The Cumberland Throw

From The Stands – July 20, 2023: Accountability And Agendas

What has been worse since 2019 – the management/development of the Tigers or the management of the NRL referees and MRC?

It is a genuinely tough question.

Mr Annesley returned to the NRL in 2019 and has since been in charge of Elite Football and Refereeing.

What has improved in that time?

Journalists will never make him or those he has working under  him at the NRL truly accountable. The draw in 2023 highlights that the media giants get exactly what they want in terms of game scheduling and they will not bite the hand that feeds them.

Mr Annesley

Are Parra fans or others who are pointing out inconsistencies nothing but whingers, or are we merely highlighting flaws?

Personally I don’t care what perspective others take on those of us who speak out. I have zero faith in the ability or willingness of the NRL to create a game that is remotely fair and equal.

The loud and biased TV and print media commentary only strengthen my resolve to keep my blue and gold glasses firmly in place.

Certain journalists have used strong language to disparage RCG’s character this week. Yes, that tackle deserved suspension, but this is a player whose career has been fashioned on tough, fair football.

Those journos would not have the courage to make such character assassinations to RCG’s face. The genuine judges saw the incident as ugly but not intended.


Case in point. Even after the four week suspension was handed down, Paul Crawley continued his attack on Reg. Then on 360, as he again went on the offensive, one of his fellow panelists dared to refer to the Jayden Campbell tackle on Sean Russell.

How did Crawley respond? By talking over the top of him and going back over the Dylan Brown knees tackle. That’s right, he referenced an offence which also drew a multiple week suspension whilst ignoring the one which put a young player in hospital and had no case to answer.

Could there be a clearer example of an agenda than this?

Nothing to see here

In four weeks time I will cheer RCG on. I call on Parra fans to unapologetically defend him and our team because no one in the media will do so.

Why be so passionate in our support? It is an easy answer largely because of what I saw after the game on Sunday.

Parramatta players care about results. You could see the emotion all over their faces. You could see how desperately they care and want to win.

Being passionate doesn’t mean hiding from the truth. Poor discipline on and off the field has been costly for Parra this year. I want better for my team and so they too must be accountable for any discipline issues and fix it.

That starts now. Accountability applies to everyone.

Moving forward, the draw for our Eels is tough but there’s no reason why they can’t succeed. There should be no fear of teams that the Eels would be aiming to face in finals football anyway.

And as for those biased media types who will undoubtedly look to tear them down, I have one thing to say.

Bring it on!


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16 thoughts on “From The Stands – July 20, 2023: Accountability And Agendas

  1. June

    Great article as usual Shelley. the teams they love to disparage the most is the Tigers and the Eels. If we win it’s because the opposition played badly if we lose we played badly. We can’t win the media over no matter what we do.

      1. Brett Allen

        With every click on one of his articles, with every mention of his very name on social media, he becomes more and more valuable to his bosses at News Corp.

  2. Sec50

    Totally agree with your sentiments Shelley. The draw for Parra this year was an absolute disgrace. The officiating likewise. I gave up watching talking head shows about the NRL a long time ago. I refuse to watch the idiots from the Terrorgraph with their inane, unintelligible ramblings.I would suggest all Parra supporters do the same. It is good for one’s mental health
    Go Parra

  3. BDon

    Tks Shelley. The Jadyn Campbell knees was one of the worst judiciary calls I’ve ever seen. From memory they made a case that he didn’t lead with his knee, that his knee wasn’t the first point of contact, it was incidental and accidental, when it just doesn’t matter, you simply can’t slide into an opponent with your knees, full stop, simple, and throw in whilst a try is being scored. And the evidence was plain, ribs, lung, ambulance. The concept of accidental was removed many years back. According to them it was neither careless, reckless, dangerous, when you could even argue it had an element of intentional. Just ridiculously wrong.
    I haven’t moved on from the Junior Paulo jumper throw on Matt Ballin in 2015 (mentioned by Forty) which got 8 weeks and was totally farcical. I need a therapist.

    1. Anonymous

      BDon, I’m with you on the Campbell case. One of the most ridiculous decisions ever. They acted and spoke like his defence counsel.

    2. Anonymous

      Me either ,it was termed a rag doll tackle , people have been rag dolled over sideline every week since , the game use to be about the players with officials playing small role , total reverse now except officials dont get fined for their mistakes , WHY NOT mr annesly !!!!!!!

  4. Poppa

    Nicely put together Shelley, I hope that someone read’s this out before they run on….. maybe BA should ask you to do the pre game motivation. You actually stirred me up a little, lets hope we can do it again, something I am proud of them doing this season, i.e. winning when they are not expected to.
    As someone once told “Danny Crane” after he addressed the Supreme Court ….”you really are something!”

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