The Cumberland Throw

The Tip Sheet – 2024 Ep 74: Ryles Looks To Moses, NRLW Launches

The Tip Sheet is also available on Spotify and iTunes!

Jason Ryles is set to make his first major decision as Parramatta head coach as reports indicate he is close to appointing Mitchell Moses as captain in 2025. The Tip Sheet leads off with this story as Sixties, Forty20 and Clint share theories behind the potential appointment and what it means for the team.

The launch of the NRLW in 2024 is upon us and the show looks at how Steve Georgallis and his squad shake up ahead of a monster Round 1 clash with the Brisbane Broncos. Forty20 cuts in with breaking news regarding both the NRLW and the future of Matthew Arthur.

The NRL recap looks at the wiliting record of the Roosters against the Panthers and Storm…are they contenders or pretenders? Hip drops are back in the headlines after Aidan Sezer copped a 2-week ban for his second such infringement this season. The show closes out with a round of predictions for the NRLW as the boys tip their premiers and how the Eels will fare.

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56 thoughts on “The Tip Sheet – 2024 Ep 74: Ryles Looks To Moses, NRLW Launches

  1. Brett Allen

    Unsurprising that MA wants out, and to be honest he looks too small for the NRL. Given how much he was talked up I was fairly unimpressed by what I saw so far. His delivery was sloppy at best.

    1. Ron

      He’s still 18 months off but Matt will be really good once he complete his development. Disappointing that we have lost the half we developed (sanders), the hooker we developed (Arthur), the front rower we developed (stefano), and might still lose the main outside back we developed (blaize). A truly pathetic set of circumstances for a club which talks about development ethos but tends to bring in over the hill reserve graders to block pathways.

      Perhaps if the board weren’t so disgraceful about how they handled the sacking of his father this may have played out differently but it is what it is at this point. All I can now hope is we use Matt Arthur as an asset – ie we only let him go to a club that gives us a good young player in return (like how sharks do it). Would be great to grab votano from knights or another blue chip prospect.

        1. Ron

          Sounds like a mark oneil special. Let young plays walk and then will probs sign over the hill Brailey from knights. Riddled with injuries and advanced in age. Seems to fit the parra criteria for recruitment

          1. Muz

            Hi Ron, Is Brailey any good? I haven’t taken much notice of him and I do not watch knights games unless it’s vs eels. Since MA is going there, it would make sense if they do it. There was news Brailey might be being moved on. The knights are in shambles as well apparently.

          2. Ron

            Brailey is terrible. He’s had multiple serious injuries and is old. He is playing off the bench for newy and isn’t someone we should add. Unfortunately we might as our hookers are even worse than him.

      1. Longfin Eel

        Not sure what was really so disgraceful about Arthur’s sacking. Are you referring to the fact that the club secretly went looking for another head coach without BA’s knowledge? I would assume that conversations had been ongoing for a number of years about the lack of success and improvement at the club. So this should not have come as a surprise to him.

        Anyway, time to move on from that. As you say it’s disappointing that we lose yet another junior. The club has shown that they can develop juniors to about 18/19 years old but we struggle to develop them into NRL players. Why is that, and does the club have a plan to fill that gap? I hope they are not relying on Ryles to do this – he will have enough on his plate as it is.

    2. Muz

      I heard rumours not long after his debut that Matt Arthur was going to leave. The same person who I heard this rumour from also indicated Blaize also might be leaving. It’s obviously all speculation until proven otherwise regarding blaize. What’s frustrating for us eels fans is how we develop players and but they all end up leaving. Why do you think they all leave? Is the culture of the club that bad? Is it partly due to players loyalty to BA? Do the Jnr Eels foresee a bad future our team due to who is running the show?

      I wonder if Ryles isn’t interested in Matt Arthur which makes it an understandable for them to release him early. Im not overly concerned to be honest, Ryles needs to sign a proper first grade dummy half who is ready now for us to be truly competitive again. Hands is good but doesn’t look like he can play 80 mins weekly…

    3. sixties

      Disagree Brett and he wasn’t just identified as a talent at Parra – he was the under 19s Origin captain and played a terrific game. But there’s no point debating it now.

      1. Brett Allen

        I know all that, and he may prove me wrong, but I gotta say, I was distinctly underwhelmed by what I saw.
        But as you say, what’s done is done.

      2. Muz

        60’s I agree Matt will be a good nrl player in future he is only a kid without even a full season of nsw cup under his belt yet. It’s a big loss for the club long term. I just hope short term we get another good nrl level hooker next year since he is going.

  2. Darren Starr

    It would appear any players with Arthur links maybe tapped to move . Heat on Gutho being applied now too.
    Why is Mark O’Neil safe ?

    1. Muz

      On nrl 360 they said the eels board have been telling them mark O’Neil is a gun 😅
      Our board members and executives apparently hype up mark O’Neil to the journos like he’s a super star – the journos on fox said that they spoke to the eels higher ups and they had great praises for MON.

      I was saying this weeks back that people need to understand MON isn’t our only fall man, he is working on behalf of the board, seo, etc. and they apparently love him and think he is a genius (according to Buz). People rarely hold leadership positions in clubs (for long) who aren’t making decisions which directors and board members do not approve of. The fact MON Is allegedly being praised by the board, and BA is gone, also indicates they must approve of his decision making so far.

      What us fans might need to start doing is sending letters to the board – it’s alleged the head of football is allegedly a semi puppet for the board and CEO, and the bargain hunting and signing unwanted players is a decision making process that’s highly approved by those above him.

      We can blast MON all we want but our club’s leaders believe he is doing a fantastic job (for some reason) This here is the problem. This might be part of the reason of why young players are wanting to leave – some players probably read this blog and have the same beliefs that we do regarding recruitment & retention, or how the club higher ups are seemingly clueless. P.S im not sticking up for HOF, just sharing how the people who run the club are apparently happy with him. It was good to see Buz noting last night that eels need to look into their head of football department because our roster is a mess.

      1. Stubbyholder

        As I said below to pete, Muz, they laid the blame 100% at BA’s feet as having the greatest say in R&R when they sacked him. They’ve now done a complete 180 and the decisions are all made by O’Neill apparently. Total incompetence and untruths it appears.

        1. Muz

          Stubby yeah I thought it was strange mate. Somebody isn’t telling the truth, they lay the blame on BA but then they turn around and claim MON is a super star at his job. What I’m hearing (and we can all see), there appears to be a cultural problem plaguing parramatta and we can see coming to light – it appears it starts at the top. I’m hopeful Jason Ryles can do a good job, and can possibly even help create a new / better culture at the eels by modelling some things he has learned from other successful organisations.

  3. Avenger

    Can someone please do a welfare check on Sixties. The best hooker we have ever produced is now leaving.


    Compare Ivan Cleary and his then upcoming son’s behaviour and their collective loyalty to their club when Ivan was brutally sacked at Penrith.

    I rest my case.

    No evidence of entitlement, nepotism or delusion and you wonder why we are now little brother to the Panthers.

    1. Stubbyholder

      Avenger you need to stay over at the other site mate, the one with actual real delusion and total lack of any common sense and fairness. It’s pretty much a cesspit of stupidity that the Club should look to legally have closed down. What was once a good site with Phil in charge has fallen off the cliff with Super now in charge, probably 80+% of the comments on there should be deleted if the Code of Conduct was followed even closely. It’s pretty pathetic, just like your attack on Sixties here – totally uncalled for and shows how low some keyboard cowards like you are. The comments I’ve read there today are laughable – normally people whingeing about losing good juniors are saying it’s a great day, time to celebrate, good riddance to the Arthur stench etc. Total stupidity. The kid was the U19 NSW Origin Captain for a reason – and not because his father had anything to do with it, that’s for sure. I just can’t believe there’s a small section of supposed Eels supporters that are doing more harm than good by putting rubbish comments onto social media – all because they hated the previous coach.

      1. sixties

        Cheers Stubbyholder. What’s interesting is that we get derogatory comments about “Stockholm Syndrome”, when we are the ones trying to focus on the future and the issues that need to be dealt with in our posts. Methinks the issue lies in those throwing the stones.

        1. Stubbyholder

          Dare I say a good old Madge “Glass Houses” scenario, Sixties???

          I don’t comment over there, just go there for the laughs, but sometimes you just have to shake your head. I see you call out Chief on here quite a bit under different aliases, poor bloke has no clue at all. There’d be lucky to be 10 blokes with decent footy knowledge there and I honestly can’t understand why they keep banging their head against a wall trying to make some sensible comments amongst the dribble. I’ve seen the comments against this site, again today in a similar vein to Avenger, and clearly they cannot see that this site is actually very critical when it’s deserved and for the most part very balanced in that regard. Some of the current issues were identified and discussed by yourself and other contributers before a ball was even kicked this year, yet you are apparently all unicorns and rainbows – clueless!!!!

          1. sixties

            Stubbyholder, 1eyedeel honestly isn’t a concern for us here. There’s a place for forums but that format isn’t one we’ve ever been interested in following. I’ve met some great people through supporting Parra and that includes people that I met through that site. I believe some of them still read that site but it’s obviously not somewhere that is worthwhile for me to visit.
            As for the person that you mentioned, he has an unhealthy obsession about TCT, probably because he has a ban that he faces here. He thinks it’s clever that he uses a VPN to sneak on here, but he’s really wasting his own time and not ours. It just takes a delete button to rid any post of his “contribution” and a “mark as spam” action.

        2. Avenger

          I don’t post on that site however what I do know is that you launched your identity there and used that very site to propel your identity and podcast here.

          So careful sixties guy, the internet is forever.

    2. Muz

      Does it make you feel better going after 60’s? The amount of effort and time these gentleman out in for all of us eels fans would be huge. There’s no need to be a key board warrior, if you are frustrated mate at the club. Go write a letter to the CEO or have a rant with the inbreds on 1 eye eel site.

      1. Avenger

        I have written a letter to the club and cancelled my membership. Like I said, I’m no 1eyedeel stooge just a realist. I think TCT do a good job but the amount of exaggeration of our junior quality combined with fluff and dancing around the real issues facing the club is nauseating.

        I look forward to a Jason Ryles interview. I think he is tough enough to handle any question. I just hope TCT are too.

        1. Muz

          Fair enough mate, and it’s good you have taken that action. I think if you have views or questions that you do not believe are not being raised then you should consider starting your own blog / podcast or social media outlet.
          Whilst we may not all agree with each others views or communication methods, your voice might be impactful if you can fine tune it and get it seem by more eye balls.
          I’m not suggesting you are always wrong or right, as everyone’s got different perspectives which is normal – but what I’m wondering is that if you feel like nobody’s voicing the issues you believe should be spread far & wide.
          Consider maybe doing something like 60’s and co to get your message spread to a larger audience if you think that will make more of a difference in getting the message heard by the club.

          Just don’t go around name calling people or something or nobody will listen, to be effective at influencing people you first have to gain trust & respect. Bashing people on comment sections of blogs gives you 0% ROI in terms of effecting changes at our beloved parra eels. If you didn’t name call or abuse people, and had good points, i too would consider reading your blog or posts. We should be all allies as Eels supporters, not arguing with each other.

          1. Poppa

            As a person who reads and comments on both sites, mainly 1EE I don’t disagree with the commentary on here.
            Sixties never used 1EE to set up this operation. He justifiably was disillusioned in the direction and the personal and unjust critique he received there.
            The integrity of 60’s is unquestioned in my mind.

            We don’t always agree on some opinions but that is what a forum is about i.e. discussion. Most importantly I respect him and his efforts in supporting the club he loves.

            There are some great operators over there as well as friendships I have. Unfortunately there are also a number of stupid uneducated people that spoil the image and intelligence of a Parra supporter.

            Over there today some of the comments on the Arthur’s is totally disgusting and to make the comments on Matt Arthur who is a 19 year old kid has no place and is an example of how bad the site can be when the “haters” take over…..
            let me say though that some of the correspondents and commentators over there produce a lot of good /great work and research that is nearly incomparable with any football site. That includes the professional media.

            The reality is that it is essentially a democracy and when you have that you get idiots with the process.
            So for those who look for balance and honesty in commentary, rather than commentating for the sake of following a Lynch Mob, there is a place for it.
            I defended this site over their today because of the predetermined opinions they hold on most things and 60’s cops a lot of reference which simply is not true,
            I also suggested that if you actually go over and have a look it is nothing like what some may depict.

            I enjoy reading anything about MY TEAM and whilst I am very cynical about many comments that are made by the ill informed so called professional journalists that operate on Rugby league, I am also so comfortable to give my opinions and experiences to correct what I feel are inaccuracies in the way the game is presented.

            As many know I am happy to argue most points, just to drag out reason and discussion to understand and learn more.

            Let’s hope we stop continuing to drag the club through the “mud” that is currently happening.

          2. Colin Hussey

            Great post Popps! re the one regarding Sixties.

            Glad that Sixties is prepared to stay aside with the amount of rubbish that he has to deal with, but he’s not alone in that arena. I have had some good yaks with Sixties over the years and from my side of things regarding the eels, its generally (mostly) all very much informative and without any malice at all..

          3. Lady Eel

            I applaud Sixties and Forty for keeping your standards high and consistent. I would really like to know what Phil Simms thinks of 1EE now, it was a well regarded site once but unfortunately it is widely regarded now as missing more than an eye! Phil’s legacy is now not worth talking about, and any criticism of 60, well we all know about jealousy.
            You guys are legends amongst thinking Parra fans.

          4. John Eel

            Well said Poppa. You have never been frightened to say what you are thinking. I have also seen you defend Sixties when he was unfairly criticised.

            Poppa I remember you initially using your name before becoming Poppa. Colin may remember that as well.

    3. 56 years an Eel

      You obviously didn’t see John Mc Martin play.
      He was a real hooker who won about 70 percent of the scrums he packed into.
      Having Bob O’Reilly and Denis Fitzgerald either side didn’t hurt.

      1. Namrebo

        He was good. He was already at Cronulla when I started following footy. I would groan every time we came up against the Sharkies and Ron Hilditch was still playing hooker. We would lose so many scrums on our feed and loose head.

        I was also telling my son just the other week at how good McMartin was at raking the ball back in the ruck. My son’s first response was “you were allowed to rake at the ball in the ruck?” It did make me feel a little old – he’s in his twenties. 🥹

        1. Poppa

          I am not sure of the relevance of this discussion and everybody loved “macca” and we used to get excited because he was so fast in the open. Unheard of for a hooker back then.

          But hooker in those days (think Billy Rayner) and make comparison’s with todays hookers who dont even pack in the front row and it really is chalk and cheese….. my view is a hooker is a second half back that tackles like a forward.

          1. Namrebo

            True Poppa that the hookers role, and number for that matter, has changed. McMartin wouldn’t cut it today most likely. But he was good in his day and he did “hook” the ball in the scrum, albeit most the time with feet across and a loose arm. And he was bloody good at raking the ball in the ruck.

            Relevant to overall discussion, probably not as you suggest, and while I suspect from your posts I’m younger than you I still enjoy the opportunity to reminisce about things from my youth every now and then.


          2. Hindy111

            Who are you on Legaue United?
            I’m the best poster on there.
            Held in very high regards. Twizzle runs most things pass me

  4. pete

    The Knights are in a clean out of players.

    As a club they are similar to Eels but not the same set up. Knights are run by Wests Newcastle Club as we are run by PLC.

    Knights Recently have appointed

    Peter Parr Director of Football sits on board newish appointment

    Danny Buderus HOF been there a while

    Peter O’Sullivan new head of recruitment and retention

    Coach AOB (for now)
    Assist Blake Green Attack
    Assist Brian Mcdermott Defence

    If you look at Parra it’s actually embarrassing

    McElduf Chairman should be doing other things

    Sarantinos CEO should be doing other things

    HOF ???

    Coach New
    Assist ?
    Assist ?

    We are honestly a joke. Is HOF snowed under or is he just incompetent? Or a combination of both?

    Knights have now appointed the best people available to improve their club.

    Eels just keeps the status quo. Which is a cardinal sin in business and NRL.

    Time for change.

    Time to tell management the joke is over!

    1. Stubbyholder

      Pretty well spot on in all aspects, pete. O’Neill seems out of his depth in the HOF role, and the fact Sarantinos and McElduff have stuck by him despite the obvious R&R issues the last few years and laid the blame squarely on BA is a bit strange. Then they come out the other day and say he’s the one they’ve relied on for all decisions in the footy department – wait, what – wasn’t it BA a few weeks ago? Seems these blokes might be good at business but they are totally and utterly hopeless with anything to do with rugby league.

      1. pete

        The Club should have followed Knights example

        Brian Smith Director Of Football

        Daniel Anderson HOF and Eels Culture

        Recruitment Manager ? New

        McElduf and Sarantinos should be running the club at large.

        HOF would also become head of club Culture and identity. Someone who has Eels DNA and knows how to make sure it permeates throughout the club in all grades.

        Appointment of a recruitment manager.

        We cannot remain the same and expect to succeed. We need to change now!

        1. John Eel

          Pete feeling your pain. Do not see any quick fire fixes for issues you have correctly identified.

  5. Muz

    Gentlemen I wonder if there is some type of cultural shortcoming at our club that has not yet been addressed?
    The NRLW player being in the news for alleged assault today, Dyl brown last year, Hayne on going rape case, Jennings steroid Debacle, Two former eels charged with guns & cash in 2017, Carty made lots of news a few years back involved in AVO case, etc. I understand these issues are impossible to completely avoid – but if I’m the CEO or something here, it raises serious questions here about our culture.
    There’s a common theme here of our club being associated with players doing evidently stupid things. You are rarely ever seeing these stories relating to roosters, sea eagles, Cowboys, or Storm players for example. I’m not trying to bash our club or anything, but I’m just wondering – do you think we may have a deep seated cultural issue going on?
    There has got to be a reason so many of our players have been caught up in so many stupid issues. It could be a coincidence, but top leaders would suggest there may be a cultural issue that’s been unaddressed inside our club.

    I read business books and stories about how leaders or managers have taken over failing organisations or clubs, and often they have to completely change or improve the culture of the organisation, or remove the old leaders, before things truly start to change. There’s a theory that you cannot change people as such, but you can change culture, and changing culture can in fact lead to a change peoples behaviours & therefore outcomes. These are questions our CEO should be raising, i wonder if anyone if bringing up issues like this in board meetings of behind closed doors? Or if they just blame the athletes, and take zero responsibility themselves.

      1. Muz

        I agree mate, we are not alone in that respect. But the list I just mentioned including Brown last year now our NRLW girl allegedly bashing a girl all over the news today, Hayne saga flooding news cycles for years, it seems like it’s happened to us more than most other clubs, or at least more significant off field issues (seemingly). 👍

      2. Stubbyholder

        True that, Brett, look at Cheese, problems everywhere he’s been – Storm and Roosters recently. White powder scandals abound etc. It’s everywhere and in the days of mobile phones and social media it just proves how immature and stupid some NRL players are.

    1. Shaun

      I don’t necessarily agree that Parra’s culture is any worse that other clubs in regards to off-field incidents but I do think your general observations about improving and instilling culture are insightful. Look at Penrith or the Storm. There is definitely a great culture in how no matter who the player is they get the job done. The other thing I heard recently is that Bellamy will observe how a potential signing acts in a cafe. If they are polite and respectful of the staff he considers it a good sign of being a cultural fit for Melbourne.

      I do think Parra is a club looking for a DNA or glue that binds everyone. Ryles doesn’t need to copy Melbourne exactly. But if he has learnt from Bellamy, he’ll have an idea of what needs to be done to build a unique and winning culture at Parramatta.

    2. pete

      Agree Muz.

      It’s been reported we lack culture identity. The management of the club lacks Eels DNA and has done nothing to rectify.

      Some clubs are just as bad but are better at keeping it under wraps. Roosters meet out punishment decided by players I.e. B Smith dropped recently. Media buddies also help to spin the story.

      We have a strong minded playing group. That could be said to have cost the careers of their coaches and staff around them. Do they play for the jersey ? or the only the $$

      I can’t help but think the leaking of Guthos loss of captaincy and move to centres has been leaked by his agent.

      All players being tapped will be notified by the agents to the media.

      Ryles will need to line up a few ducks and make sure nobody is there to undermine him. Culture and defence will be front and centre.

      I still think we need a Director Of Football, a new HOF responsibility for Culture and a new recruitment manager.

      We want to play Champaign rugby league but are operating on a home brew budget.

      On MA – he approached the club for a release on compassionate grounds. I don’t think Ryles did that. But it’s a good move for MA. Because he’d be constantly hearing about the old coach.

      1. Muz

        Hey Pete, people disagree with me regarding the culture, but if we are being honest it’s obviously an ongoing issue long term, as I’ve stated on here in previous comments over the weeks – one example of that is there is no real punishment for being absolutely below Standard even when playing (if you are part of the Boys club / older player).

        There’s other clubs who also lack depth and if senior players consistently don’t turn up they get dropped to the bench, cup, or shopped off.

        This is how I know our culture stinks – we reward players like Sean lane who’s given up his 100% since his contract increase.

        He can turn up and play garbage, and not do the 1% efforts on a weekly basis.

        But gets rewarded as being a parra eels in-house media darling – he’s hosting our podcasts, we make documentary’s around him.

        You are rewarding an employee who consistently is probably one of the least hungry, disappointing forwards in the entire eels team.

        People will find excuses and say he is a good fellah, ok. But the Eels is not meant to be a boys club where if you are a club darling your job is completely secured even if you turn up at 40% each week and let all the fans down.

        It’s not only about form it’s about effort, Dylan brown who is also a good player we can all see does not play at close to his 100% weekly either and is constantly plastered all over the eels social media photos.

        In successful organisations you put your leaders at the forefront as a beacon of inspiration, you don’t make players who (like Lane), seem like they don’t even care as our club’s ambassador it seems like.

        I played Rep Soccer then later Group 7 rugby league when I was a kid, and about 3 of us who played with the most effort got our pictures in the local news papers.

        Having Sean Lane everywhere would be like having your local rep team get the laziest player in the team and making Him the face of the team in all the local media.

        It makes zero sense. Not only because he never gets dropped, or shopped off, but he’s pushed forward as a leader / ambassador. The bloke in interviews (and performances these days), gives you the impression he does not give a shit or just simply has no hunger.

        What people need to realise is that when you go into opposition leagues clubs, etc.

        Even at brookvale – you’ll see photos of Tom Turbo and DCE. They are not putting up photos of Josh Alioia on billboards or making him the face of the sea eagles. No other clubs are pushing up lazy poor performing players as the faces of their club except the stupid people running our eels.

        The people who think this is all normal need to look around, the clubs clearly being made a mockery. We have first graders who are no only so comfortable they don’t even need to turn up at 50% on a weekly basis, they WILL NOT get dropped or shopped off, then get cushy media roles on the side in the club as extras for being in the boys club. I don’t know what’s happening but if people think this is normal, go try to find any club where this is allowed to happen. This is only one example of our club being ridiculous and stagnant / comfortable for us having a losing culture at the minute. I went and looked at several different clubs before posting – no other clubs are pushing forward players who aren’t pulling their weight. You have to earn your right to be a face of a club by outstanding efforts.

        1. pete

          Good post Muz.
          If we put the likes of Lane on a pedestal working at 50% and costing games and selected no matter what. You are right it sends a poor message that permeates the club.
          Lane should never be interviewed he’s been unprofessional both times recently.

          The other example was Matto playing the best ever leading up to his contract and then after just dishing up average performances.

          Culture is an issue. Definitely!

          1. Muz

            Yeah I agree with you, mate go look over at manly, panthers, roosters, storm, any clubs social media (or leagues clubs if you happen to visit)

            All you see is photos of men who LEAD the team or are putting in significant efforts into their team

            I drive down Pittwater road and all you see is Turbo, Jake T, DCE on their banners, at easts you see Tedesco

            At eels, all you see is Sean Lane like our head spokesperson from the team or something like he is some type of a leader

            It sends a message as you mentioned that permeates the club (consciously or not) …

            That you can get far in this club dragging your tail, giving absolutely poor low effort performances, seemingly like you barely care in interviews, then becoming an Eels media figure head for the club

            Anyone who hasn’t caught on to this yet, go around and look at any clubs where players aren’t pulling their weight – they are sitting on the bench, being shopped off to other clubs, or playing in cup.

            And they definitely aren’t being given cushy media side jobs inside their clubs as a reward. You can barely spot poor performing players on any teams social media pages.

            I went and looked at a bunch of other clubs pages even to confirm this, it would be like Nike sponsoring the slowest runner who comes last in the Olympics – and advertising them as the face of their brand.

            Sean Lane and Sivo having jobs for this long in the NRL team needs to ne investigated, some fans have suggested these individuals must have nudes of the coaches (lol) 🤣

            It’s nothing against these men personally. But none of us fans want our worst performers being shown as the representatives of our club. It’s an embarrassment – I’m 100% convinced some of them only cared for a pay rise & extension, because they went from Rep Quality to NSW cup level in less than 2 seasons. That is NOT normal, particularly when they are not old do to speak.

  6. Shaun

    It is interesting that the news of MA wanting out is met with opinions from he was never that good anyway to our junior development sucks and we keep letting them go. I’m not going to take a position on whether BA was wronged in how his time ended at Parra but I can understand why MA would want to move on.

    I’m glad that Ryles has no connection with Parra. A lot of chatter during the process was people looking back to the past. But they forgot the past is a foreign country and they do things differently there. And we can’t go back (which also weighs a lot of Parra fans down). I’m not against Parra old boys being involved but not sure they are always the answer.

    I’m actually looking forward to the Ryles era. There may be pain but I do think the team can rise again relatively soon. Go Parra!

    1. Shaun

      And I’m slightly miffed that I will be in Brisbane this weekend and will miss the Newtown v Parra Beer, Footy and Food Festival at Henson Park where the crowd is always 8,972. It really is a great afternoon.

  7. Poppa

    I am not sure of the relevance of this discussion and everybody loved “macca” and we used to get excited because he was so fast in the open. Unheard of for a hooker back then.

    But hooker in those days (think Billy Rayner) and make comparison’s with todays hookers who dont even pack in the front row and it really is chalk and cheese….. my view is a hooker is a second half back that tackles like a forward.

  8. Sixties

    I just wanted to thank those involved in the string of comments about TCT and myself above. The software with this site limits the number of “replies to replies” so I couldn’t respond to people individually. As I final comment, I just wanted to add that our primary goals on TCT are:
    1. Keep the focus on footy
    2. Provide a depth of coverage across as many levels of Eels football as possible
    3. Maintain balance in observations, but with acknowledgement that we are first and foremost providing support to the club
    4. Rejecting personal abuse/attacks on players, staff, fellow supporters (valid criticism and opinions are fair)
    I don’t need to get involved in any slinging match with another site. Everyone has their preference for what suits them in terms of footy social media, and when you factor in Facebook, Instagram, podcasts etc, there are plenty out there. People choose one, some, all or none. Most just limit their involvement to reading or listening, some like interacting. We appreciate whatever involvement level our community of supporters choose.

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