The Cumberland Throw

Eels Pre-season Training – NYC Match-Up (January 26, 2016)

It’s early morning on Australia Day, a day for kicking back in shorts and thongs, but the NRL and NYC squads are hard at work. Today, it’s two simultaneous opposed sessions which will give the coaches a good look at the NYC squad as well as sharpening the NRL combinations. Forty/20 will compile an evaluation of the NYC boys separate to this report.

The Format

The match ups began with the NYC squads having possession for set after set attacking the NRL lines. Each defended set was followed up with a line drop out or scrum re-start. This obviously provided the NRL boys with defensive practice as well as giving the NYC an opportunity to developing some attacking shape.

In the next phase, the NRL players took possession against the NYC players who were using tackle pads. This was mainly an opportunity for the NRL boys to work through a set, as the play the ball was very quick without any wrestle to slow up the ruck.

Finally the session became a full opposed match up with shared possession and referee control. The NRL team was able to use this simulation to dominate the play. Even without aggressive forward charges, the skill level of the NRL players shone in the execution of the plays.

Jennings - a formidable combination is shaping up on the left with Semi.

Jennings – a formidable combination is shaping up on the left with Semi.

NRL Highlights

  • Mitch Cornish worked outstandingly in the halves
  • Corey Norman is excelling this pre-season and seems to be enjoying every moment of it
  • We will benefit greatly from fielding an experienced and skilful fullback – Gordon opened up opportunities with every injection into the backs
  • Jennings looks very confident next to Semi – I can’t wait to see this combination in a match
  • Bodies in motion was a feature – dummy runners, alternative recipients, sweep plays, cut outs – there seems to be many more options
  • Some of the boys were really fired up during this session – Kenny Edwards was a prominent voice
  • French and Twal lined up for the NYC team today
Kenny Edwards - a strong performer and a dominant voice.

Kenny Edwards – a strong performer and a dominant voice.

Authors Note

Matches were being played on both fields at the same time, with likely Wenty players on one field and likely NRL players on the other. With the difficulty of tracking two matches, I decided to focus my attention on the NRL squad.

Quite a crew of spectators turned up today, and we’d like to thank Anthony Field and Nathan Cayless for their time.

It’s back to the real world and work tomorrow. I will endeavour to provide weekly pre-season training updates through some valued correspondents.



All photos courtesy of the Parramatta Eels



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10 thoughts on “Eels Pre-season Training – NYC Match-Up (January 26, 2016)

  1. Xxxxxxx

    Good report as usual ,just a mention mate ,everyone is excited about the things the new guys bring to the side and rightly so but the overlooked factor is what the dear departed have taken with them ,Liabilities , suspensions , serial penaltys and a lack of commitment so these minus’s are every bit if not more as important as the plus’s !! For me its just as important the people we wont have to endure seeing in blue and gold as it is seeing great recruits that want to honour our colours !

    1. sixties Post author

      That’s a huge part of creating the attitude and toughness that will see the team succeed and then be an essential part of the culture moving forward.

  2. ParraMedic

    Another great report Sixties.
    I’m wondering how Bevan French is going with our pre-season training. Is he going to be the investment we were all hoping. I’m hoping he will develop in leaps and bounds with Gordon mentoring him.

    1. sixties Post author

      I believe that our younger players may be selected in their appropriate age teams to begin the year – as evidenced by full time trainers like Twal, French and Fuimaono playing in the NYC team today. After that, they will probably look to a shift to NSW Cup if form warrants.

  3. Rosco

    Hi Sixties,

    Thanks so much for all your informative reports on our great team. I’m really looking forward to the season kicking off and us being very competitive and in with a strong chance of winning every game. I was just wondering if you are able to share with us as to what side Kieran Foran is training on ? I understand if this is something that this might be something that we want to keep on the low down, but if you feel appropriate to disclose I would be very interested to know. Cheers mate.

    1. sixties Post author

      Rosco, Keiren was doing individual conditioning. In my time watching the field work, Keiran has mixed up doing match simulations and conditioning. It’s been part of preparing him for the season. We need him to be in his best condition. When he has done the simulation work it’s been a revelation.

  4. BadBoyBoogie


    Based on your time watching the opposed play, any idea what the round one bench will look like? For example do you think Alvaro will have a spot, or could there be a surprise utility/hooker position? Even the Gower over Edwards debate, can you shine some light on that?

    P.S. doing great things with this site. Very enjoyable reads

    1. sixties Post author

      Cheers mate. It’s been very difficult to decide. At this stage I’d rate Tepai and Alvaro as certainties for the bench. I reckon the other 2 spots will be another forward and a dummy half/utility. The other forward position will be based on fitness. About 3 of the contenders aren’t doing full contact at the moment. The dummy half/utility position I believe will be determined by the trials. I reckon Peats will get the first shot at dummy half, leaving IDG, King, Pritchard and Cornish battling it out. It could be any of those – seriously! Chris will be taking a punt on this topic before any trials, so feel free to comment on his post.

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