum Brown
11 Jock Brazel
12 Dom De Stradis
13 Saxon Pryke
14 Max Tupou
15 Tyrese Lokeni
16 Damascus Neemia


Raff De Stradis

Dom Farrugia

First Half

Eels kicking off running to the southern end.

Knights go close to kicking a 40/20 on their first set. Eels rucking up from 21metres out. Great pick up off a loose pass by De Stradis late in the set. Knights field the kick ten out and they again hit their kick from inside the forty.

Parra again complete their set with Lynn landing the kick inch perfect on the Knights line.  Great defence from Parra and the Knights kick is from inside their 30 this time. Penalty to Parra on halfway and they start this set 25 out. Parra drive play to the line. Nice short ball out of dummy half from Smith to Pryke and he crashes over from short range just to the left of the posts.

Matt Hunter kicks the conversion.

Eels 6 lead Knights 0 after 8 minutes.

Abdo makes the break with support looming either side. He looks on the inside with his pass and the Knights fullback takes the odds on the intercept and comes up trumps! Miraculous potential try saver there.

Both teams continue to trade sets. Great metres through Alameddine and Brown in this set. Nanveh breaks down the left but the pass to supports is again intercepted.

Another penalty to Parra in the next set. Grubber kick towards the left corner on the last and it looks like Nanveh has grounded it for the try.

Conversion misses

Eels 10 lead Knights nil with 18 minutes left first half.

Parra look to run it on the last and Hunter chip kicks. The Knights fullback cleans up an awkward bounce superbly then beats about six defenders in a weaving run. Bloke can play! Unfortunately for him his side spill the ball around halfway.

Parra again run it on the last with a sharp blind side play but the Knights read it well and it’s a turnover ten out.

A floater kick on the last and Hunter fields it brilliantly getting play to around the 40.

Another drive down the right on the last with a grubber at the end of it. The Knights knock on fielding it. Centre scrum.

What a play! Left off the scrum and Nanveh runs a superb line to slice through untouched and ground the ball behind the posts.

Conversion from Hunter

Eels 16 lead Knights nil after 25 minutes

Offside penalty against Parra. Knights 25 out. Parra muscle up big time in defence and Smith takes an intercept on the 5th. Great carry from Alameddine in this set. The set end with a slightly overcooked kick to the sideline and knights start their set around 20 out from their line.

Alameddine is pressured in fielding the kick on the last and the Knights regain it ten out. Two six agains now follow as they hammer Parra’s line. The Eels refuse to surrender and the Knights eventually cough it up near the posts.

Another penalty to the Knights follows after the Eels kick. Parra field the last tackle kick in goal and the clock runs down to the siren.

Half time: Eels 16 lead Knights nil

Second Half

Parra end the first set with a mid field bomb.

Fantastic attacking play this set. A feigned inside ball that goes outside nearly brings a try but the defence is resolute. Line drop out after the ball is stripped over the line. A scrum now to Parra after the Knights catch a short kick on the last but lose the ball in contact. Missed opportunity as scrappy play from Parra turns it over.

Repeat set for the Knights as ref appears to miss a forward pass. Parra defend well but turn it over again in yardage. Scrum to Knights now six again. Knights kick and drive Hunter in goal to force a drop out.

The kick is shanked. Ball to Knights ten out. More great defence and Knights cough it up.

Parra drive play towards half way and get a six again. Hunter chimes in on a right side shiftaround the quarter and kicks in behind the line. It’s a shrewd play as he wins the race to ground the ball for a try.

Angled conversion misses

Eels 20 lead Knights nil with 22 to go.

What a set from Parra’s forwards, with Neemia then De Stradis charging through the middle. Brazel adds his power. They advance it to the quarter and Smith runs and grubbers on the last. Knights survive as Eels knock on in trying to clean up the scraps. Yes! Knights lose the ball soon after. Eels scrum on the quarter. Parra goes right off the scrum and Hunter flies on to the pass and dives over out wide for the try. Conversion unsuccessful

Eels 24 lead Knights nil with 17 minutes remaining.

Eels penalty in the kick off set.

They work play into the Knights quarter again. Some ordinary stuff in the tackle from Newcastle and it’s an Eels penalty in front of the posts. They’ll take the two here and Hunter kicks it between the posts.

Eels 26 lead knights nil with 13 to go.

Short kick off which Knights claim easily. A penalty on the quarter now. A shift left and a short sharp pass puts the runner through the Eels line. Called forward!

Fumble from Parra off the scrum now there’s some pushing and shoving. Knights feed.

Huge hits in this Eels defensive set. Knights try a big spread left but pressure from the Eels right edge forces a harbour bridge pass that goes over the winger and into touch.

Eels get to their kick next set but a Knights penalty follows. They advance play to the quarter and lose the ball. Now he’s called a Knights penalty. Great Eels defence again forces an error.

Eels looking dangerous again De Stradis breaks the line down the right and floats a pass out to McCarthy. It’s a bit too far in front of him and he can’t pull it in. Knights in possession again. Can the Eels keep their line intact? Newcastle get expansive near the red zone and they break down the left and score in the corner.

Conversion misses.

Eels 26 lead Knights 4 with three minutes remaining

A shift right off the kick off and second phase footy has Newcastle breaking down the wing. Alameddine is penalised for a high shot that seriously hit the player across his shoulder blades. They go left to where they just scored and are again rewarded.

Conversion unsuccessful

Eels 26 Knights 8 with a minute to go.

Newcastle again spread the ball right in the kick off set but drop the ball around halfway. Alameddine picks it up and is rounded up close to the quarter. The Knights player holds him down as the siren sounds so the penalty and sin bin are given after full time!

Parra opt for the two from out wide but the kick is a shocker. A bit of a flurry now from the Knights as they kick ahead from their line. Parra clean it up and it’s full time.

Full time Eels 26 defeat Knights 8



Team List

1 Lorenzo Mulitalo
2 Haze Dunster
3 Ethyn Martin
4 Morgan Harper
5 Isaac Lumelume
6 Mitchell Chester
7 Ethan Sanders
8 Ofahiki Ogden
9 Matt Arthur
10 Makahesi Makatoa
11 Matt Doorey
12 Toni Mataele
13 Brock Parker
14 Meni Luke
15 Will Lewis
16 Reece Alderton
17 Patrick Spence


First Half

Knights to kick off running south and it’s out on the full.

Parra punch into the Knights quarter and ask questions through the middle. The kick on the last draws a penalty from Badger but it’s the Knights who receive it.

six again on the last tackle and now another six again about 3 tackles later. Eels defending stoutly but they could be short on the right and the Knights go there late in the count. A huge harbour bridge pass to the winger looks forward but it’s given the green light and the Knights are over.

Conversion from the sideline.

Knights 6 lead Eels nil after six minutes.

A break down the right by Mataele sets the Eels in prime position. Terrific passing and support play on the left edge soon after and Ogden crashes over.

Conversion from Sanders

Eels 6 Knights 6 after nine minutes

A short kick off and Martin fumbles it. The Knights get the scrum and immediately have the Eels under pressure. When it comes the try is far too easy.

Conversion successful

Knights 12 lead Eels 6

A knights penalty after the kick off and they’re straight back into Parra’s half. I’m barely able to keep up with this as they split Parra’s right yet again and score.

Conversion successful

Knights 18 lead Eels 6 after 15 minutes.

Knights complete their set and find touch on the last after the kick off. Parra look positive on their play in this set and a kick and chase on the last draws a line drop out.

The kick is out on the full. Eels ball ten out on the right wing. It’s a very early spread left and Mulitalo chimes in and unleashes Lumelume who dives across with a defender attached and just manages to ground it before the corner post.

Conversion misses.

Knights 18 lead Eels 10 with 19 minutes left in the half.

Knights tap back for possession off a short kick off. They spread left but Harper spoils their party by grabbing the ball. The set ends poorly for Parra with a kick out on the full.

Big tackle from Ogden on first tackle and it’s a Knights error!

Parra work play towards the posts but the set again ends poorly, this time with a loose pass.

Miraculous take from Mulitalo inside his quarter is followed by an elusive run from Martin that draws a penalty. Again the ensuing set ends disappointingly and the Knights are piggybacked out of their end with a high tackle penalty.

Parta scramble to field the last tackle kick and receive a much needed penalty on their thirty.

Great offload from Harper in this set to get play into the quarter. The ball comes to Doorey about ten out and he powers his way through defenders to score to the left of the posts.

Sanders converts.

Knights 18 lead Eels 16 with 8 minutes to the break

Knights go for the short kick off and nearly get it back. Again positive footy from the Eels and Mulitalo is playing very well. Six again called. Boodsy!!!! Matt Arthur bamboozled the markers and A defenders and scoots away for a solo try and brings it around behind the posts.

Conversion successful

Eels 22 lead Knights 18 with five to go till the break.

Knights have perfected the short restart and regain the ball. They kick on the last from short range in front of the posts but Sanders cleans it up and sprints 40 metres. Parra drive towards the quarter and get six again. A spread right now and Martin splits them in a powerful surge and crosses for the try

Conversion successful

Eels 28 lead knights 18 with a minute to the break.

Short kick off and Parra field this one and they get a penalty.

Adventurous last second play as they spread left and grubber ahead. Lumelume gets his foot to the ball and then regathers. He looks to fling it to a support but the Knights swat the pass away as the play ends on the 20 metre line.

Half time. Eels 28 lead Knights 18

Second Half

Eels kicking off.

Knights get to their kick which is a spiralling bomb and Mulitalo does well to field it. Penalty to Parra now.

Parra advances the ball to the quarter. Sanders chip kicks to the in goal and it’s a line drop out. Shortish kick is regathered by Newcastle on their quarter – this is like shelling peas for them. Play moves centre field and they split the Eels defence with a potential forward pass and they sprint away for a try between the posts.

Eels 28 Knights 24 with 35 minutes remaining

Six again call  late in this set. They kick high on the last to the Eels right corner. The chasers look to be offside but it gets the all clear from Badger as the Knights take the ball impressively and score.

Another angled conversion is successful

Knights 30 lead Eels 28 with 31 minutes left.

Easy ground for the Knights this set and Parra again don’t contest the last tackle kick. Catch and pass from Newcastle but Parra intercept.

Parra break down the left wing now as Sanders puts Lumelume down a corridor. He kicks ahead. The knights field it and they’re away!!! The support looms and they shred Parra’s cover defence to race away for yet another converted try.

Knights 36 lead Eels 28 with 26 to go.

This has the feel of a Lidcombe Oval second half right now. The Eels need to arrest this carve up.

Here’s trouble. The knights have kicked a 40/20. It’s an avalanche of points now as Newcastle again split some feeble Eels defence and bring the ball to the posts.
Conversion sails over

Kights 42 lead Eels 28 with nearly 22 minutes still remaining

Finally the Eels complete a defensive set. but they barely get to halfway in possession before Sanders launches his kick into the knights quarter.

Again a Knights kick is not contested and the Eels are lucky to survive after Badger lets a dubious tap “back” from the Knights to pass muster. Parra make her job much easier with a sloppy pass at the end of their next set.

Second phase play from Newcastle in their next possession draws an Eels hand and a scrum. Knights looking ominous close to the line but it appears Badger has found a Knights forward pass out of dummy half. Lucky break for Parra there.

Parra complete the set and Knights reply in kind. Penalty again to the Lnights but I have no idea what that’s for.

They hit their left and the winger is over in the corner – no he’s lost it!!! Seven tackle set but the Eels have made a mess of it as they try to get expansive to their left. Ugly stuff.

Wow – the ref has called an obstruction and it’s against the Knights. Parra get into the red zone on the last and it all comes to nothing with a shocking pass. Penalty now follows to the Knights.

Knights stuff up their set and the Eels then force another error from them with a bomb on the last. After the scrum Spence is tackled a metre out but the knights are offside. Parra opt for the scrum again and they work a play that sees Mulitalo chime in and gift Dunster a clear run to the corner.

Quick conversion from Sanders is nailed!

Knights 42 lead Eels 34 with three minutes to go.

Parra run the ball on the last in the kick off set but the Knights are awake to it.

Yet another Knights penalty early in the set. They get to the last with a kick to the in goal and the siren goes.

Full time Knights 42 defeat Eels 34


Eels forever!









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10 thoughts on “Live Blog Jersey Flegg And NSW Cup Round 24: Eels vs Knights

  1. Leigh

    Don’t rely on this for accuracy, but IF;

    The DRAGONS(8th) are beaten by the RAIDERS(1st) tomorrow, (preferably flogged).

    The DRAGONS must then beat the SHARKS in R25. Then the DOGS to beat MANLY in the last round.

    We then sneak into the Flegg finals on points difference.

  2. anonymous

    watched the cup game I thought the match officials were atrocious
    but also parra couldn’t come up with a plan to retrieve the ball off kick off
    or a drop out

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