The Cumberland Throw

From The Stands – May 14, 2024: A Question Of Service?

This week, I’ve decided to get specific about a couple of changes that need to be made at the Eels.

I’m not talking about the obvious changes that many supporters are calling for, given the lack of form and errors from the likes of Sivo and Lane.

Instead I want to make a couple of observations based on recent matches, including the loss to the Broncos.

My first observation has been noted by other supporters this season, but it was most evident from my vantage point at CommBank Stadium.

I sit in the stands behind the posts. This provides a view of the game that is only occasionally shown by the broadcasters, and it’s normally to break down a try.

In watching the Broncos from an “end on” view, the influence of the passing and engagement from in and around the ruck was telling.

The level of service from both Walters and Smoothy allowed them to get on the front foot in attack.

Billy Walters

Now let’s consider the Eels. It could not compare to the passing off the ground from the Broncos starting 9 and his interchange replacement.

As I watched from behind the posts, the difference between the service of the two sides was stark.

A strength of our Eels is the speed of Mitch and Dylan. For this strength to turn into an X factor we need to have a dummy half that delivers crisp passes that allow the receivers to run onto the ball.

If the Eels halves can get to the outside shoulder of defenders, it will create gaps and overlaps.

I don’t believe that our dummy halves are delivering that level of service.

Furthermore, The Rugby League Eye Test produced stats that showed the Eels sit at the bottom of the table for metres per run. How much is this attributable to the service out of dummy half?

It will interesting to see what happens with regard to this as our team goes forward. Those in attendance would have noted that Matt Arthur and Charlie Guymer were involved in the team warm up. Perhaps this is a pointer to upcoming changes? It probably should be.

Matt Arthur completed an NRL warm up

And now to my second point.

The conditions on Friday night were difficult and from the stands I thought it was an entertaining game despite the rain. Both teams looked to move the ball, which meant that we had no shortage of errors.

This is where it became very clear about another significant difference between the Eels and the Broncos. When Parra made an error, the Broncos had the pace to make them pay. The Eels could not return the blow when a similar opportunity presented itself to them.

In the modern game you need pace. This too has been noted by a multitude of supporters, but there is nothing that can be done about this in team selections this year. The roster won’t be changing.

Eels recruitment staff should have addressed this lack of pace a season or two ago, so moving forward it must be rectified as a matter of priority.

But it wasn’t all doom and gloom against the Broncos.

In the lead up to the game I noted a bit of a difference in player interviews, and even in those conducted by BA. In previous weeks, such interviews seemed to be a little apprehensive or maybe the better word to use is defensive.

Though I understand the reasons behind that, for supporters to detect any apprehension is not encouraging to see or hear.

But last week I got a different feel.

Things seemed more calm and assured. Obviously I am only looking from the outside, but to me it was palpable.

On the back of that, the team played with more confidence and even a bit more patience. Yes, things came unstuck through individual mistakes, but the Eels were aggressive, not impatient, in taking the game to the Broncos. Execution let the team down in those moments.

Hopgood hits it up against the Broncos

As a consequence, I left the ground far more confident with our potential future prospects than what I had been in previous weeks.

This week is Magic Round in Brisbane and a date with the Storm. Coincidentally, both teams will likely be without their half back and fullback.

Traditionally, the Eels have two types of games against the Storm, either brilliant with the team aiming up, or horrendous.

Our boys must aim up. Many teams are decimated with injuries and Origin is on the horizon. Which means that, though the Eels have failed to deliver over the last month, results will be unpredictable and the top 8 will remain wide open.

Time to deliver!


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6 thoughts on “From The Stands – May 14, 2024: A Question Of Service?

  1. Ron

    Shelley, do you think the current people in charge of the club have it in them to turn this around? Much ink has been spilt (on various forums) diagnosing problems and proffering potential solutions, but is there anything to even suggest that this mob in senior management at parra have it in them to plan and execute changes that are conducive to modern style of football? Is there anything to suggest even if they Band-Aid things now they won’t make same mistakes sooner or later? I still have some faith in the coach but I dont see anything that suggests I should have faith in those above him. They have let the coach and players down with flaccid recruitment and retention for far too long. They have let good players in pathways be picked up by other teams. They have let the nrlw gf team get raided. They have let the nrl team play the season with less than a top 30 for many years now. But sure – they will point to the shiny new centre of excellence and how we got to a gf a few years ago….

  2. Noel Beddoe

    Lussick is a strong and courageous centre forward. He is not a good dummy half. Giving supports quality ball is an art and in fact different players have different preferences as to how they like to receive the ball; Steven Edge was an artist and it’s fascinating to listen to Cooper Cronk talk about the art of pass delivery. If we had Apisai, for example, we’d be a different team. Young Arthur may well be our long term answer. It’s good to see Asi get recognition. When Mitch gets back DJ should be considered for left centre. We should certainly have ried him up for the next couple of years by this, him and Simonssen both.

    1. Joseph

      Interesting idea having DJ in the centres, he might just be the spark we lack on the left edge.

  3. Joseph

    Interesting observations there Shelley.
    Mahoney’s real strength was to bring the forwards onto the ball, his passing was swift and crisp, our forwards trusted his service, they could come into the ball without second checking their run. His service to Moses and Brown from the ruck was sublime. It all starts from the ruck, a sloppy pass usually leads to the next sloppy pass or an error, at best, poor slow service halts a players run into the defence.
    You could argue Moretti is a victim of poor dummy half service, I thought he was unlucky to be dropped.
    It’s unfortunate the timing is not ideal for Matt’s debut but when is the right time? BA is not going to change a winning team but he needs to address an underperforming one.
    I’m glad you haven’t given up on the season Shelley, I need people with more optimism than myself, the return of Moses and the blooding of Matt Arthur could reignite our team.
    This week is so crucial, it could very well be the make or break game for us.
    I’m predicting Arthur to debut when Moses returns.

  4. Macca

    It’s hard to stay positive when ba doesn’t drop out of form players I was convinced sevo lane and to a lesser extent lussick would be dropped.lane no aggression at all sevo we’ll where do I start if a winger makes the odd mistake every so often you could excuse because they should rarely make mistakes IMO but multiple mistakes every game wtf how does he keep selecting him omg

    1. John Eel

      Pre season BA was talking 12 to 18 months before MA made his debut. He said that he needed to bulk himself up and get a bit of size.

      These are desperate times so will he stick to that plan. Probably he does not want to put the kid under unnecessary pressure.

      However you never know I guess.

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