The Cumberland Throw

From The Stands – May 28, 2024: A Week To Be Optimistic?


I love going to the football, but last week was one mighty tough game to watch from the stands.

In previous columns, I’ve written about the importance of getting to games to support the team, no matter what is happening. The point being, that it will always be harder for the team to turn their form around in front of empty stadiums, or even worse, fans booing their own players.

Make no mistake, the events of last week left me furious, but it would have been incredibly hypocritical were I to not be there supporting the team.

Attending this Thursday night will be incredibly difficult. Every trip to CommBank Stadium, or any venue in Sydney for that matter, is lengthy car journey. It will be tough getting to work the next day as I won’t get home until well after midnight, but our club and our team need those who can go to be there, so that’s what we will do.

I’m prepared to move past the events of last week, but I won’t forget them. I never want to experience those feelings ever again.

Therefore, as I prepare for that long drive to take up my seat in the CommBank Stadium stands, I want to look ahead to the potential of a better result this week.

Gutho celebrates with Sean Russell

I cannot wait to see the inspirational Clint Gutherson back in action. He’s been named at fullback, so he’ll be doing what he does best, organising the line of defenders in front of him, and chiming in to those backline shifts.

Equally, I’m eager to watch RCG and Junior being re-charged by the return of our fullback and halfback, and leading the Eels pack to winning the middle against the workmanlike Sharks forwards.

With Mitch and Dylan combining for the first time in over two months there will be extra speed and skill in the halves. If Hands can engage the markers and give them time, there will be greater opportunity for Parra’s attack to threaten.

Mitch Moses before the injury

If we think back to the opening rounds, we also saw the best of Bryce Cartwright when combining with Moses.

Just on the attack, I’m keen to see how Blaize will be injected into the game against a tiring defence. attacking a tiring defensive line.

My head isn’t in the sand. It would be easy to counter all of my optimism by highlighting the poor form of the last eight weeks. None of us are immune to the pain of those losses.

However, it’s time for some optimism, and for the players themselves to realise that they are capable of better. Because as much as the losses are fact, so too is it fact that the players can produce much better.

So my thoughts as I take my usual seat in the stands this Thursday will be this. “Come on boys, you can do this.”

The club, and importantly the fans, need to see something different this week. I am going to believe, some may say blindly, that the players can and will deliver.

See you all in the stands, bring your voices and be prepared to cheer.


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15 thoughts on “From The Stands – May 28, 2024: A Week To Be Optimistic?

  1. Graz

    Yes, Shelley, I too will be there as always and cheering as always, also with optimism. I have a good feeling about the game this week.

  2. pete

    Well said Shelley.
    Not sure what happened to your post last week? It seems to have been deleted? Is there a reason?

    1. sixties

      My call on that Pete. As we got closer to the match I made a judgement call on it. By the way, that decision was not a judgement on Shelley or her opinion. It was a tough week with very strong reactions all round.

    2. Shelley

      Hi Pete,
      We are all passionate and love our Eels, that is something we all have in common. No matter our personal views all fans want the best for our club. We are such a big fan base but we all want our club to be continually improving, however sometimes we differ on how we get there.
      That is why I personally love this site and have said that to the guys myself.

      1. sixties

        Cheers Shelley. Your work and opinions are highly valued by both TCT and our readers. And Pete, Shelley and I were in touch when the news first came out. We both share very strong opinions on what transpired last week, frankly it was a low point. But as you can see, as life long supporters, we want to move ahead with getting behind the team.

  3. McFersie

    Hats off to you, Shelly, for your commitment to the Eels. Hope you have a great evening and the trip home is euphoric.

  4. McFersie

    Sixties, I am too but will it be enough is the question. We’ll know soon enough. I’m looking forward to watching the game. Barrett was sensible to be cautious with the changes. Make haste slowly, as the saying goes. I suspect there will be a few more over the next month or so.

  5. Namrebo

    Thanks Shelley. Really enjoy reading your thoughts every week. I’ll be cheering the Eels on from here in Brisbane as always. As a tragic and supporter I have to!

    Good article last week also. Honest and the hurt was obvious.

    I’ve read now from Sixties that it was pulled. Unfortunate but sometimes these things happen for the better or worse. Not having ever, and will never, try and run one of these sites so I can only imagine all the difficulties and judgements that have to made around publications. I’ll leave that to the more experienced. Just know Shelley, that the last one definitely hit a chord.


    1. Shelley

      Good on you for watching. It is easy to switch off but what is that old saying ‘blue and gold never fold’.
      Thank you for your comment. We hurt watching our club and players struggle because the Eels are a generational fan base. We care and we are also intelligent footy fans.
      Let’s hope we enjoy the game tomorrow.

  6. John Eel

    Nice read Shelley. If it is any consolation to you. I live on the Central Coast, I will not get home until 1am. I travel to the game by train. It is safer than me driving.

    You inserted a photo of Gutho and Sean Russell celebrating a try. To me Sean looks 4 or 5cm taller than Gutho. Maybe it’s just the angle the photo is taken.

    Like others on here I have cautious optimism about tonight. It is a long time since beating the Sharks but I think the lift of having our two Generals return, Dylan back to where he is comfortable and for me a big Wiremu fan I am very pleased he gets to show yet again his very aggressive style of play.

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