The Cumberland Throw

Post Game Grades – Round 15 vs Roosters


Parramatta Eels 18

Sydney Roosters 28


Well I suppose “another one that got away” is better than “sitting through a 40 point hiding”, and it certainly looked like that second option was on the cards after 15 minutes. Once the pain of another win left on the table subsides, maybe the knowledge that we can win, even if we aren’t, will be of some comfort in a season that will be defined more by a battle to avoid the spoon than one to make the eight.


Noble losses are losses all the same, and while the inability of the Eels to put the Roosters away when they were running downhill wasn’t as damning as not being able to put away a 12-man, two injuries Bulldogs side, it is still two weeks in a row that a side with one of the best halves pairings in the league lacked for composure and structure in key moments. Maybe Mitch is rusty, maybe he saves his A-game for years when his teammates can win more than one game in two months without him, but Moses, Brown and Gutherson are paid big dollars to ice games like this one.


Lindsay Collins bouncing straight back to his feet might be all that saved Kelma Tuilagi from being sent off and this being a very embarrassing night for the men in Blue and Gold. I’m glad for it in this case, but like the Eels being penalised for contact because a man got injured last week, this week a send off becomes a sin bin because nobody got hurt. I haven’t read the rule book in a while, but I’m pretty sure “degree of injury” is not a consideration for an on-field punishment.

It is laughable to expect consistency from the NRL in its current state, where referees can put a finger to their ear and ask for video help, where every try is reviewed so no mistake is truly punished, where the six-again removes the risk of match defining penalties and thus the scrutiny of how a referee polices the ruck. Referees are asked to do a job solo that we decided years ago required two of them, then some genius sped the game up just to make sure consistency in decision making is impossible.

That video referees are now allowed to make judgements on a player’s intent is icing on the cake. Players are “just making a tackle” like that bloke was “just waiting for a mate”. Soon every tackle will conveniently have one arm wrapped around the ball, making a pulling motion, while I sit on the lounge making my own pulling motion every time the video referee uses their ESP to determine what a player meant to do in the tackle.

The two offload kings were hard to split, but Bryce Cartwright didn’t throw a peach of a ball to put his fellow prop into space, so well done Junior Paulo for providing one of those great highlight moments and taking the MVP here.





Clint Gutherson

1 – Fullback

Not his best, not his worst, not much to say about the King in this one.


Sean Russell

4 – Left Wing

Sean Russell has to be down on confidence, and the grades guy throwing Ds at him like he’s Bart Simpson probably isn’t helping matters. He’s struggling to score tries you expect most wingers to finish and his defensive decision making on the wing is constantly oil and water with his inside man. He’s lucky we’ve got literally no other playable outside backs on the roster.


Will Penisini

3 – Right Centre

It’s time to stop calling Penisini a strong defensive centre, because while he can make a decent one-on-one tackle, he misses plenty (racking up 9 combined missed or ineffective here) and he’s yet to meet an inside runner he wont bite down on and leave a two on one outside him. He made a heap of metres, broke plenty of tackles, put two line breaks on and was generally a handful all night, but on the other side of the ball he’s not living up to that eary hype.


Daejarn Asi

4 – Left Centre

Maybe it’s because Joseph Manu wouldn’t pass the ball if it was on fire, maybe Trent Robinson isn’t the supercoach that Cameron Ciraldo (and Stephen Crichton) is, but Asi didn’t cop nearly as much traffic as I thought he would in this one. More luck to us, but Daejarn Asi still made four errors and offers very little in yardage. Knowing Sivo was likely to be out this week, I don’t know what Morgan Harper has done to Trent Barrett that makes the interim coach think Asi out of position, marking up against another consensus elite centre, is a better option.


Blaize Talagi

5 – Right Wing

Talagi showed how it is done for finishing, but otherwise was another that had a “not much of anything” kind of game. The experience is valuable for the young guy, even painful losses like this.


Dylan Brown

6 – Five Eighth

That solo effort to break into the lead was a classic, and while I gave most of the spine a bit of a bake up top, Dylan delivered on his role for the most part; breaking the game open with that individual effort. We just need more of it, and a little bit of anything else.


Mitchell Moses

7 – Halfback

The NSW halfback-by-default hasn’t exactly earned that role in the last two weeks, unable to guide his team to victory when they really needed that steady hand. He can kick the team downfield until the cows come home, but sometimes we just need points, we need that try to make it a two-score game, and we need it to come from our highest paid and most recognised player.



8 – Front Row

Solid day from Reg, who looked more comfortable with a bit of a reduction in minutes and was there under fatigue to combine with Junior for a great try. We’ll need more like this.


Brendan Hands

9 – Hooker

It feels like I have spent a lot of Brendan Hands’ career judging him by how the team looks when he isn’t on the field. There were the freak numbers of how many points we’d score with him versus with Josh Hodgson last year, and now when he comes off the field the team immediately loses all momentum and drive. His service is strong, but it’s not like he’s Harry Grant out of dummy half. It just goes to show how important good ball from the ruck can be.


Junior Paulo

10 – Interchange

Finally, a bit of a captain’s knock from Junior who took it to the Roosters pack and, despite getting away what might be a season high five offloads (verifying stats is for wins) it felt like he was making it happen off of his power game. It’s a shame we couldn’t convert despite having our starting props combine for some of their best performances all year, but if these two keep it up, wins will eventually follow.


Bryce Cartwright

12 – Interchange

The Carty Party is back in full swing, as Bryce Cartwright terrorised the Roosters defence with his running game and offloaded at will. It has been a while since the party has been much more than a quiet gathering to drink tea and play Monopoly, so it was nice to get, if not a full blown rager, at least a memorable night at Kicks out of Carty.


Kelma Tuilagi

11 – Second Row

On the one hand; no errors, nearly 200 metres of hard running and three offloads. On the other; he dumped a man on his head and we were down 10-0 by the time he got back on the field, and now he’ll likely sit on the sidelines for a month. Big Kelma raises complex emotions in me, but right now I’m happy to settle with disappointment as our inexcusable, shallow depth will now further be tested.


Joe Ofahengaue

13 – Lock

Joe O didn’t have a third week in him, as he got a shortened stint but still managed two errors, a low 80s tackle efficiency and none of that tough running I was liking so much last week. Bring back Good Joe, please.


Shaun Lane

15 – Interchange

Maybe it was Carty taking the spotlight, but a move to the back row saw Shaun Lane go into his shell, happy to make tackles and do a little bit of running, making his customary error along the way. On a night where the big boys paved the way, we need more than 8 runs for 60 metres out of Lane. He’ll be stuck in the back row for the next month, but I was liking him a lot more as a middle forward.


Makahesi Makatoa

17 – Prop

Maybe NRL coaches need an assistant to just handle interchange timing and bench rotations, because looking at the Eels pack, our recent issues with fatigue and the fact we defended ten minutes a man down, I’d have found a second stint for a middle forward that played only 18 minutes and spent 3 of those standing behind his own posts.


Ryan Matterson

21 – Interchange

I’m glad he’s back, and he worked hard in this one without any mistakes, but this was a game that could have really used a highlight reel moment, and Ryan Matterson is certainly capable of them.


Joey Lussick

20 – Interchange

Joey isn’t doing a lot wrong here, but we looked like pulling off the upset without him, then we folded like origami with him. It’s not all his fault, but I’m under no obligation to be a logical creature in the grades and I’m blaming him here.

I’m going to sound like a broken record here, but somebody in the club needs to take the bull by the horns here and demand Trent Barrett coach for the future of this club, not his future within it. Guymer and Arthur need to debut and if Wiremu Greig has a future at this club he needs some first grade game time. He’s playing 50 minutes every week in Cup, but that’s not going to help him be the short-stint enforcer we need.

I’m not holding my breath. This is a club that can’t fill a top 30 squad, that can’t lock a promising junior down before giving him a debut, that can’t even get the fans to chant anymore. Who is going to tell Barrett to start building this side for a future that he is almost certain not to be a part of? 

We’ve got the bye this week, another good chance to pretend football doesn’t exist. It will be bliss.

Until then, stay slippery, Eels fans.


Stats and images provided by NRL / Eels media


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42 thoughts on “Post Game Grades – Round 15 vs Roosters

  1. N.Senada

    The Eels for whatever reason seems to be stuck in a conservative mindset re: team selections. From what I have seen of M. Arthur, he has already overtaken the rather pedestrian Lussick. I agree with you. Would love to see him in first grade

    1. Anon

      Arthur has to used at least off the bench , were not sending this kid any feelings of wanted but others will shortly and we will move to late as usual , what a complete f##k up our recruitment staff and processes are ,the blues getting bluer and the golds losing its shine for me I’m afraid ,those at the top just wont own any blame , whos the next scapegoat i wonder also god help us if BARRETT gets the job .

    2. Muz

      60’s and others have said it’s likely due to the treatment JA got when he was playing.

      I was hoping with BA gone the nepotism comments wouldn’t come up and new coach might be more likely to blood him.

      We are desperate for energy and young Boods is a remarkable young player, I 100% back him as our #14

      Imagine him and hands working in tandem? Our attack and direction would have much added improvement.

  2. BP

    Couldn’t agree more that it’s time to debut Arthur and Guymer and start building for next year and beyond. With Kelma out I’d also like to see Doorey come into NRL, he’s been strong in Cup.
    What is obvious to the fans seems to be beyond the higher up’s at the club though so I won’t hold my breath.

    1. Marty Fagan

      ….sort of hoping that Manly off cast gets at least 4 weeks on the sidelines so we can see whether those other blokes you all keep talking about will bring something new to the table

  3. Sec50

    Totally agree with your summation Gol. Six again is an absolute blight on the NRL and is one of the main reasons for injuries as players get tired and careless. I was somewhat hopeful that Barrett was going to show some fresh ideas but not to be. To select ASI in the centres (or anywhere for that matter) is beyond stupid. Cini would have been my option and whilst he has not set the world on fire he is at least capable of playing in the centres.
    The off button was about to be pressed at 16-0 but I persevered only for the false dawn to eventuate once again. How much pain can a fan endure?
    MA has to be selected on the bench from now on along with Guymer. We need to show them some love and prepare for next year.
    How do we let the powers that be at Parra know we are totally unhappy with our incredibly inept R and R – and I don’t mean Rest and Recreation although probably more appropriate.

  4. Darren Starr

    Good value in your readings GOL.
    With Trent Barrett’s 2 years at the club being attack coach, we deserve so much better.
    Let him take his 30% success rate to another club.
    We need a new direction.
    The team needs to give all for their coach.
    Definitely not for Trent.
    They have had him forced upon him.

  5. Peter Huxl

    I agree with your comments about Daejern and Morgan …. thoroughly!!!

    And what is the go? The Cup side have now won 8 of their last 10. Who is looking at them?, and, I know their defence is somewhat questionable and some of them are young but …. What about Mr Doorey, Zini etc ?

    1. Brett A

      While great the Cup side is coming on, worth remembering that many other clubs have been smashed by injuries, rep selections etc. Parra has had a good run, Moses aside.

  6. Milo

    Thanks Gol,
    I love the read again and th passion here. While I disagree with some grades I respect the view of yours. I feel we do not get enough oomph from Matto and Lane tbh and Kelma was one of our best on the weekend. Junior P for me should be consistently like this to earn his pay. Easts were too sharp around the ruck for me and their halves knew where to attack.
    We are TOO slow and too lateral at times……we are not sharp as others.
    I also do not understand the one out, one out forward play; at least have some other players in motion and use two passes when we are getting jammed.
    Bryce was v good me as well and I am glad Blaize had a dig, albeit some defence one to one that needs attention but he did well.
    Other players you have highlighted….
    The team needs an injection as per your comments….its now. Two on the bench need a stint in reggies, so MA, Gumer and Wiremu pls. Do we know how long Simmo is out for?

    1. Ron

      Wiremu is the completely wrong profile – big, slow, poor laterally and lazy in defence. We need guymer, moretti and Arthur in my opinion to help with leg speed and agility

        1. Ron

          I think so – not in his runs/attack but he is much worse in his defence and line speed. He will get targeted in behind the ruck and constantly be left on ground in tackle. I personally i am only interested in improving defence – we leak 28-30 points a game so if we can’t improve that attack won’t be enough to win games

    2. Poppa

      Why do people put Matto and Lane in the same sentence.
      Matto has been consistently good (injury/s) aside and Lane has been bloody awful.

      It seems to me that we predetermine who we don’t like and then keep rolling them out when giving opinions’.

      Its about time to understand we cannot put a competitive team on the field. Playing with players like Russell,Lane,Lussick, Makatoa and Asi does not seem too bad, but individually replace those with genuine first graders (not superstar’s) and we win our last two games.
      Everyone has more work to do but the cattle is just not good enough….lets just hope we get Brian McDermott as the new coach and do not fall for the “rookie” gamble i.e Ryles and Hannay……the choices of the new coach are absolutely vital.

  7. Longfin Eel

    It certainly seems like the whole club is in a holding pattern at the moment, and that’s not bringing out the best in the players. The sooner we select a head coach for 2025 the sooner the club can start to put systems in place that will see vast improvements and consistency on the field. We all knew the roster was going to be seriously tested this year and the fans were spot on. That’s not good enough from the club and needs to be fixed ASAP. As you have pointed out, we have players stuck in NRL who should be playing NSW Cup to get their mojo back. That’s not helping these players, or those around them. This is what bottom of the table teams do…

    1. Muz

      Hey Longfin, our Clubs seemingly stuck on the past.

      They keep holding on to players who were good years ago, but now are far from it. This is seemingly why many of our young guns aren’t getting game time.

      I don’t see the future investment of persisting on lussick, lane, makatoa, sivo, etc.

      These are all players who likely won’t be in our squad within 1-2 years, and are stocks that are on the decline.

      We would benefit largely by running our players who have years of growth ahead of them.

      It’s like we can’t even make the finals but are not blooding enough young players to build combinations & experience with them for 25’ and beyond.

      Maybe barrets ideal is to try win as many games as possible to try get the job,

      Where’s the clubs best interest (in my opinion), is to start building the future and giving those younger players more of a chance.

      They’ll be much better NRL players for us over the coming years if they get experience this year.

      Lussick as I’ve said all year is a disaster for us Team when he is on.

      Immediately we stop scoring, and we lose momentum.

      Matt A’s ability would probably surpass Brendan hands within half a season of NRL.

      We’ve got the talent there – let them rip and reap the rewards later this season and in the next as they grow.

      At the moment, we are playing washed up players whose confidence and form is shot.

      It’a a worry too that Baz is playing Asi at centre.

      Harper gets a bad rap – but the bloke is a decent defender at centre.

      Asi is simply not a specialist centre or a good defender.

      We got rid of BA and his often questionable team selections (e.g lussick or blocking hands)

      Then we got baz playing Asi at centre which is insanity.

      Let’s hope for better choices & times to come. 💙💛

  8. Brent Mason

    Hi Gol.
    I can read the disappointment in your words….. on the bright side at least all you have to do is cut and paste the last grades post. Albeit to different players. Like you I’m totally frustrated with this teams performance and see no turn around this year or next year really. I fear that even with a new coach there is a lot of rebuilding that will need to happen. I’d be happy if we could win 2 in a row!!
    I fear that we are going to lose good players if we don’t start blooding them into 1st grade, never mind the looming possibility that we will take out the spoon this year if we don’t.
    On the matter of the front office. I’ve read a lot in these posts about how incompetent they are. Is there any realistic way of forcing a change?
    I, like a lot of people, are concerned about their decision making ability. Their track record isn’t great after all. Surely Barrett and Cheika are not serious considerations!! How do the members get change? Should there be protests in the street outside the club? All I want is someone to put their hand up and say yep, we stuffed up and here is the plan to fix it. I don’t want them to rush any decisions about staff and players just a well thought out and achievable plan to get this great club back to being the competitive and consistent team it should be.
    Cheers mate…. thanks for turning up each week and doing the hard yards…. that’s a shit load more than some of the players and staff are doing.
    I will keep supporting the boys and live in hope we can salvage something this year. Even if it is just unearthing a gem of a player from our junior ranks.
    Disclaimer: I know nothing but am passionate about our club..😊

    1. Poppa

      Totally agree with your last sentence Brent.

      Let me explain something to you, Ryles and Hannay are rookie coaches, unproven but more than that they have no known man management They have never been head coaches.

      Personally my choice of Coach is Brian McDermott, he has outstanding qualifications and is currently doing a “get to know NRL” as an assistant at Newcastle, he has already taken Newcastle to their high defense rating in their history over the past 2 seasons. He the best coaching record in the history of ESL, Played 250 games for Bradford, 5 Tests for Great Britain, 5 professional fights for 5 knock outs and is an ex British Royal Marine.
      Do you think he knows how to man manage?
      He has taken sides to 4 grand finals and won them all, recruited Sony Williams to the Toronto Wolfpacks when establishing the US League.

      Can or could you think of a better person to explain to our board what they need to do to be successful at anything. I tell you now he knows the difference between shit and clay!

      Now I will digress a little further when you say how could they possibly be thinking Cheika as a candidate.

      He is my second choice, why?

      Because he has coached Australian Rugby Union sides and has amazing man management skills. He has seen and devised the systems that have been applied in NZ Rugby and had and developed strategies at the highest level in World Cups and Test matches. As a self made millionaire he doesn’t need money, this is a challenge for him and he knows many of the leading sports coaches all over the world. He is a proven sports coach and has a business acumen that most NRL players and officials would “drool” over. He also coached Mitch Moses in the World Cup and they get on like a house on fire!

      Now why should we be considering these types of people over and above rookies like Ryles and Hannay……..the answer is simple!
      They both comes from systems of expertise in man management skills, think about it for a minute. Any body can be a coach by reading a book, management experience (hands on) cannot be learnt, only experienced. My understanding is that Ryles sent his sister’s coffee shop broke trying to manage it.

      Using Chieka for example, he is likely to employ (if given the job) the likes of Ryles and Hannay as his assistants, the logical argument many will come up here will be “what would a Rugby Union coach know about NRL”?
      The answer is the future and strength required, especially in a club like Parramatta who has relatively no “discipline” in any of its structures…..these guys will be coaching the club as much as anything else, getting assistants to do the leg work will be a mere formality……the rest and the results will come from management skills that quiet simply is that of winners!!!.

      How many English soccer managers physically coach, none to not many!

      This is a chance for Parra to go to a new level of sophistication and be leaders in a field that is still evolving..

      Don’t rule out some one like Barrett as an ongoing assistant, well you won’t have to worry about is him selecting the side to play next week, and that the right people, the manager’s of the process will do the heavy lifting. The designated coach will also be attracting the right players and retaining the right players for the club. The pathways will become what they should be with youngsters wanting play under such much needed expertise.
      Players will want to come to us to play under coaches like McDermott and Cheika, not to play under rookies.
      They are successful at everything they have done because they are elite managers, this a wonderful opportunity for Parra, just pray we don’t stuff it up because we want to look fashionable with a rookie coach..

      1. John Eel

        Good read Poppa. I read where Braith Anasta said Ryles is a friend of his and he knows Ryles would do a good job if he took over the Eels.

        Personally I remember Ryles as a dumb footballer. Hard to see how that translates into a good coach. Besides if Anasta endorses Ryles. I would prefer Hannay.

        The big question is why would the Eels sack BA and hire a Rookie coach?

      2. Brent Mason

        Thanks for the explanation around the reasoning behind your opinion. I feel slightly better educated for it. Still more for me to learn. Cheers

      3. Namrebo


        As we’ve discussed recently I agree with your sentiment around McDermott. However, Zerotackle is suggesting he has just extended with Newcastle.

        McDermott’s name never really gets mentioned in the press for the job, but then again none of them had mentioned Demetriou either.

        1. Poppa

          Yes you are right about Zero Tackle Namrebo, Apparently they quoted something out of the Newcastle Herald which nobody can find or authenticate.
          Us McDermott pushers are pretty devasted by the news but are clutching at straws hoping it is just another mis reporting from Zero Tackle.

          The media are more frustrated than the fans on this one and are making up stories right, left and centre.

          One thing we can like about our board is they don’t leak. that is the only thing we have in our favour.
          Regardless of this I think my second choice Cheika is an outsider of immense proportions and if they didn’t have the vision to chase McDermott then they won’t chase Cheika.
          As a rusted on Parra supporter for over 60 years I will be disappointed if we miss this opportunity to be a leader……in something.

      4. BDon

        Poppa, I’ve just been outside re-laying some pavers and hit the lounge for a rest and coffee. That made my day…Ryles and his sister’s coffee shop. Plus an excellent read!

  9. BDon

    Tks Gol,you’ve caught the mood of the game well. Penisini has spent his formative years in a system that is short of good habit forming actions and reactions. His early games showed us capabilities that could be both nurtured and hard wired. And did Russell attempt to ground that ball with the wrong arm again? He’s obviously not keen on the sideways body twist, hanging in mid-air, feet in the grandstand put down.

  10. Muz

    Media Reports today:

    Baz and the others are out of the race for the coaching job:

    – The short list of coaches they are going after are Jason Ryles and Josh Hannay.

    I would pick Ryles over Hannay, but I wonder if Jason would accept the job walking into a basket case of a situation depth & recruitment wise at our parra?

    1. Brent

      Well….. at least they are the 2 sensible options. I wouldn’t mind either of them. I agree with you in that whom ever gets the job, they will be getting a basket full of issues.

      1. Longfin Eel

        The difference is that as a club Parra are well run and have money, we just can’t translate that to the NRL squad at the moment. A strong coach will demand a squad with certain skills.

        1. Brett A

          How are Parra better run? Were as badly run.
          But the difference is there are factions at Saint Illawarra and the side that gets burned – the Illawarra side – is Ryles’ home and upbringing. It would have driven him nuts

        2. Muz

          Longfin I agree the eels have more money probably.

          That’s the issue everyone’s talking about – they aren’t using it to fill up a 30 man roster and provide sufficient depth for our nrl roster.

          Word is Jason Ryles is notoriously detail orientated, there is a reason he’s been at Roosters + Storm.

          He will be hesitant to join our club if the board & HOF etc are tight assess and can’t even agree to sign a full 30 man roster for him, and agree to do a roster clean out.

          Ryles could be the next Storm coach, he won’t be giving that away to join a parra who doesn’t agree to many of his terms & conditions to become head coach.

          Imagine Jason Ryles being as successful as he has been in the clubs he has been employed at, then signing up to fail with a club that doesn’t believe in signing back up nrl players or having 30 ppl on a roster.

          I personally hope Jason comes, but it’s hard to imagine them giving BA (allegedly), limited Human Resources.

          Then showering Jason or Hannay in elite signings and supreme NRL depth players.

          Obviously I hope I am wrong and parra changed its ways.

          Hannay or Ryles still won’t solve our problems if the club is still stuck trying to sign unwanted reject talents and refusing to sign smaller faster players as part of their recruitment strategy moving forward.

          Maybe a new coach and a horrible year this year – may kick the execs & leaders into a corner.

          Where they are forced to change their ways due to the amount of pressure placed on them from their failures.

    2. Spark

      I think Rules is the sensible option. He has great experience with different systems.
      I believe that the board have decided that the club requires a completely different direction and I applaud that.
      We need a clean sheet and hopefully Ryles will come in with a completely different coaching mindset with new assistants. Hopefully that includes new strength and conditioning staff.
      Ryles will have intimate knowledge of what works at the Storm and Roosters and hopefully will replicate that at the Eels.
      I reckon if I was a player I’d be hitting the gym and pavement in the off season because Ryles won’t want to fail in his assignment and any dead wood will be cut.
      Rather than be discouraged I’m really optimistic and encouraged by the change. I just hope that they announce it ASAP and that the Storm or in the case of Hannay, the sharks, can release them straight away.
      I reckon there is a massive amount to do before next year.
      As for Barrett – it’s now time to bring the kids in !!

      1. Muz

        Good post spark I agree with everything you mentioned.

        Apparently Jason as we saw with dragons is very detail oriented and has selected requirements to get his services.

        He would no doubt be demanding his own assistant coach most likely, new strength & conditioning, and written agreements on the types of players he can sign and fire.

        If we don’t get Jason, my bet is that the eels didn’t want to agree to those requirements.

        My hope is the club makes some drastic changes and really opens up a new coaches options, and doesn’t dump the old roster on him, same old R & R issues, or the evident lack of strength & conditioning that’s seemingly in the parra system.

        Young Marscke from the dragons went down to train at at storm in the pre season.

        He said the wrestling there is unbelievable, and completely next level.

        They train them like champions and it’s allegedly harder training & prep at the storm than any other club.

        If Jason comes in with those fresh ideas and can copy the large wrestling emphasis in preparation and similarities in strength & conditioning.

        Then we should see a fitter more resilient parra team in 25 – 26.

        The only issue I see is Hannay would be easier to sign, he probably won’t have as many requirements to accept the role.

        Jason won’t sign up to a basket case, he simply won’t join the eels unless he thinks they will provide him with the resources & man power to succeed.

        Either way, a new direction is needed I agree.

        1. Poppa

          Surprised you think because Ryles comes from the Storm system, he will bring them with him…..hmmmm
          History says that coaches that leave storm as assistants, don’t go well as head coaches. Kearney is one that should be very close to our heart.\

          Word also has it that Ryles is on a bit of an outer, more pathways driven…..I dont think he is the sharpest tool in the shed and Bellamey would love to be rid of him!.
          That type of persona is a disaster waiting to happen at Parra…..where do you think he will get his advice from…..Saratinos? O’Neill? Cayless? Barrett?

          Are you sure you guys are Parra supporters??

    3. Joseph

      Well at least both options start with a clean slate.
      Ryles would be the shaker of the two, his was a fiery customer as a player, Hannay has a calmer demeanor. It’s hard to know which personality type would get the most out of our playing group.

      1. Ron

        I want a calmer coach – the main players we have (other than dyl) are emotional enough in the game. They don’t deal with setbacks in games all that well. They wear their heart in their sleeve and that’s a good thing but we don’t need a coach like that at this point

      2. John Kennedy

        Well apparently McDermott is on the outer, So Hannay or Ryles flip a coin, no experience, lots of on the run learnimg to do. Exactly what we didnt need

  11. Spark

    Well he’s not the first player to express the same.
    A good mate of mine who worked for a NRL side in performance management for many years told me that the Storm is always two years in front of every other side in everything they do.
    It’s no surprise that every wresting move that is now outlawed, came from the Storm.
    It’s the very reason that they continue to lose their stars but maintain their position at the top of the NRL tables.
    Whilst we are all Eels supporters, we should marvel at the way they run that club.
    I would say that if Ryles is used to the standard that the Storm is run, he will get a huge shock at the lackadaisical way we run ours in both player application, all the way to the boardroom.
    Contrary to public opinion I applaud the board for recognising that we were going nowhere and deciding to change course.
    But you are correct, he might just look at the situation and declare it a bridge too far but one would think that he has already had a very good look at it.
    One think is for certain and that is the board are going to have to give this new coach all the support he requires and not the bullshit support that BA had to put up with.

    1. Muz

      Hey Spark, good post mate.

      It’s interesting someone you know said when working there they were 2 years ahead of everyone else.

      Another proof in the pudding so to speak of how high their standards are.

      And how good their prep is.

      Brandon Smith has been a shadow of his form at the roosters.

      Compared to at Melbourne.

      Cooper Cronk said last night at the storm cheese got hooker of the year, maybe even player of the year.

      He’s never been close to putting in the same scrapping efforts more or less Cooper was saying since being at chooks.

      The storm beat the chooks every year even without close to the roster depth it seems like.

      The only way chooks won last premierships was by taking the storms best player at the time (Cooper Cronk)

      Brandon smith’s stock will have crashed now since being on the outta at roosters.

      If we get Ryles.

      I wonder if he could get Brandon back working hard again and focused with strong discipline like back with the storm?

      Ryles Would copy the storms attack with a dummy half running player who comes off the bench and tears through the Ruck like the storm has for many years (you would expect)

      The eels have never done that, BA didn’t like dummy halves doing much.

      We also never had deadly ball runners as hookers tho either – which is possibly part of that being ruled out.

      The chances of the eels cleaning out all the old slow forwards by next year is highly unlikely.

      Ryles probably knows from studying us with Bellamy before playing us.

      This is our weakness and to destroy us around the ruck like they always do with Grant as we get tired.

      Ryles probably knows what our problems are to a pin point from being in Melbourne and studying us before playing us each time.

      This is why I believe his signature won’t be as easy to get.

      Because he will ask for a clean out more than likely and knows if we don’t change our mindset & ways on recruitment…

      He will probably look at it like suicide for his head coaching career.

      I just hope the clubs willing to at least tell a new coach they will sign a 30 man roster with sufficient outside backs, and sacking the old players.

      Sounds harsh – but our team is simply old.

      The late game drop off is possibly a result of our old & slow forwards.

      When our same roster was younger – we defended in the middle a lot easier.

      We also are down near the bottom of the ladder now for meteres gained.

      Where’s a few years ago I believe we were up near the top in meteres gained.

      The main difference is our players are old, the games gotten faster, and our players are possibly not suited as well for how it’s being played now.

      Ryles would already know all of this – let’s hope parra can address it aggressively if he takes control.

      Because if they think a new coach on this roster will get them back into being a top 8 team.

      They really are idiots.

  12. Spark

    Sorry if I was a little misleading but the mate I was referring to worked for another NRL club not the Storm but of course players come and go and it was an open secret that their pre seasons and standards are next level.
    Agree 100% with all your points. I would hope that we aren’t too far off the mark. Lomax will transition to fullback after Gutho. We urgently required a couple of fast wingers !

    1. Muz

      All good yeah I understand now spark.

      Lomax looked awesome in origin I thought too.

      Lomax, and let’s say Simmonson, Will P, gutho aren’t a bad backline, Talagi too.

      The issue I see is we have no depth if any of those players get injured, just like whats happened this year.

      We don’t seem to have actual NRL quality backs to fill in when there’s injuries.

      You would think after a giant fall from grace the club will learn from this for next season and beyond.

      We will have to wait & see I guess.

  13. Noel Beddoe

    So hete we are, stone mothrrless last. A bit hard to argue that th erte’s much to be said in favour of the current leadership at any level. We need a masive rebuild starting with all off field roles. Everywhete you look you see talented very fsst young inside backs. We have signed none of them. My view, I’m afraid, is that our current leadership would not recognise a NRzL footballer if yhey triped over one on yhr goyer of yhe leagurs vlun; the fact that so many of y he emergong superstsrs were formet, unrecognided juniors of oursvis too depressing even to conyrmplate; it is easy to.npminate actejrcted 17 ofvplayets tejected v by thrvclib who wouuld defest pu rf current group.. Appalling. Masive chsnge nerfrf.

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