The Cumberland Throw

Post Game Grades – Round 22

Parramatta_Eels_logo.svg Parramatta Eels 10 – Manly Sea Eagles 9MWSE_2016_logo_website_white_text

The Good:

In the worst year in the history of our club, we still managed to beat the Bulldogs and Manly twice each. When we think back on 2016 – let’s focus on the brilliance of BA, the team cohesion and effort, and results such as these in the face of all that’s happened. 

The Bad:

Sure, we were missing half our team, had a 56% first half completion rate and couldn’t score a try to save our lives (thanks Bevo), but really you couldn’t ask for more under the circumstances. Also I must say I was a little disappointed with the turnout from the fans – worst turnout in 6 years apparently. 

The X-Factor:

The BA re-signing announcement just before the game must have done wonders for the boys in the sheds. Best news of the season.

I won’t mention the refereeing this week, I’m a little worried about the effect it’s having on Sixties’ long term health. 

The MVP:

Brad Arthur. Give him all the awards.

The Starters


1- Michael Gordon

Fullback, Parramatta Eels

Kicked 3 from 3 goals and even stepped aside at one point to give us a glimpse of Bevan at the back for 2017. Also had a linebreak, a sneaky offload and 131 running metres from his 13 runs. Sure, his passing game has question marks, but the man is a class act both on and off the field. Good bounce back game from some sub par games in recent weeks.

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2- Vai Toutai

Left Wing, Parramatta Eels

A huge 127 metres (from 13 runs), yet the customary one error in a try scoring position. Surely everyone knows by now the man is a better centre than he is winger. Good showing otherwise.

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3- Michael Jennings

Left Centre, Parramatta Eels

I was hoping the Penrith game would light a fire in him, and to be brutally honest – his salary suggests he should be one of our best each week. For last night at least, he was.

Jenko might be in a bit of a purple patch – The Jet took the second most hit ups of anyone on our team (14), and did so as a centre – that’s a really great sign regarding effort and involvement. The 133 (3rd on the team) running metres is also impressive.

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4- Brad Takairangi

Right Centre, Parramatta Eels

Thought he was very good and although we didn’t score in the second half, I thought we looked more dangerous once he moved to the 6 position. Grabbed himself 80 running metres from 8 runs, and also was a pretty reliable kicking option. Thought his braids were on point last night – congrats on 100 games too Taka, you legend.

Ps – How about that first half kick to force a drop out? It was 50 metres out and inch perfect. No offence to Gutho, but Taka is my first choice 5/8th in the current team. Also leaves an open centre spot for the Guthbus. But that’s me, and in BA I trust.

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5 – Bevan French

Right Wing, Parramatta Eels

I heard recently that he wants to be a one club player – if he continues his rapid improvement, I’m sure Parra will be happy to accommodate such a request. Yes, he needs more strength and needs not to be pushed around so frequently.

But the kid is super skillful. When you read (and presumably agreed with) that did you think of his first half try? Or that knock down intercept? Or his crafty work at fullback? Or his passing game? Exactly.

Notable nickname suggestions – The Croissant, Fries, Onion Soup, The Flying Frenchman, The Rocket, Asterix and my personal favourite – Champagne.

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– Clinton Gutherson

Five Eighth, Parramatta Eels

As above, admittedly he hasn’t continued to surge at 5/8th he showed in the Penrith game, but it doesn’t make me any less enamoured with his play this season. Whether he’s one in or standing at the back, I dare say Gutho will be one of our best next year.

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7 – Jeff Robson

Halfback, Parramatta Eels

Did a job for us and only missed 1 tackle from 24 attempts. Judging by his team photo I suspect he prefers night games.

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Daniel Alvaro

17- Daniel Alvaro

Prop, Parramatta Eels

As it is with most younger players, and props in particular, last night was a case of two steps forward one step back for Danny. The 28 tackles (with only one miss) is terrific, but the 82 running metres from 12 hit ups is less than ideal. Found himself going sideways on a couple of occasions, but he’ll be better for it. Nonetheless, his long term stock is still very much on the rise.

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9- Isaac De Gois

Hooker, Parramatta Eels

A typical IDG game with 30 tackles, good ruck service and a couple of good scoots from dummy half.

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10- Tim Mannah

Prop, Parramatta Eels

A good effort (95 running metres, 11 hit ups) in the middle against an otherwise relentless opposition pack. On a number of occasions I noticed he ran at the line thinking hit, spin and pass and this reduced his impact – plays better when he aims to break the line first then pass if that doesn’t pan out. Nonetheless, not a bad game Timmy.

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11- Manu Mau

Back Row, Parramatta Eels

I managed to decipher what Manu Mau said to the ref after one of the more questionable calls last night:

“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you’re looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money… but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.”

In other news his 145 metres were seriously impressive against a Manly pack which limited a lot of what our forward pack tried to do. I love what he does. From a safe distance.

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12- Beau Scott (c)

Back Row, Parramatta Eels

The first 5 minutes were maybe the best of the match, great viewing. Not a great statistical game, (6 hit ups, 40 metres) but I can’t help but love what he does in the blue and gold each week. According to Beau the injury isn’t too serious. Then again, it is Beau.

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13- Tepai Moreoa

Lock, Parramatta Eels

The man is a concussion magnet. As said above, Manly did very well against our forward pack last night, and Tepai was no exception with his 69 running metres from 11 hit ups. Hope he’s feeling better before Round 23 rolls around.

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14- Kaysa Pritchard

Interchange, Parramatta Eels

Thought we looked much sharper with him at dummy half, but his playing style still makes me fear for his long term safety. A IDG matching 30 tackles was a also a nice contribution.

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15- Peni Terepo

Interchange, Parramatta Eels

Another victim of Manly’s impressive forward pack dominance with only 62 metres to his name (from 10 hit ups). Nonetheless, 25 tackles and yet another mistake free game from Peni are always welcome sights to see.

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16- Kenny Edwards

Interchange, Parramatta Eels

He and Manu seemed to be the only two immune from Manly’s forwards, likely because they ran at Dylan Walker, DCE and the centres all night. A team high 166 metres from only 13 hit ups is a very impressive statistical game.

Evidently he’s still not immune from cramping up in the 79th minute. Kenny has more cramps than Jarryd Hayne has dreams.

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8- Danny Wicks

Interchange, Parramatta Eels

Came off the bench for a pretty impressive 110 metres (from 13 hit ups) in trying conditions. Also a huge 34 tackles. Kudos mate.

Ps – You still owe me 50 bucks, Wicksy.

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Photos courtesy of the Parramatta Eels.

Stats courtesy of Champion Data via the Sportsfan site.

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16 thoughts on “Post Game Grades – Round 22

  1. sixties

    Ma’u and Edwards were threatening all night.
    Yes, the refs are threatening my health but the flag boy restored my faith with that last penalty.
    My name for French – “Le-Freak” – it even gives him a theme song!

    1. Colin Hussey

      60’s love the nick name for French & could not get a better one.

      Based on what I saw on 9 last night, the referering while not great, was not too bad really. I think the early exchanges had him a bit perplexed & gave Manly a penalty rather than the eels which was wrong. The amount of niggle from both sides was incredible.

      I took particular note on 2 Manly players, Lussick & Vave. Lussick had the best game I have ever seen from him shame he never produced it here.

      Vave, I watched closely as he’s supposed to be coming here, next year. I thought his game was down a bit on what I have seen in the past, yet I think he will work in well here. To me, the best player on the field was Edwards. probablly for two reasons. The penalty tap & run, what 60 odd metres before the opposition finally pulled him down. Great stuff. The second reason was his audition for the green keepers position at the new stadium at the 79th minute have to watch it again.

      1. John Eel

        Best game that I have seen from Edwards since he temporarily filled in at 5/8. Needs to work on his leg conditioning though those cramps are getting serious.

  2. Hamsammich

    I wouldn’t be giving Beau Scott anything less than an A+. Did you see how easily he dropped lussick? I think he would have killed him if it were allowed

  3. mitch Post author

    It was remiss of me not to mention Jamie Buhrer’s contribution to our victory. Felt like 3 errors and 2 penalties.

    Once a Parra boy, always a Parra boy.

  4. Glenn

    I’ll keep saying it, even though some disagree, our props are just too small against larger packs, and Manly has a large pack. They need to start offloading before and thru the line, which they don’t, as they generally are too small and struggle to break the line and make big metres.

    1. Colin Hussey

      I see the big fella Solomona at the Storm still hasn’t been signed yet, he could be a good pick up at the right price.

    2. mitch Post author

      I agree Glenn – I think we’re two or three players short of being serious next season. I think you’ll find we’ll be fielding a few more NRL forwards in our pack next season that are currently at other clubs. Other than Vave.

      1. Colin Hussey

        I notice that Solomona has yet to re-sign with the Storm. Problem with him the last time I watched him before the injury he did some good stuff early on but seemed to slow down fairly quick, probably needs the match conditioning that Rory has had to gain in his first year.

  5. John Eel

    I think that they know our forwards are not going to pass which gives them the luxury of being able to gang tackle each time. I think it was Beau Scott got a pass away after hitting the line and we made good metres on the back of the second phase.

    1. mitch Post author

      I always love a bit of second phase when we’re winning the battle, although it’s difficult in poor field position.

  6. Jim

    How good was that game. Beau Scott giving it to Lussick was awesome & the team as a whole played good tough footy. I know the Eels have had teams in the past that look fancy with the footy in hand but not much in the way of defence or a tough attitude, but I really like watching our boys this season & I just expect them to be in the game for 80 minutes & they don’t disappoint.
    Go The Mighty Eels

    1. mitch Post author

      completely agree. watching the game live was great, but admittedly the replay was a little less than exciting.

      nonetheless, we got the win and I couldn’t be more proud. we shouldn’t be in any games for the past few weeks, tonight we even jagged a win. love this team, can’t wait for next season.

  7. John Eel

    We are currently getting a bad run in the press however most commentators and also fans of other clubs are starting to begrudgingly applaud the Eels in the way that they are able to play the game out for the full 80 minutes.

    For 2017 all we need to do is play the same committed football and find a way to score more points.

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