The Cumberland Throw

The Tip Sheet – 2024 Ep 64: Instant Reaction – Poor Finish, Terrible Calls Sink Eels

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The Parramatta Eels put together a spirited effort for Matt Arthur’s NRL debut but it wasn’t enough as they fell 34-26 to the Newcastle Knights. Sixties and Forty20 go in on a terrible effort from the match officials following a series of baffling calls that battered the struggling Eels.

That isn’t to say that Parramatta didn’t get in their own way as the Instant Reaction podcast look at some crucial moments where the Eels hurt themselves in the final exchanges. The boys discuss the positives from loss, including a strong debut from Matt Arthur and a wonderful effort from Mitchell Moses as he backed up from State of Origin.

The show wraps up with a look at the Flegg and Cup with the Under 21s falling to a strong Newcastle outfit while reserve grade bounced back from a Rd 16 loss magnificently to post a 30-8 victory.

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99 thoughts on “The Tip Sheet – 2024 Ep 64: Instant Reaction – Poor Finish, Terrible Calls Sink Eels

  1. Avenger

    Mark O’Neill is the next person who should be shown the door. He is more responsible than anyone else left for this mess. We are so slow out wide and the lack of foresight in signing players with speed is there for all to see.

    The sooner our management hires the new coach the better because many players should be put on notice way before this miserable season ends.

    1. Muz

      Do you believe that him going whole change everything?

      He obviously has the support of the higher ups or he would already be gone

      The penny pinching and buying cheap Rejects is obviously something the board and CEO has approved on as the club’s strategy or he would of lost his job a long time ago

      I agree he needs to go, but this issue like in all organisations begins at the top

      And at the very least – if it is marks problem?

      Then it’s up to our CEO & board to fire him

      That’s their responsibility to protect our clubs best interests

      If they fail to do that then it shows they are also involved in this poor decision making process

      The tight fisted tactics & no 30 man roster is obviously being supported by our club or mark would not have a job this has gone on for ages

      1. The Captain

        MON is as high as it gets from our football department side of things. The Board hire/fire the CEO, the CEO hire/fire the Head of Football. The Head of Football is accountable for our success on the field.

        So whilst I agree with you Muz that it’s (at least on the surface) unacceptable that the CEO has let this situation go on for so long without action, I absolutely believe that a change in the Head of Football is all we need.

        If we start churning through several HoFs without seeing any changes to our football operations, then we need to ask bigger questions of our Board and CEO. But right now all I’m holding them accountable for is their failure to act. I’m holding the HoF accountable for our terrible and avoidable decline.

        The HoF needs to go. If we can’t attract a new, credentialed and talented HoF then the CEO and Board also need to look in the mirror.

        1. Muz

          Captain I understand what a head of footballs role is and how much influence & control they have.

          What I’m saying is they employed him, and have kept him employed.

          This isn’t an over night failure, this glaring issue has been happening for a long time.

          The ceo & board have let them not sign a top 30 for how many years now?

          In a organisation it’s not enough to simply blame one individual.

          If they strongly didn’t believe in his decisions the last few years.

          He would be gone already.

          I do agree though that he needs to go.

          I just don’t believe people understand how organisations are ran.

          Our leaders are responsible.

          Not just for who they employ in the front office.

          But who they keep in power.

          CEO’s & boards are responsible for who they hire & fire.

          If they truly didn’t support his decisions.

          He would have been gone a very long time ago.

          He’s obviously doing the work that many his higher ups approve of.

          The board and CEO of every organisation can quickly hire and fire people in any position.

          Usually this happens when people inside of a organisation make decisions the leaders of a company disagree with.

          This is yet to happen for us.

          He is still there.

          Apparently he is part of the decision making process for the next coach as well.

          What I’m suggesting is that we have incompetent people in the club and HOF may only be the top of the ice berg.

          I agree with you he should go tho mate, 100%.

          But our club can do this and hasn’t yet.

        2. Anon

          You know nothing captain , its all down to mcelduff and sarantino , pair of know all know nothings , its their roster oniell is hamstrung and thats a fact !!!!

    2. Cardinal

      Brad arthur also put us in this spoon position. And people are banging on about how he left us in a great position 😆

      1. Muz

        Hi Avenger, you love bashing Ba. We all can have opinions

        but you don’t honestly believe he was telling them not to sign a 30 man roster do you?

        Surely ba wasn’t saying give me a paper thin roster of back up players and to never sign 30 men?

  2. Spark

    We have a 5 star rock god Halfback surrounded by a team of ill disciplined half arsed reserve graders.
    You couldn’t blame Moses if he stormed into the CEOs office on Monday and asked for a release.
    This is a player who has played two games in a week, one of them being a SOO game and he was far and away the best player on the field.

    Yes, we can pick out individuals from Penisini inability to tackle to Lanes deciding that to bend down and pick up the ball whilst on attack is just too much work (a lack of effort that deserves him to be dropped immediately) but it comes down to the inescapable fact that every Eels player except for Moses just doesn’t concentrate for the full 80 minutes.
    They just tune out and it is in that particular moment in time that the tackle is missed or the ball is dropped.
    It’s not bad luck , bad defence is a lack of concentration and application.

    Dylan Brown is the poster child for this team. A man who is blessed with abundant talent but has the attention span of a gnat.
    Whoever is selected as the new coach, they need to sit players like Brown and Lane down and read the riot act to them and if they don’t want to put in , they just have to be let go.

    Please let’s acknowledge that it’s all over this year and reward some excellent performances in the Cup grade.
    Talagi is only in first grade because we are trying to entice him to sign but he’s not a winger.
    Lane just has to go.
    Matterson and Makatoa are just empty jerseys.

    1. Ron

      I feel that Matterson, maka, Russell, sivo, lane, Ogden, dunster, Harper, Lussick all need to be told to leave at end of the year. Ass to that the fact that Gutho is severely on decline, as is rcg and Paulo then it really is a team that needs to be blown up.

      It’s a terrible shame that we have wasted Moses talent for 2 years now. He is so far ahead of everyone else that it’s embarrassing to watch the backs (especially penisni) routinely miss important tackles, the wingers botch simple put downs and the forwards get dominated at the ruck.

  3. Noel Beddoe

    1. Some bunker calls are so obviously wrong as to be absurd. If that’s the best can be done you wonder what the point is of having a bunker. The refrreeing from the bunker is worse than the refering on the field.
    2. We’ve worried about pace in the backline. That is not currenyly a our major problem. Give us Somonssen andomax and we’ll havs a backline competitive with mist in the competition. Our pack is no longer feared, maybe even respect ed. I saw one long serving, highly contributing forward take a look and stop. I believe he shook his own head unable to believe what he had done. At Toongabbie, back in the d ay, we had an ecpression for blokes who’d been around a while and knew where to be where the action was n’t – “too old and too rich.” That’s it for maybe three or four of our leading forwards. The p ack l acks mongrel. Players who once were impact players now are ‘worker’ players, if that. First man I’d sign would be Tavita Pangi Junior.

  4. MickB

    I was more surprised Sivos try was disallowed than Talagis. But I had the same reaction as you fellas – when we crossed the line it seemed to be seen instantly as a “no try” and the opposite for the Knights.

    Ref’ing aside, i thought our defence was poor. The Knights seemed to constantly be playing their 5th tackle on our side of our 40m line. We were lucky their spine is so poor that they lacked the class to put 50 on us.

    This year to me (unfortunately) is just the culmination of all the short falls we’ve had over the last 5+ years. A team that had enough talent, youth and desire to make the 1%ers and cover for gross inadequacies (like wafer thin edge defence) is now just old and uncompetitive on the whole.

    For a club that has so many natural advantages, geez they seem to be able to make a complete mess of things. It’s hard to see how we win another game this season. We are far from the worst roster in the comp, but we are comfortably at the moment the worst team, and that absolutely sucks.

        1. Spark

          Heres another…
          If Zac Cini made as many mistakes as Blaize Tagali, he would be called out by everyone as the the most useless player on the roster.

          1. Anon

            Hes a kid that the state of the roster meant he was thrown to the wolves , hes got talent but has become a victim of a badly mismanaged club so pull your empty head in .

          2. Spark

            A question for Sixties.. I notice that there are some contributors that do not allow a reply under their contributions as in ‘anon’ below. Why is that ?
            Is this an editorial comment ?

  5. N.Senada

    I hope that there is some accountability forthcoming re: officiating. That was hard to believe. Sheer incompetence (I assume it wasn’t bias).

    But, the Eels are last on the laddrer for a reason. Look no further than Sean Lane looking lost and confused when a ball goes astray. Where is the desperation. Where is the urgency. Where is the attention to detail and where the hell is the sheer will-to-win? That was hard to take. I had to rewind Kayo to see if I’d imagined it.

    It has been downhill since the Grand Final in 2022. To me, it was very very telling that Matterson chose to take 3 weeks punishement instead of a fine. So, when and individual says that his need to make a point as a matter of principle is more important than the strength of his team at the start of a new season straight after a grand final loss, this act of thinking of the self over the team, how did the management and the coach and the leadership group not say “NO”.

    That was the start, and here we are. Last on the ladder.

    I suppose it is only upwards from here. Lomax is coming. That’s a good start

  6. Muz

    The decisions from ref and bunker was some of … the worst ever seen in nrl games? I can’t remember worst ?

    The teams confidence is totally shot and i believe they are truly unhappy

    There’s probably factions of the playing group who are angry at each other, divided on who’s fault it is, old and less motivated, or simply just there to collect a pay cheque now at this point in their careers

    I’m not going to 100% blame baz because he didn’t sign this team

    But they said we have had 20+ scored against us for 10 games straight 🤯

    which is they said is the WORST in our eels history?

    So we have officially the worst defensive eels team in history, and we can’t just blame baz because his only been coach a hand full of games and it’s not his roster he signed

    I’m sad to say it but even gutherson seems a shadow of himself compared to last year

    RCG & paulo don’t even look like players who have played rep games in their careers anymore

    Sean lane is officially done ✔️ even though I know he’s a nice bloke, he would not get signed by any other team, his nrl playing days seem finished

    Sivo has been on decline for a few years and it’s clear his time & confidence seems to be coming to a end for us

    We look so unfit out there and slow especially on kick chase we leak full length trys or full length line breaks multiple times per game

    The worst defensive team in Eels history over the last 10 games

    My assumption is there’s plenty of players who’s nrl Careers are officially done after this year if they didn’t have contracts with us

    Gutho is even seemingly not the same and may be unable to be a suitable fullback for a NRL team moving forward after this year if his knees are done or he can’t run anymore

    P.s I watched a replay of a game from last year when we flogged the bulldogs to compared our teams performance to now…

    Here’s what I discovered:

    RCG & co absolutely demolished the opposition in the middle

    Clint gutherson was everywhere, scoring trys, or getting involved in plays that lead to trys

    We were a power team and charged down the field demanding meters every run, almost bullying the competition

    Our players looked like COMPLETELY different players including our captain’s

    I’m afraid folks BA & the eels may just of held on to just too many of our older players

    They seemingly cannot sustain this level of playing anymore and are sadly not NRL quality players in 2024

    It’s been a fall from grace and all I can say is i believe gutho, RCG, paulo’s sudden decline is associated with the giant work load they’ve had over the last few years

    RCG & paulo played huge minutes to carry our team as forwards and we used hardly any bench for them used at time and placed huge minutes on them constantly

    Gutho has been carrying the tram on his back so to speak and completely done himself over, and his body can’t carry our team anymore, it’s come at the cost of his legs being destroyed (or something?) I don’t know but he doesn’t look right and not fit like he has been every year

    It’s going to be a sad year for us we just need to hope we don’t lose any of our quality young players

    We just need to stay supporting blaize & Boods & hands, and hopefully Moses sticks with us

    Because these folks are the future of our team over the next few years and we can’t afford to lose any of them

    Moses is so far ahead of the rest of the playing group it almost makes me feel sad for him being at our club at the minute

    The club desperately needs to announce a new coach asap and get positive news flowing

    Because atm this is probably the most down in confidence and seemingly lost I have seen my Eels in so long that I am almost unable to believe what we are seeing

    I won’t be shocked if some coaches or players refuse to sign up with us

    Absolutely shocking fitness and our old players look like they’ve lost a lot of whatever they once had

    Is it lack of fitness? Lack of care? Too old? Lost all confidence? Internal unrest even before BA left?

    There has to be something else here more to it that we don’t completely understand

    This is not a bottom of the table roster – this is why i believe there must be some other issues within the playing group or club we do not know about

  7. Mannah Brow

    While I agree ref calls particularly the bunker were terrible to say the effort was there is being in a state of disbelief.
    Paulo is one of the highest paid players in the team and the captain and shows such poor efforts it is mind boggling. In defence he is always lagging behind the line, never moves up, would rarely be the first player into a tackle and mainly just comes in as third man and falls around their legs.
    Lane is an absolute bludger in attack and defence when on an edge rarely coming in to take a run and just plants himself there waiting for the ball never coming in and looking for it. When he was moved to the middle at least he was forced to make some runs. His defence is though also lacking just watch his poor one one defence near the line to allow the ball carrier to offload and score.
    Makatoa is just not first grade standard and all the talk about Blaize I just don’t see it. He is not a winger, his defensive reads are terrible always coming in when there is no need. His one on one defence has been ordinary in every position he plays and again we have seen he has trouble with the high ball. He runs the ball well but what position he should play I have no idea. What I do know is though he is not worth 400k or whatever is being quoted. No other club will be offering him much of any5ing due to these deficiencies. He is also not at all fast as we saw with Bradmen Best our pacing him.
    This roster is an absolute mess and I feel sorry for Moses having to play with this rabble. Paulo on close to a million is the first to go, he is no leader and an absolute liability in defence. Certainly not a leader by example.

    1. Muz

      Gutho also looked like he wanted to come off towards end of the game because of his knees

      He is playing damaged and his legs are not fine

      Paulo was showing signs he was toast last year and this year even worst

      The club needs a clean out and rebuild

      That or we end up being the new Wests Tigers and stay stuck glued to the bottom of the ladder

      The people running the show at our club have absolutely no idea

      Even a struggling poor club like Newcastle have athleticism for days compared to the eels

      It’s shameful the clubs CEO was on tv only a few weeks ago saying se have the roster to win the competition

      This highlights how retarded the people are who run our club

      It’s a 🤡 show

      It should be renamed “parramatta circus” not eels, because this club administration has brought shame to our club

      They’ve penny pinched us from grand final to looking like wooden spoon in just 24 months

      If that happens it will be likely the worst fall from grace in NRL’s history

  8. BDon

    On the rare occasion a replay of a 10 mtr penalty occurred, I couldn’t see any glaring fudging of the 10, no more or less than the Knights throughout the second half when it looked like their coach mentioned line speed in the sheds after a sloppy first half. Greg Alexander agreed and mumbled something, then his co- commentator said something about Lane not getting his back foot to the 10….really!!
    We made 14 errors, again too many for a team struggling with many aspects of a tough game.
    The Sivo try decision was unbelievable, and Forty, did you say the Talagi one was covered by a rule change around grounding? Even though it rolled forward a few inches, there was no separation and it was all momentum. How can a knock on occur without separation? And the Sivo in-field pass being called a knock on was a joke..the decision stood after the absolute clearest of evidence to the opposite.And the Knights challenge well after 10 seconds was cited as a bunker call…last week we had a knock on call reversed against us by the bunker, it was just random and a very poor precedent, when the bunker could intervene numerous times in a game. Ithought the NRL said no more randoms?

    1. BDon

      Just to rabbit on a bit more, that officiating was so poor. In that 10 mtr incident which they replayed, the panoramic shot showed heaps of space between the teams, in fact it looked neat the way the 2 teams were formed, we had a bare no man’s land between our line and the play the ball,the Knights were in no way disadvantaged but the whistle found something, Shaun Lane with his back foot not 10mtrs(according to Kayo guy). Such poor decision making, the Knights got carted out of trouble.
      Then the Knight’s fullback knock on which Saifiti picked up in an offside position 5 mtrs from their line, surely that’s disadvantaging our ability to grab that ball and threaten. Penalty should be awarded, no wrong again, scrum. The ref may have thought however that we don’t like picking up loose balls.

  9. Hughy

    Mcelduff and sarantinos need to bo before theres any hope of bouncing back , lomax wont fix much because simply a replacement for one of our ageing greatest ever warriors in KING GUTHO not a bonus so where no better off and the salary caps a total mess , fix the TOP first ,it s the worst board and CEO in the clubs history , sarantinos wasnt even at newcastle for a debutants game , the clubs being ruined by the SUITS with no footy knowledge ,were stuffed and its at long way back.

    1. Muz

      I would be happy to see Lomax take guthos fullback role is gutho isn’t able to recover from his legs issues to full fitness

      Lomax is light years above any of our backs we currently have on the roster

      Him and Moses Will probably be our only 2 great players

      Brown could be one of them but he doesn’t seem to stand up and win us games

      I feel like brown has the potential but hasn’t reached it yet

  10. 56 years an eel

    I said at the end of this game “what have we got to do?”
    Decent refereeing and we win.
    The Newcastle defence was superhumanly quick. Easy to understand when you see the play the ball from a full field shot. They kept a good 8 metres all night.
    I also agree with Sixties about the forward passes. Very poor.

    The same defensive plague that always lets us down cost us the match – again.
    Marzhew’s tries both saw Russell and Talagi run infield leaving Gutherson to be dragged over the tryline again.
    A couple of times Newcastle worked their defence in to out stopping both Sivo and Talagi.

    We must change the defence to do the same,
    That one change would have won us more than 10 games in the last two seasons.

    The forwards aren’t the problem, we are losing it in the backs.
    Russell at centre forgets he’s not on the wing and although he had a solid game he could have put Sivo through a couple of times.
    We need a replacement winger next week, not a replacement centre, assuming Sivo’s hamstring is shot. Time for some young blood.
    Penisini can’t go unmentioned. I’ve never seen a more hot and cold player.
    I guess he was up against the best centre in the competition (why Mitchell was picked over Best for Origin still baffles me) but that doesn’t explain his game.

    The good?
    Moses, of course and Cartwright.
    Paulo’s try showed what these two are capable of.
    Gutherson needs a break. I can’t imagine how he feels this morning.
    We could lose him for a season if he doesn’t get right.

    1. Spark

      Talking about the backs… Bradman Best is a power centre. There is no way that he would ever be described as a speedster and yet there he was – running 90 metres, not once but twice and the second time he was basically on one leg and we didnt have a player who could pick him up.

      1. Muz

        Hey Spark, as we’ve all said to each other on here too many times

        We actually don’t employ anyone who’s athlete or is known for speed

        We have 1 fast backline player in our top 30

        And he is out injured

        How can our ceo talk to the media and say we have the roster to win a comp?

        This is why I keep saying it’s a deeper Issue than people realise

        We might be ran by a pack of idiots who have no idea about the game of football

        I would sack HOF if we didn’t have a 29-30 man roster each year

        No excuses

        Our ceo & co have let this depth issue plague us for years

        It’s not only been bad, they’ve allowed it to get worst

        1. Spark

          Muz, I was talking to a mate today and we were trying to figure out the last time a parramatta player ran the length of the field and scored.
          Not on the end of a team try but received the ball on our try line and ran the field like Bradman Best did last night.
          Couldn’t think of one. Probably the last time was when Moses ran from the 20 on the restart when we opened Comm Bank a couple of years ago.
          I would bet we would be the only club that could boast such a record.
          How I would live to see a Semi Radradra or an out and out speedster on our flanks.

          1. Muz

            Spark now you have said It I also can’t remember us pulling length of field tries for years 😅

            Other teams pull them against US every game

            We might seriously get the wooden spoon the more I think about it

            Not sure why we bother spending money for tickets to games when the people running the show obviously don’t care about us and our opinions enough

            Old eels legends warned them about letting go of so many of our star players

            They didn’t listen and now are on line for a possible wooden spoon

            With tigers faster backs and youth in the team

            I won’t be surprised if they end the year above our team unfortunately

          2. Marty Fagan

            You must be thinking of Semi’s length of the field try against South’s in 2016. I watch it when I’m feeling down after another loss – I’ve been watching it a lot lately.

      2. Cardinal

        Yes, – but dud you see Blaze trying to pick him up twice. Best is 105 kgs, but he made Blaze look like a 70 year old man.

        Heaven help the Eeks if ww sign Blaze on something like 599k lol.
        He’s totally useless as an outside back or fullback

        I don’t know what some people are watching, but Blaze is slower than Reg.

      3. Sixties

        Spark, the reply is a quirk of the website software – it allows a certain number of replies and also limits replies to replies. There is nothing editorial on it. The only editorial applied is when comments stray into personal attacks on players/staff or when a certain banned person comes back under another name and IP address.

  11. Shaun

    Yeah, what do you say after that? The officiating was rubbish but the defence is woeful. It can be fixed. Just look at the Dogs this year. Those two tries to Best were so costly and should not have happened. It also made him to seem he has elite pace which is not the case.

    I hope the new coach is sorted soon. 2025 was always going to be a rebuild season but the longer decision around coach is left hanging the worse 2025 will be.

  12. Cardinal

    I don’t understand why we’re in a hurry to sign Blaze on something like 450k. The kid is probably the slowest winger or centre in the competition.

    He may be a five-eighth at best, but he isn’t quick.

    1. pete

      Just wait, we haven’t stopped outbidding ourselves yet.
      MON will push the contract up to $1Million soon without any other clubs interested.
      It’s what we do.

    2. Spark

      I’m not going to pile onto the kid. He’s never ever played wing yet here we are throwing him on the wing in an NRL outfit !
      The only reason we are playing him is to entice him to sign an extension with us.
      Barrett just should have been honest and say to the kid that if we ever drop Brown ( and that should be looked at) we will look at you.
      He should be plying his trade at 5/8 in cup but Barrett said early on that “he’s a good player and he will be playing somewhere in the team ”
      That in itself is a rediculous statement which is just set up to fail the kid.
      The fault doesn’t lie with Blaize but the coach who picks him out of position.
      At the end of the day if Blaize doesn’t want to bid his time in the cup team waiting for the opportunity then the Eels should be grown up enough to say thanks for your service and let him go.

      1. 56 years an eel

        Blaize was gaining on Best in the first try until Russell came between them but he wouldn’t have got there. He also had to get around Hastings before he could start chasing.
        In the second he didn’t even chase Best.
        Look at the first 20 metres, he was jogging.
        He needs to spend some time with Nathan Hindmarsh. I have no idea how many tries like that Hindy saved because he was 100% effort all game.

        I can’t blame him for the beaten spirit but he needs to learn from this.

        Apart from Penisini’s horror game, I thought we were mostly ok.
        The difference is confidence and proper defensive structure out wide.
        It’s a game of inches.
        Take off the two tries we should have stopped and give us the two we scored that the bunker took away and we look great.
        The difference is less than 30 seconds out of 80 minutes.

      2. Poppa

        I have read dumb stuff on here, but you take the cake with Brown should be looked at being dropped.
        My God man, what planet are you on.

        Finally, in Blaize we have a kid who the coach says in an interview we don’t know the right position for him. You know what that says, it says this isn’t one right for him in FG.
        He is basically a half, he will never be a fullback, and his defense is too poor for the centres…. wing is the only place for him at present as he can finish because he has the instincts of a good footballer, he doesn’t have this reputation for nothing but it cannot be argued, he does not have genuine speed and his defense is downright terrible. He has been put in an unenviable situation in our desperate attempt to harness a “superstar junior” this kid is not that! …….Yet anyway!
        Actually, we have priced him out of the market, we can go and recruit an accomplished player now for what we are going to be paying him in this development phase, with the likelihood he will not get to that accomplished phase anyway.

    3. Sixties

      Settle down Chief. The kid is being shifted around to positions, and he’s never been a winger. He’s made his NRL debut in a team running last. That’s the problem.

      1. Avenger

        Maybe so 60’s but the amount of wind being blown up this kid’s arse is astonishing.

        How for example can the club declare so foolishly that he is our future fullback when a player like Arthur Twidle has arguably been our best junior option at both fullback and 6 than Blaize?

        1. Sixties

          Apa Twidle has been playing as much, if not more, 5/8 than fullback, and has shown greater potential in that position.

          1. Hughy

            Average player at best , really wish him success but I’ve seen plenty of him and hes not NRL quality .

  13. pete

    This was a hometown stitch up.

    Moses was outstanding.

    We have been training our attack I.e. Moses tries were designed to address our lack of speed on the edges by using our fastest player to burn the Knights on the outside. This was good coaching.

    The huge issue remains Defence! 55 missed tackles is on us as a club!! Alarm bells must be ringing loud and clear!

    Ignoring defence for last 10 years. If you want to see a manifestation of poor leadership and lack of accountability its shown up in our defence. This was a horror show and we persist with picking the same players that are clearly making up the numbers. This is bad coaching.

    Further more, we just had two board appointments with ZERO football knowledge. There is NO Parramatta DNA on the board. We have a Chairman and CEO that never played the game. We have a HOF that was sacked or left his previous club in murky circumstances. Yet, we have these selecting the new coach??

    1. Hamsammich

      “Ignoring defence for the last 10 years” that’s very revisionist. 2020 and 2021 we were top 4 defence for both years. Now the rules made from 2020-2022 have set in and made the game different to how we’ve structured our forward pack from 2018 onwards.

      It’s going to be difficult but we need to focus our energy on promoting guys like: Guymer, Parker, Pryke and Brazel. These guys may not ever reach the individual heights of Paulo, Reg and Matto but right now that’s the style of forward needed in 2024 and for the foreseeable future. Smaller forwards who are able to shift laterally and use footwork in attack. We need to give these players the training and time on the field now, it will hurt, but in 2-3 years time sticking with them they’ll be solid first graders.

      Same thing with Talagi. A lot of negative comments towards the young man but we have to stick with him. He’s got his errors sure but he’s willing with the ball and gets involved. He reminds me of Semi in 2011-2013. Lots of errors in attack and defence but you could see he was trying to get better. Imagine if we had shafted him in 2013 when he wasn’t in first grade?

      1. sixties

        Ham, this is spot on. The Eels reshaped the forward pack after the spoon season of 2018. That year we went in with the players all lighter and faster after it appeared that the game was heading that way. Then the rules were adjusted and big forwards were dominant. Over the last couple of years we’ve lost our more mobile forwards like Marata and Ray Stone, and younger props like Oregon and Stefano. We have young, mobile forwards in the club, so it’s time to introduce them. Supporters will need to have patience with that process – and be much more patient than some are with Blaize right now.

        1. Muz

          60’s ppl said we need youth nlw hlast blaize lol. Reality is there young kids need 1-3 years to become NRL standard

      2. pete

        Some good points.

        I don’t have the stats with me. But does that mean 8 or 9 years we were not top 4 in defence. That would make those years outliers in the overall scheme of things. If we say 80% of the time we’re not top 4 defensively. Is that acceptable?

        I think you are right we have no choice but to elevate the youth and drop those underperforming players. Anyone will do at this point.

        I don’t think we can keep dining out on we made the GF or we beat Panthers twice in a season or we did this or that. That’s all well and good at the time. But it really doesn’t help the here and now.

        If we asked people what what does our team stand for? They’d probably say offloads and attack. Nobody would say defence.

        If we look at Bulldogs how they have concentrated on fitness and defence. They had several players leave because training was ‘too hard’.

        We seem to be mainly focused on attack. Paulo, Matto, Cartwright, Hopgood all offloaders. Only Hopgood could be described as a worker.

        If you stand still you are going backwards and the club is guilty of that

        1. Muz

          Hey Pete, mate obviously we all would love to see top 4 defence

          My hunch is (and maybe 60’s can correct me if I’m wrong)

          Once we built up to that quality of a team

          Our players we built into high quality players got packed because we had a team consistently finishing in the finals & then a grand final

          So just like Penrith we had players poached due to our success on the ladder (compared to many other clubs)

          Now from my understanding BA worked us up until that point, developing, recruiting, and building out our core group of talented forwards & halves

          Now where there seems to have been a strategic blunder

          60’s may not correct me on this one but maybe someone else will of you Pete

          We may of just simply made the wrong choices on who we kept and let go

          We hadn’t been a successful club in so long that I don’t believe our club knew how to deal with it and manage the roster for future years

          An example is Paulo was our gun prop, now co captain

          Clubs managers who have more experience than us would not have signed him on that big of a contract for that long

          And let you get forwards leave who had smaller contracts and a lot more playing years left in them

          So we kind of prioritised who they thought was best

          (At that moment)

          Now this is where I believe the club wanted to win a comp and go in and k certain players they thought could help us win a possible premiership

          The issue I believe is that BA & the decision makers obviously could not predict the game changing pace

          Or the fact 22’ was Paulos last year as a truly elite prop at his peak of form

          Now I’m not bashing paulo he is an amazing player

          But no longer our regular starting prop, and has been let go of from the NSW blues

          Now I believe the club pushed their chips forward and tried to retain only who was best at the time

          They could not afford to keep them all

          What was overlooked possibly is the fact all the players they locked in would not be the same players in 1-3 years time

          So she plus changing of game speed

          I believe they didn’t think long term enough but it wasn’t done out of stupidity

          They probably honestly believed that was their best chance at success

          But the reverse has happened

          Those players are slower and older now and far less efficient as the game speed has sky rocketed

          Plus we spent too much on forwards and our halves

          Leaving us paper thin on cap for outside backs

          I believe the eels bet big on those players but didn’t realise how far they would fall as they aged

          And nobody could predict in 1-2 years the fast game style would make those types of players give your team a disadvantage in defence as they get tired

          There’s also rumours and we can take it with a pinch of salt that the eels snr players is a bit of a Boys club

          And that BA was too close to long term players associated with the club

          people like jnr, gutho, lane, lussick, sivo

          Too close actually move them on when the time comes, and has come for some of them

          The evidence to support this claim one could argue is how Lane and lussick have had their positions cemented

          When other players who are light years better than say lussick play one avg game and get blocked from playing nrl

          Obviously each coach has their own choices

          But I do believe BA did make us a solid team during those good years

          Maybe the new change of pace in the game and a shift towards a faster Ruck didn’t suit his game style and roster as a few years ago


          It doesn’t make up for our defence being the worst in the competition

          We’ve always had weak defence on our edges

          And we never invest heavily in backs

          So maybe the game now requires more cap to be invested out wide

          I don’t believe BA was a bad coach

          I just believe it’s a mix of things

          It’s the people in the club thinking not having a full roster every year is “ok”

          The ceo and board could be all over the HOF’s ass

          Pressuring him to make sure we have 29-30 players on the roster

          Trust me if HOF’s job was pressured

          He would come up with a 30 man roster

          The club from the top down has let mediocrity happen and remained complacent

          We would be fools to blame this all on say BA, or only HOF

          We’ve got a board, a CEO, consultants, and dozed of other people in the administration who can see all of this and can have an opinion

          There’s no organisations on earth that can watch people inside the organisation destroy it and do nothing about it

          They appointed the HOF and can see clearly each year the roster issues and not having a proper 30 man squad

          They didn’t do anything

          And have actually stated in their own words recently;

          “We have the roster to win a comp”

          This indicates the ceo and others haven’t yet identified the real issue yet

          Which is the roster and depth, e.g not having a 30 man roster

          He may of been gas lighting or denying it to deflect any blame

          But if they believe we don’t have any problems then it’s not HOF to blame

          The leaders of the club are supposed to be competent enough to identify when employees of the club are falling short on their roles requirements

          Either that or they actually are also involved in the low roster count decisions

          To keep their balance sheets looking Healthier

          So 60’s and others mentioned the roster numbers not being sufficient

          But this could easily be changed by pressure from above

          If the eels board & CEO got on HOF’s ass

          He would magically fill it

          To keep his job

          It’s not his own money and to keep his job

          You can bet he would find recruits to fill thr 30 within months

          You put pressure on a person to execute

          They will do it if they believe their high paying job is at risk

          Now none of this has happened

          It’s been years of paper thin rosters and no depth

          This is a tell tale sign it’s a penny pinching strategy that the club is also involved in

          They would not Sit back for years letting this happen if they didn’t approve of this taking place

          We can all speculate or blame

          But the CEO. & Boards job is to ensure the people they employ do their jobs

          Instead they sacked BA and HOF is still in, and part of the decision makin process for our next coach

          This is another strong indicator HOF is working on the CEO and co’s behalf

          The penny pinching and not signing a 30 man roster you can bet is something they all supported up until now because it saves dollars

          That’s the only explanation that possibly makes sense

          We can’t all get mad and hate our head of football

          He’s probably just doing his job in a way that his superiors have supported and maybe even encouraged him to do

          Of course we cannot approve this idea

          But he is still there – BA Is not

          So it makes you wonder

          The club may not see him as a problem yet if he is still there

        2. Hamsammich

          You said for 10 years defence has not been a focus. I’ve given you 2 recent years we were Top 4 in defence. 2017 we had the 6th best defence, 2016 we had the 4th best defence even accounting for the 107 points against that were deducted after round 7. 2014 we conceded 160 points less than the previous year. So yes, saying defence has been ignored for 10 years is revisionist history based on the past 2 years.

          Our poor defence these past 2 years have come from a forward pack that is too big and too slow moving laterally. There’s also a problem with our hit and stick
          and ability to get back to marker. These players were signed to long contracts when these rules weren’t in place or the end result wasn’t fully known. Unless we’re able to offload these players this year I don’t believe any coach will be able to have “their team” until the end of 2025 when most of our big names
          forwards will be off-contract.

          Who’s dining on making the 2022 GF or beating the panthers? I think you’re setting up a strawman there.

          I think our club currently suffers from incompetence but also democracy. Being democratic and ticking the right boxes doesn’t work in the NRL environment, things move too quickly to be as bureaucratic as the club is. We need a central decision maker then a bunch of workers to make sure that happens.

          1. Muz

            Hamsammich, we did have a solid defence for a lot of years. We did often have weak defence on edges, but overall a lot of years BA had us solid in defence. I don’t think we realise how good of teams we have had most years since 2018. We maybe took it for granted.

          2. BDon

            Ham, I get what the stats say but I’m still thinking we were strong in the middle but dodgy out wide. I notice the word ‘edge’ is used for both, the edges of total play ie out wide, and the edge of the ruck, so I try to use middle and wide. We had seasons where we leaked very little through the middle, but that has definitely changed with loss of key players and rule changes. Micheal Jennings seemed to pull our wide defence together a bit better, and Opacic knew his trade as well, but our inconsistency to defend in the 20 and after errors/penalties is not an illusion. Souths made mauling us an art form in decoys, catch and pass and pace. We never seemed to have the right spacing and numbers. Games when our discipline was strong cut down the threats but even though we were a disciplined team we didn’t seem to be able to consistently be on the right side of stats. Moses and Brown are great scramblers as well.

          3. pete

            That means nothing. We didn’t win a comp and we had some good years sprinkled amongst not so good.

            As i said we are Not known as a defensive team and have always had blow out losses: 50 blow-outs in last 10 years was recently reported. That’s what I was referring.

            On your strawman – People were saying we made the GF and we beat Penrith in the club and on social media especially last year… As I said it’s all well and good at the time but doesn’t help here and now. The club sat on its hands after ’22 and failed to recognise the changes that had already happened. We didn’t change in ’23 or ’24.
            Now the CEO said we can win with this squad?

  14. pete

    Does anyone know who our defence coach is now BA has left?

    Also who is responsible for strength and conditioning?


    1. Spark

      It’s still Steve Antonolli isn’t it ?
      Whoever it is , it’s probably the last hurrah for Barrett, Murphy and Antonolli at the Eels as a new coach will bring their own staff in.

      1. Spark

        Unless I’m mistaken Trent Elkin still runs the strength and Conditioning Dept .. another one that needs the boot

    2. Muz

      Stevie wonder is the coach atm maybe Pete. Lol 🙂

      At least next year, lomax is a strong defender out wide.

      Him plus Simmonson back should give our backs a significant boost.

  15. Spark

    Throwing another discussion points around…
    Word is around town that Dylan Brown is not the disciplined fella that he said he would be.
    Certainly, no one could say that he is justifying his price tag and there are reports (denied by Dylan) that he wants to return to NZ.
    How about this. – we approach the Warriors about a swap…. Dylan Brown for Luke Metcalf ? Warriors take up his contract and we take over Metcalfs contract which is about 300k.
    Metcalf is an absolute jet and would be superb outside Moses.

    1. Muz

      What’s he apparently been doing wrong off field?

      Also I think he hasn’t played as good since that incident last year

      1. Avenger

        This is the same player that publicly stated that he didn’t know we were coming last, yet is the first to display immature antics pregame on social media and when the cameras are on him.

        This is also the same player that failed to direct the team whilst Moses was out. He was awful and failed when we needed him most. He is severely overrated by many. I almost see parallels to Corey Norman.

        1. Muz

          Avenger, I can’t imagine we can get anyone as good as brown

          Good halves who can defend and fast runners, AND available, are rare as hens teeth

          Isn’t metcalf always injured?

          1. Spark

            I really like Metcalf but he was just thrown up for discussion.
            My personal opinion is that Brown is just not giving us enough.
            He drifts in and out of games, he’s a catch and pass man without engaging his man. If he runs he’s dynamic but he just doesn’t do it enough.
            He is a great defender.
            That’s just my opinion and what do I know ?
            As I said .. it was just thrown up for discussion.

  16. Joseph

    The weaknesses in our roster are far to great to overcome, anything good is quickly nullified by players who are past their best or players who are not NRL standard.
    The new franchise will make it tough to sign new talent beyond 2025.
    The new coach will have some tough decisions.
    Sixties was right, sadly our backs will be pretty much the same in 2025. the inclusion of Lomax alone drastically improves our backline.
    Gutho is a warrior, nobody really wants to broach the subject but is he done? There is a difference between being injured and being busted.
    Our halves and centres are set which leaves our back three. I’d prefer the club to start blooding Blaize at fullback now, let him make his mistakes this season and let him spend the offseason catching Moses bombs. We could carry Sivo with Lomax on his inside for one more season. Surely the club can find one winger who is better than Russell and Simonsson. I like Bailey, he’s all effort but he’s not the elite finisher we lack. I’d still like to see Bailey at the club
    What’s happened to Lane? He started the season really bad and has progressed to just being bad.
    Moretti, Guymer, Doorey and Arthur must play the rest of the season in first grade, these younger guys need to be ready for next season.
    I had my doubts we could finish top 4, I was somewhat confident we would at least make the 8. If someone said we would be dead last this time of the year, I’d stand up and punch them out. I know how you feel now Pink.

    1. Avenger

      Don’t forget there was all this talk about us still being in a premiership window and how winning the comp was still the realistic goal. The whole establishment has failed us. Besides Moses, and Ofahengaue I’d argue that the entire team has regressed.

      1. Muz

        Hi Avenger, Joe o, Moses, simmonson

        That’s the 3 players who have played good + improved like you mentioned

        Those guys have been solid players this season

        Hopgood has been decent too

        Billy slater would not have selected him if he were not a solid NRL player

    2. Muz

      Hey Jo, I reckon you are correct.

      It’s time for them to give those younger players game time to build for 25-26’

      The conflict of interest is Baz will prefer to try win as much as possible if he can short term to improve his coaching career post parra

      This may lead him towards running our more experienced players

      But I agree those younger guys gaining more experience now will pay off for us long term

      If Matt Arthur, Blaize, Doorey, maybe Guymer can get more first grade experience this season

      They will be much better next year

      1. Muz

        Hi 60’s or anybody who knows.

        Are any of our forwards off contract after this season?

        I’m wondering if they can do a roster mini clean out this season.

        Or if they will need to wait until 25-26’ for most players?

        1. Joseph

          Hey Muz, if you believe Zero tackle, the only forwards coming off contract are Ogden and Makatoa. I doubt either will be retained.
          RGC and Lane come off in 2025.
          Our big concerns are Matterson and Paulo. Matterson is listed at 600k in 2025 with a player option in his favour in 2026.
          Paulos contract now seems like a disaster. He’s listed at 950k in 2025 and 2026. Greig is also contracted in 2025, we’ve spent so long developing him that the game has moved past his body shape and size.
          The Dolphins entering the competition screwed us on three fronts, we missed out on outside backs, payed overs to retain players and lost players to other clubs because we paid overs.
          Hopgood, Brown, Penisini, Cartwright, Doorey, Joe O, Tuilagi and Moretti all come off in 2025. Matt Arthur may also be in this list.
          The only players we would want to keep who are signed beyond 2025 are Moses and Lomax.
          A disastrous start to our 2025 season will almost certainly mean Eels fans won’t be needing finals tickets for a long while.
          The next 10 months are crucial, I hope our new coach has the impact our club desperately needs. Our club needs a mental rebuild first and foremost, only then can we retain and recruit players.
          It’s too early to know how much of a clean out we actually need. We don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water.
          Some of our players could be past it, others could just be stale and in need of a reset. The new coach will have to work it out quickly.

          1. Muz

            No way the eels are stuck with this roster next year too?

            Surely they can push them out?

            Many of them are bad now

            Imagine in another 12 months time even older

            1 year can be a massive difference, I mean look at our beloved king gutho

            Ps Paulo is meant to be on 950k

            I love the big fellah but to be a competitive NRL club we can’t have him on that

  17. Namrebo

    The refereeing effort had me pining for Greg Hartley to make a comeback. Even the Kayo commentators, who aren’t our greatest fans, couldn’t comprehend a few of those decisions.

  18. BP

    Our contact in defence was appalling last night, knights were bending the line with ease and winning the ruck every set (and I wouldn’t say they have an overly powerful side).
    A lot of our current pack are finished – the game has moved past them and our lack of mobility is being shown up each week. Some uncomfortable conversations for the new coach once they enter the building because there are guys on big money that we need to move on from.
    There is potential in our youth so it’s time to play them and see what we have.
    Side note – Ryley Smith was good in cup yesterday, dare I say he reminded me a bit of Reed in his early years.

    1. Muz

      Apparently most of the forwards are still on contract for next year someone said in this comment section, if that’s the case then you could imagine next year may be diabolical. Imagine the forwards struggling now to keep up another 1 year older.

      Interested to see if the new coach has any ideas on how to get any more out of our current players.

      1. Trapped in the 1970's

        There’s no disagreement that its an aging forward roster but its a problem IMO that’s been magnified by the little that the back 5 contribute. Sixties (I think) mentioned that with the inclusion of Lomax we probably know our 2025 backline already, heaven help us if that is the case. Both areas need addressing but getting some genuine meter eaters in the backs is essential.

        1. Sparx

          Yep no money left , botched salary cap till they can offload a few , anyway we run with a short 27 man roster anyway , promotion from within mostly i heard . Blaze will take up some coin , tuivati top 30 ,thats intelligent cant make ko cup yet . 2025 looking bleak for mine ,its funny the ones we want gone no one really wants and the keepers want out , what a debacle sean an jim have created ably abetted but a clueless bunch of suits.

  19. Cardinal

    Unfortunately the gap between the coaches and players v the board and recruitment is a chasm now, they hate the mcelduff and sarantinos to a man , theres no way back till this pair of no football knowledge dictators are gone but the other spineless board members deserve thier share of the blame to , anyway issac moses is a happy man hes now in complete control ,the troubles at the top people and thats a fact .

      1. Cardinal

        Board and recruitment lost , kafusi , reedy , opacic , papalili ,marata , stone , arthur 2023 and kept older players replaced them all with 1 decent player in 2 seasons , hopgood , just lost sanders now , bet arthur didnt want that im saying ! 27 man roster 2 seasons in a row thats down to those in charge john , look closer mate .

        1. John Eel

          Cardinal I am aware of all of that and that is my point. BA was not the problem he was the scapegoat.

          We are the West Tigers 2.0

          Bennett went cold on coaching the Eels after talking to them. He initiated the first contact by a third party as I understand.

          Guess he didn’t like what he heard at the meeting!

          1. Anon

            Actually john thats the true story he knew they wanted to run the show and sensibly declined , TRUE !

          2. Muz

            Bennett allegedly contacted them initially and that was that.

            He is not stupid and would have spoken to our board or CEO for example.

            Realised they were difficult to work with and a basket case of a roster situation and not flexible in their approach.

            South’s let Bennet do what he wants – because they know he is the one who knows what they are doing.

            I originally predicted Bennet and Ryles probably won’t go to our club.

            Because their demands (for us to succeed)

            Would of been way too far outside the eel’s comfort zone

            We don’t sack players who under perform, we don’t try offload them when their times up

            We hold them until they are so far gone no other NRL team even wants them

            I will be highly highly surprised if Jason Ryles would get or even consider the job

            The clubs ran like a basket case atm

            They are not serious about success with their actions

            Bennet would of seen this and realised they will not do what it takes to succeed like south’s

            As soon as he got announced with south’s they started adjusting the roster for him

            Even with Cook the veteran leader & hooker in the team

            Who’s still a good player

            No time wasted – off loaded him for next year all inside of 1 month

            Success loved speed and fast decision making

            If that was our club they would wait until Cook was so poor jo club would buy him off us

            Or they would sell him in his prime and replace him with Joey lussick

            or replace him a old almost retired player like Hodgson

            I’m holding on to the view point here we will need to fail this year and maybe even struggle next year

            To “move forward” so to speak

            1-2 more years of our club’s administration failing and moving as slow as a turtle

            The ceo, HOF, Mcelduff etc, their jobs will come under serious pressure

            Wests tigers 2.0 type of situation

            Look at the dragons and bulldogs this year

            Bulldogs just signed a roosters forward yesterday

            They move FAST

            We would of missed that opportunity if it was us after him

            Dragons have gone from basket case to competitive team fast with flan no

            with Gus & Ciro there – bulldogs also growing successfully

            Moving FAST, and recruiting & legging go of dead weight fast

            We are doing the complete opposite

            I don’t think people realise the head of football is only the tip of the ice berg

            The people who employed him and over view his performances have not only kept him as our HOF

            They’ve got him in as part of the decision making process for the new coach

            We eels fans need to stand strong and play the long game here in this situation

            A new coach may lift us a bit and what not

            But the actual leaders of the club are running us into the ground

            They believe this and has said we have the roster to win a comp?

            These are people who either are completely clueless or gaslighting as a way to make BA a scape goat

            Things may need to get really bad for us before they get better

            Because the people above the coaches, head of football

            They are clearly incompetent

            They run the club like a money hungry cost cutting profit machine

            They seem clueless about how to make our NRL team truly successful

            The fish rots from the top – the constant roster depth issues are a manifestation of their penny pinching practices

            If they simply applied pressure to the HOF

            He would come up with 30 men quick smart to avoid losing his job

            This obviously isn’t happening

            In fact apparently HOF gets bonuses for keeping our cap down for the top 30 for saving the club money

            There’s financial incentives for them keeping our roster paper thin and under manned

            Put all of this together and it’s not hard to understand why we never have a 30 man roster

            And we only seem to sign Rejects 9/10

  20. Westerner

    Fortunately mcelduffs time is up end 2025 ive heard but look at the damage and mess his reign has left , still it doesn’t matter another no footy knowledge suit from the current spineless bunch will step in and continue his legacy ,mcelduff and sarantinos have destroyed our club and now the main person responsible just walks away .

    1. Muz

      Is he apparently going next year?

      What about HOF & the CEO?

      They’ve been collecting their bonuses as a priority for spending as less as possible on our top 30 as well.

      Running our roster & club like a cost cutting profit machine whose balance sheet is the #1 priority.

      Our NRL teams roster is ran into the ground full of injured or old & washed up players no other clubs would seriously want for even 1/2 of their salary.

      It’s a little too late – MANY us eels fans could see the writing on the wall even before last year.

      We had a significantly weaker roster going into 2023 on paper with players we lost.

      And in 2024 most educated eel’s supporters I spoke to also doubted we would even make the 8 this season.

      If we could (mostly) all see this.

      How couldn’t the club?

      Grand final to equal last in two years indicates a huge failure from up in the front office.

      And they aren’t even trying to move those players on in our team that are clearly past it.

      They’ve got comfy jobs now collecting big salaries.

      There’s no pressure from below – because the eels do not sign quality players for depth.

      It’s an absolute disgrace for us life long eels fans.

      I’m obviously upset – but the fact is most of us who saw the roster expected we would struggle this year.

      The CEO reckons it’s a roster that can win a comp?

      He told that to the media only a few weeks back.

      Was he gaslighting the media to make BA scape goat?

      Or is he actually that uneducated about the game of rugby league?! 🏉

      1. Spark

        Look to be fair I wouldn’t be leaving anyone out of the blame game and that includes BA, the coaches and the strength and conditioning dept – everyone.
        Sometimes it’s very easy to blame those on the board and damn they certainly should be blamed to a point but to put it crudely – it’s a shit show from top to bottom.
        Contrary to Sixties assertions that BA can part the red sea and heal the sick at a glance , BA himself would look back and recognise that along with the good, he made some mistakes.
        One may be that he just decided to let the so called leadership group set the standards when those in the leadership group were the worst offenders. Alas like Demetriou, you lose control , well you lose control.
        I thought it was so bloody ironic that the players were publically backing BA but it was the players that failed him and his loyalty to certain players was at times beyond comprehension.
        At the end of the day it was just a perfect storm.
        Inexperienced and probably inept board members, an aging roster, a coach that probably was on his last legs, a strength and conditioning group that wasn’t pulling its weight. Etc. It all added up to the mess we are in now.
        Moving forward us there any chance that we can get someone with Hannays intelligence and Ryles intimidation ?
        I really like Hannay but the VERY LAST thing we need is a coach that’s going to be best mates with the players.

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