The Cumberland Throw

Gin & Logic – 2024 Round 3: Time To Start Believing

Three games into this season and we are starting to get a real feel for this team. Steve Georgallis has infused the Parramatta Eels with a degree of self-belief and conviction that was simply absent last year. There is a gnawing hunger to win the collisions, a collective steely resolve on the goal line. Beyond any more colourful and flowery descriptive language…our ladies are straight up just playing some good footy.

Their 20-6 victory over the North Queensland was the continuance of all the positives we had seen against Brisbane and Cronulla as the team melded thunder and aggression from the forwards with lightning and guile from the backs. It sees them climb to 3rd in what is shaping to be a cracking premiership battle with the Eels beginning to emerge as serious contenders.

In that spirit, let’s try and rack up some talking points the way Parramatta have racked frequent flyer points with their repeat trips to Brisbane in another instalment of Gin & Logic.



License To Kick Arse


Elsie Albert was on a completely different level against the Cowboys. Parramatta’s front row enforcer averaged an outrageous 12.83m a carry enroute to hammering out a mammoth 218m over 17 carries. 4 tackle busts and 19 tackles (1 missed, 0 ineffective, 95% efficiency) AND a one-on-one strip round out a phenomenal individual game. There was one other statistic that jumps off the sheet and that is a solitary kick for 19m where Albert was summoned into action on the last tackle in a rare poor finish to a set for the Eels. Honestly? I have seen far worse kicks in both the NRL and NRLW…it wasn’t a bad effort. It did also give us this gem at half time showing that Elsie is killing it not only on the field but walking off it as well!

Her license to kick may have been revoked at training but Georgallis has her kicking all kinds of arse on the field. Her fearless carries are setting the table for the rest of the pack to dominate in offence while the venom she packs in defence helps set the tone there as well. She was very ably supported by her captain Mahala Murphy (177m/18 carries, 17 tackles/2 missed) and firebrand lock Kennedy Cherrington (126m/14 carries, 44 tackles/6 missed) while there were smaller but meaningful cameos from the likes of Chloe Jackson, Tyla Amiatu and Jade Fonua.


Roses Are Red, Eels Are Blue (& Gold)
Rosie Scored One But Rosemarie Bagged Two

In the same week where this silly blogger questioned whether the Eels needed to bring in a specialist dummy-half onto the bench, Rosemarie Beckett responded with a thrilling 2-try effort against North Queensland. Rosemarie is a specialist halfback that has been thrown into a challenging new position with the injury to Rueben Cherrington. Against Cronulla I thought there were moments where her service was slightly out of sync – something to be expected given the rigorous demands of the position. She was much sharper against the Cowboys though and nothing exemplified that more than her feel for the flow around the ruck leading to her first try. It was a display of good vision and footwork as she attacked the left edge short side on the last tackle.

She may not be playing in her preferred position but this is a huge change for Beckett to get important playing time under her belt. Every tackle, every run, every chance to attack the line represents a piece of long-term growth whether it is at hooker or halfback.

And how about Rosie Kelly? She selflessly put Monique Donovan over against the Broncos and the Sharks in earlier games but in Round 3 she finally got a clean shot to attack the goal line herself. There was no mistake made either with a gorgeous hesitation move straight into a big left foot step that left Jakiya Whitfield grasping at thin air. The only concern was a potential ankle injury after a strong last-ditch tackle from Krystal Blackwell but thankfully Kelly was able to play through it.


CTH & Church Tear It Up

Just three rounds in and the connection between Cassey Tohi-Hiku and Abbi Church is rapidly become a fearsome proposition for the opposition. CTH is always a menace with the ball in hand with her combination of speed and strength through contact. However, it is ability to dig deep into the line and still find her fullback flying through a gap that will be a talking point in opposition film previews.

Church dissected the North Queensland defensive line twice as she ran for 189m from just 17 carries and broke a whopping 7 tackles. For her part, Tohi-Hiku only ran for 141m from her 14 attempts while also chalking up a line break and line break assist. They make for a formidable duo and between the two of them they are leaving the opposition a razor thin margin of error when it comes to making split second defensive decisions.

Tohi-Hiku muscles up in defence

So good has Abbi’s form in the #1 been for the Eels that she finishes the round second only the Dally 2 leader board with 10pts, just 2pts behind the current leader in Lauren Brown. Cassey’s star is very much on the rise as well with commentators beginning to lavish the same kind of praise on her efforts that fans of Blue & Gold have been doing for the last year or so.




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4 thoughts on “Gin & Logic – 2024 Round 3: Time To Start Believing

  1. Joseph

    Super write-up and well deserved.
    The 2024 NRLW Eels are the real deal.
    This team has class and power combined with composure and resilience.
    It’s almost unfair to single out individual performances but I really love what Albert brings to the team, she’s such a weapon and a joy to watch her scattering defenders with her powerhouse runs.
    This team won’t lose, they’ll need to be beaten.

  2. The Rev

    Steve has done wonders with our NRLW team. Their a great defensive unit n it show’s.

    We need to do a bit more in attack when on opposition 20 metre red zone.

    I think Their has to be a time where the ladles put up 30 points n keep others to 1 or 2 tries pg.

    I think that score im looking for will come vs tiger’s.

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